- aboutus.orgWorldwide Rank1,522
- aboutus.orgMonthly Users*4,288,186138,328.58 per day*
- aboutus.orgMonthly Pageviews*16,252,224524,265.29 per day*
aboutus.org updated ago
Wiki - AboutUs Wiki PageFrom AboutUs: See what information we have on Wiki and share your knowledge.
aboutus.org is a website that ranks 1,522 in Alexa. aboutus.org is ranked 2,827 on statisy and has 12,106 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at May 09 2000 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) aboutus.org is identical to the domain name aboutus.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named aboutus. The aboutus.org Server is hosted by Whidbey Internet Services and is located in United States (Washington). aboutus.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing aboutus.org's demographics we have determined that aboutus.org average users are 45-54 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that aboutus.org's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about aboutus.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Caucasian.aboutus.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsaboutus.org Statistics Icons
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aboutus.org Backlinks (12,106 total backlinks)
- 0
- 6,550
- 526
- 2,600
- 2,430
aboutus.org Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,740 0.08% 0% 3 57.5% 2.8 23.9%
- 7 day 1,686 0.08% 0% 3.33 58.4% 2.95 23.9%
- 1 month 1,609 0.0818% 0% 3.45 58.5% 2.82 23.4%
- 3 month 1,522 0.0826% 0% 3.79 57.9% 2.84 24.1%
aboutus.org Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- aboutus.org 99.7% 16,203,467 4,275,321
- images.aboutus.org 0.2% 32,504 8,576
- blog.aboutus.org 0.1% 16,252 4,288
- OTHER 0% 0 0
aboutus.org Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 1,160 28.8% 4,680,641 1,234,998
- India 623 17.9% 2,909,148 767,585
- United Kingdom 908 6.3% 1,023,890 270,156
- Germany 2,327 4.3% 698,846 184,392
- Pakistan 429 2.9% 471,314 124,357
- Canada 1,429 2.6% 422,558 111,493
- Indonesia 1,410 2.3% 373,801 98,628
- Australia 1,118 2.2% 357,549 94,340
- Russian Federation 4,307 1.8% 292,540 77,187
- Italy 3,302 1.6% 260,036 68,611
- Islamic Republic of Iran 2,475 1.4% 227,531 60,035
- South Africa 1,230 1.3% 211,279 55,746
- Spain 3,120 1.3% 211,279 55,746
- France 5,678 1% 162,522 42,882
- Thailand 2,079 0.9% 146,270 38,594
- Turkey 3,744 0.9% 146,270 38,594
- Netherlands 2,853 0.9% 146,270 38,594
- Saudi Arabia 2,749 0.9% 146,270 38,594
- China 30,289 0.9% 146,270 38,594
- Sweden 1,721 0.8% 130,018 34,305
- Japan 15,365 0.8% 130,018 34,305
- Austria 1,666 0.7% 113,766 30,017
- Ireland 941 0.7% 113,766 30,017
- Nigeria 1,328 0.7% 113,766 30,017
- Mexico 4,718 0.7% 113,766 30,017
- Switzerland 1,560 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Romania 2,361 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Philippines 1,388 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Bangladesh 1,323 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Brazil 6,695 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Egypt 3,007 0.6% 97,513 25,729
- Poland 5,335 0.5% 81,261 21,441
- Greece 2,632 0.5% 81,261 21,441
- Israel 1,176 0.5% 81,261 21,441
- Other 10.1% 1,641,475 433,107
aboutus.org Keywords
- 0.65% recovery.alexa.com
- 0.22% About us
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- 0.08% 4gif
- 0.07% aboutus
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- 0.04% mp3raid
- 0.04% aboutus.org
- 0.04% ikea usa
- 0.04% W3SCHOOLS
- 0.17% About us
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- 0.01% halfords
- 0.01% inethouse
- 0.01% connectedy
- 0.01% polo motorrad
- 0.58% recovery.alexa.com
- 0.05% 4megaupload
- 0.04% tv shack
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- 0.03% totally nsfw
- 0.02% applous
- 0.02% ipad wiki
- 0.02% tvshack
- 0.02% friv
aboutus.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns4.dnsmadeeasy.com 5,908 70
- ns0.dnsmadeeasy.com 5,921 68
- ns1.dnsmadeeasy.com 5,936 66
- ns2.dnsmadeeasy.com 5,923 67
- ns3.dnsmadeeasy.com 5,921 69
aboutus.org Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.8.31
- Powered By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 2.2.5
- IP Address:
- ISP: Whidbey Internet Services
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Washington
- City: Bellingham
- Latitude: 48.7982
- Longitude: -122.41
- Postal Code: 98226
- Website Age: old
48.7982,-122.41aboutus.org IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Whidbey Internet Services 6295 arin
aboutus.org Demographics
- 18-24-12
- 25-34-3
- 35-344
- 45-547
- 55-646
- 65+2
- No College-2
- Some College1
- College-4
- Graduate School4
- $0 - $30K-1
- $30 - $60K-1
- $60 - $100K2
- $100K+1
- Male14
- Female-11
Has Children
- Yes-3
- No3
Browsing Location
- Home-4
- School-20
- Work6
- African-8
- African American-3
- Asian-14
- Caucasian19
- Hispanic-9
- Middle Eastern-5
- Other-2
Powered By Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 2.2.5
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Runs On nginx/0.8.31
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