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aebn.net Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 1,723 0.0707% 0% 5.67 39.3% 4.42 3.2%
- 1 month 1,802 0.0674% 0% 6.07 39.1% 4.51 2.6%
- 7 day 1,904 0.064% 0% 6.6 38.4% 5.03 2.4%
- Yesterday 2,326 0.056% 0% 5.8 41.9% 4.4 2.8%
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- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- theater.aebn.net 45.5% 9,072,168 1,600,030
- galleries.aebn.net 27.7% 5,523,056 974,084
- freexxxvideoclip.aebn.net 14% 2,791,436 492,317
- freempegs.aebn.net 5.8% 1,156,452 203,960
- aebn.net 4% 797,553 140,662
- traffic-red.aebn.net 0.7% 139,572 24,616
- pic.aebn.net 0.5% 99,694 17,583
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- theaterbuilder.aebn.net 0.1% 19,939 3,517
- secure.aebn.net 0.1% 19,939 3,517
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- United Kingdom 1,922 3.6% 717,798 126,596
- Canada 1,030 3.2% 638,043 112,530
- Brazil 1,924 3.1% 618,104 109,013
- Spain 1,722 2.7% 538,348 94,947
- Italy 1,859 2.7% 538,348 94,947
- Japan 5,358 2.6% 518,410 91,430
- France 3,435 2.3% 458,593 80,881
- Mexico 1,711 2.3% 458,593 80,881
- Egypt 975 1.8% 358,899 63,298
- Algeria 691 1.6% 319,021 56,265
- Russian Federation 7,497 1.5% 299,082 52,748
- Australia 2,024 1.3% 259,205 45,715
- Venezuela 846 1.2% 239,266 42,199
- Netherlands 2,021 1.2% 239,266 42,199
- Thailand 2,241 1% 199,388 35,165
- Indonesia 4,858 0.9% 179,449 31,649
- Iraq 305 0.9% 179,449 31,649
- Switzerland 882 0.9% 179,449 31,649
- Turkey 4,531 0.8% 159,511 28,132
- China 28,951 0.8% 159,511 28,132
- Argentina 2,434 0.8% 159,511 28,132
- Nigeria 1,673 0.7% 139,572 24,616
- Bangladesh 1,833 0.7% 139,572 24,616
- Morocco 792 0.7% 139,572 24,616
- Pakistan 7,579 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- Greece 2,770 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- Belgium 2,229 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- South Africa 4,613 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- Portugal 2,067 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- Peru 1,798 0.6% 119,633 21,099
- Other 11.2% 2,233,149 393,853
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- Domain Total Rank
- ns2-auth.aebn.net 60 7,187
- ns1-auth.aebn.net 60 7,186
aebn.net Server Info
- Server Type: Resin/3.1.1
- IP Address:
- ISP: Carolina Internet, Ltd.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: North Carolina
- City: Charlotte
- Latitude: 35.1681
- Longitude: -80.9153
- Postal Code: 28217
35.1681,-80.9153aebn.net IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Carolina Internet, Ltd. 13618 arin
aebn.net Demographics
- 18-24-5
- 25-34-12
- 35-346
- 45-5412
- 55-6410
- 65+-1
- No College5
- Some College14
- College-3
- Graduate School-7
- $0 - $30K-4
- $30 - $60K-3
- $60 - $100K2
- $100K+6
- Male49
- Female-35
Has Children
- Yes-11
- No15
Browsing Location
- Home38
- School11
- Work-23
- African4
- African American29
- Asian-26
- Caucasian34
- Hispanic1
- Middle Eastern-17
- Other-8
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