- allocine.frWorldwide Rank700
- allocine.frMonthly Users*7,595,955245,030.81 per day*
- allocine.frMonthly Pageviews*42,993,1031,386,874.29 per day*
allocine.fr updated ago
AlloCiné : Cinéma, Séries TV, Stars, Vidéos, DVD et VODAlloCiné, le site de référence du cinéma et des séries tv ! Découvrez notre recherche d'horaires de films, le programme tv de vos séries préférées, l'actualité ciné et séries, les émissions AlloCiné, les dernières bandes-annonces, et plus encore.
allocine.fr is a website that ranks 700 in Alexa. allocine.fr is ranked 1,258 on statisy and has 3,795,176 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) allocine.fr is identical to the domain name allocine.fr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix fr and is named allocine. The allocine.fr Server is hosted by NEUF CEGETEL (formerly LDCOM NETWORKS) and is located in France (Ile-de-France). allocine.fr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing allocine.fr's demographics we have determined that allocine.fr average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that allocine.fr's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about allocine.fr's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are African.allocine.fr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsallocine.fr Statistics Icons
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allocine.fr Backlinks (3,795,176 total backlinks)
- 2,380,000
- 3,400
- 1,410,000
- 1,550
- 226
allocine.fr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 711 0.156% 0% 5 30.5% 4.84 35.9%
- 7 day 696 0.15% 0% 5.7 29.6% 5.51 36.4%
- 1 month 752 0.1406% 0% 5.59 29.6% 5.53 36.8%
- 3 month 700 0.1464% 0% 5.66 29.3% 5.54 37.6%
allocine.fr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- allocine.fr 97.1% 41,746,303 7,375,672
- img5.allocine.fr 1.5% 644,897 113,939
- blogs.allocine.fr 0.6% 257,959 45,576
- OTHER 0.2% 85,986 15,192
- smart.allocine.fr 0.2% 85,986 15,192
- leblog.allocine.fr 0.2% 85,986 15,192
- allocine.com 0.1% 42,993 7,596
- versionfemina.allocine.fr 0% 0 0
- glowria.allocine.fr 0% 0 0
- mon.allocine.fr 0% 0 0
- iphone.allocine.fr 0% 0 0
allocine.fr Keywords
- 0.68% shutter island
- 0.26% alice au pays des merveilles
- 0.2% dexter
- 0.17% From Paris with Love
- 0.16% la rafle
- 0.13% valentine's day
- 0.13% the box
- 0.13% ninja assassin
- 0.11% spartacus blood and sand
- 0.11% bad lieutenant
- 1.74% avatar
- 0.32% invictus
- 0.25% paranormal activity
- 0.14% 2012
- 0.14% District 9
- 0.12% avatar le film
- 0.11% true blood
- 0.1% very bad trip
- 0.1% inglorious bastards
- 0.09% laura smet
allocine.fr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- wns1.allocine.fr 2 151,485
- wns2.allocine.fr 2 151,487
- ns1.allocine.net 5 74,437
- ns2.allocine.net 5 74,436
allocine.fr Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.6.32
- Powered By: ASP.NET
- IP Address:
- Country Name: France
- Region: Ile-de-France
- City: Le Kremlin-bicêtre
- Latitude: 48.8167
- Longitude: 2.3667
- Postal Code:
48.8167,2.3667allocine.fr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- NEUF CEGETEL (formerly LDCOM NETWORKS) 15557 ripencc
allocine.fr Demographics
- 18-2422
- 25-3418
- 35-34-2
- 45-54-24
- 55-64-29
- 65+0
- No College-31
- Some College-36
- College-27
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K29
- $30 - $60K12
- $60 - $100K-16
- $100K+-23
- Male1
- Female-4
Has Children
- Yes-13
- No18
Browsing Location
- Home3
- School10
- Work-4
- African49
- African American-18
- Asian-44
- Caucasian30
- Hispanic-25
- Middle Eastern7
- Other25
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- 18-24