- alriyadh.com.saWorldwide Rank1,753
- alriyadh.com.saMonthly Users*3,680,053118,711.39 per day*
- alriyadh.com.saMonthly Pageviews*15,161,819489,090.94 per day*
alriyadh.com.sa updated ago
جريدة الرياضalriyadh.com.sa is a website that ranks 1,753 in Alexa. alriyadh.com.sa is ranked 3,136 on statisy and has 15 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Mar 28 1998 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) alriyadh.com.sa is identical to the domain name alriyadh.com.sa. The domain is registered under the domain suffix com.sa and is named alriyadh. The alriyadh.com.sa Server is hosted by Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Foundation Program for and is located in Saudi Arabia (). alriyadh.com.sa is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing alriyadh.com.sa's demographics we have determined that alriyadh.com.sa average users are 18-24 years old, with No College. We also have determined that alriyadh.com.sa's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about alriyadh.com.sa's average user, they have Children and browse from School and are African.alriyadh.com.sa's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsalriyadh.com.sa Statistics Icons
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alriyadh.com.sa Backlinks (15 total backlinks)
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alriyadh.com.sa Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,977 0.069% 0% 3.6 38.4% 5.2 34.8%
- 7 day 1,727 0.075% 0% 3.77 39.8% 5.07 35.4%
- 1 month 1,769 0.0715% 0% 4.19 37.8% 5.57 34.9%
- 3 month 1,753 0.0708% 0% 4.12 38.8% 5.44 35.3%
alriyadh.com.sa Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- alriyadh.com 99.7% 15,116,334 3,669,013
- alriyadh.com.sa 0.2% 30,324 7,360
- alriyadh-np.com 0.1% 15,162 3,680
- pan.alriyadh.com 0.1% 15,162 3,680
alriyadh.com.sa Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Saudi Arabia 21 74% 11,219,746 2,723,239
- Egypt 734 3.8% 576,149 139,842
- United States 20,228 2.1% 318,398 77,281
- Syrian Arab Republic 141 2.1% 318,398 77,281
- Kuwait 388 1.6% 242,589 58,881
- United Arab Emirates 337 1.6% 242,589 58,881
- Algeria 965 1.5% 227,427 55,201
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 266 1.5% 227,427 55,201
- Lebanon 91 1.3% 197,104 47,841
- Yemen 233 1.3% 197,104 47,841
- Qatar 406 1% 151,618 36,801
- Australia 3,759 0.7% 106,133 25,760
- Jordan 182 0.7% 106,133 25,760
- Iraq 1,006 0.6% 90,971 22,080
- Oman 693 0.6% 90,971 22,080
- Sudan 999 0.6% 90,971 22,080
- India 31,791 0.6% 90,971 22,080
- United Kingdom 12,454 0.6% 90,971 22,080
- Bahrain 167 0.5% 75,809 18,400
- Other 3.3% 500,340 121,442
alriyadh.com.sa Keywords
- 10.11% جريدة الرياض
- 9.25% الرياض
- 1.43% جريده الرياض
- 0.57% صحيفة الرياض
- 0.52% جريدة اليوم
- 0.36% وزارة العمل
- 0.36% alriyadh
- 0.33% جريدة
- 0.32% بلاك بيري
- 0.31% اليوم
- 1.84% جريدة الرياض
- 1.31% الرياض
- 0.33% hgvdhq
- 0.27% وظائف
- 0.23% وزارة العمل
- 0.18% سعيد سرحان الكبرى
- 0.13% الفيس بوك
- 0.12% المدرب الافضل
- 0.11% بنك الرياض
- 0.1% جريده الريلض
- 0.19% بلاك بيري
- 0.13% صحيفة الرياض
- 0.11% جدول دوري زين
- 0.09% مبتعث
- 0.09% اليوم
- 0.08% the beatles
- 0.07% مصرف الراجحي
- 0.07% نادي القرن
- 0.07% data mining
- 0.07% دوري زين
alriyadh.com.sa DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.medu.net.sa 12 35,269
- ns1.medu.net.sa 12 35,270
alriyadh.com.sa Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.5.33
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10
- IP Address:
- ISP: Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Foundation Program for
- Country Name: Saudi Arabia
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 25
- Longitude: 45
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
25,45alriyadh.com.sa IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Foundation Program for 28938 ripencc
alriyadh.com.sa Demographics
- 18-2437
- 25-34-6
- 35-34-11
- 45-54-21
- 55-64-28
- 65+0
- No College35
- Some College-3
- College26
- Graduate School-27
- $0 - $30K-10
- $30 - $60K-7
- $60 - $100K8
- $100K+21
- Male-10
- Female9
Has Children
- Yes25
- No-18
Browsing Location
- Home24
- School31
- Work-20
- African49
- African American1
- Asian23
- Caucasian-49
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern49
- Other-33
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- 18-24