- amazon.caWorldwide Rank3,056
- amazon.caMonthly Users*1,976,09063,744.84 per day*
- amazon.caMonthly Pageviews*12,409,845400,317.58 per day*
amazon.ca updated ago
Amazon.ca: Online shopping for Canadians - books, electronics, music, DVDs, software, video games & moreAmazon.ca: Online shopping for Canadians - books, electronics, music, DVDs, software, video games & more. Free shipping available on orders over $39.
amazon.ca Tags
amazon.ca is a website that ranks 3,056 in Alexa. amazon.ca is ranked 3,692 on statisy and has 5,887,003 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) amazon.ca is identical to the domain name amazon.ca. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ca and is named amazon. The amazon.ca Server is hosted by Amazon.com, Inc. and is located in United States (Washington). amazon.ca is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing amazon.ca's demographics we have determined that amazon.ca average users are 55-64 years old, with College. We also have determined that amazon.ca's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about amazon.ca's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Caucasian.amazon.ca's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsamazon.ca Statistics Icons
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amazon.ca Backlinks (5,887,003 total backlinks)
- 5,180,000
- 2,423
- 701,000
- 1,910
- 1,670
amazon.ca Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 3,000 0.038% 0% 6.8 26.4% 4.41 23.9%
- 7 day 2,925 0.0405% 0% 6.5 30.4% 4.62 19.5%
- 1 month 3,076 0.0387% 0% 6.21 32% 4.46 20.7%
- 3 month 3,056 0.0381% 0% 6.28 32.4% 4.49 21.1%
amazon.ca Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- amazon.ca 89.3% 11,081,992 1,764,648
- s1.amazon.ca 6.9% 856,279 136,350
- associates.amazon.ca 3.6% 446,754 71,139
- widgets.amazon.ca 0.1% 12,410 1,976
- astore.amazon.ca 0% 0 0
amazon.ca Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Canada 78 58.3% 7,234,940 1,152,060
- United States 5,715 13.9% 1,724,968 274,677
- India 9,186 4% 496,394 79,044
- China 13,111 3.2% 397,115 63,235
- United Kingdom 5,744 2.3% 285,426 45,450
- Thailand 2,500 1.3% 161,328 25,689
- Australia 4,179 1.1% 136,508 21,737
- Russian Federation 20,791 0.9% 111,689 17,785
- Germany 29,070 0.9% 111,689 17,785
- Brazil 8,304 0.8% 99,279 15,809
- Mexico 10,578 0.7% 86,869 13,833
- Italy 16,274 0.7% 86,869 13,833
- Bangladesh 3,975 0.6% 74,459 11,857
- Japan 37,431 0.5% 62,049 9,880
- France 19,357 0.5% 62,049 9,880
- Other 10.3% 1,278,214 203,537
amazon.ca Keywords
- 5.38% Amazon
- 3.2% amazon.ca
- 0.72% amazon canada
- 0.33% amazon ca
- 0.25% amazon books
- 0.22% Amazon.com
- 0.19% Amazone
- 0.12% amazon.com books
- 0.08% amazon music
- 0.07% amazon.canada
- 0.06% amazone.com
- 0.04% Amazone
- 0.04% astore
- 0.03% amazon ca
- 0.03% nikki yanofsky
- 0.03% dog whisperer
- 0.03% amazon affiliates
- 0.03% ad hoc at home
- 0.02% amazon.ca books
- 0.02% mark sartori
- 0.59% amazon.ca
- 0.37% Amazon
- 0.13% Amazon.com
- 0.08% amazon.com books
- 0.03% cheap ps3
- 0.02% runners world
- 0.02% amazon canada
- 0.02% catching fire
- 0.02% martha stewart
- 0.02% both painfully & sweetly - tchaikovsky
amazon.ca DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- PDNS6.ULTRADNS.CO.UK 4,524 102
amazon.ca Server Info
- Server Type: Server
- IP Address:
- ISP: Amazon.com, Inc.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Washington
- City: Seattle
- Latitude: 47.6026
- Longitude: -122.328
- Postal Code: 98104
47.6026,-122.328amazon.ca IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Amazon.com, Inc. 16509 arin
- Amazon.com, Inc. 16509 arin
amazon.ca Demographics
- 18-24-4
- 25-34-7
- 35-343
- 45-544
- 55-6419
- 65+-7
- No College-6
- Some College-4
- College5
- Graduate School-1
- $0 - $30K-14
- $30 - $60K-5
- $60 - $100K14
- $100K+10
- Male-11
- Female15
Has Children
- Yes-4
- No5
Browsing Location
- Home15
- School-11
- Work-13
- African-29
- African American-19
- Asian-29
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-26
- Middle Eastern-24
- Other-22
Runs On Server
- Domain PR Rank
- zemis.com 0 704,787
- imdb.com 9 120
- imdb.net 0 707,248
- amazon.co.uk 0 344
- teenagesluts.com 0 711,165
amazon.ca Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- piuchepuoi.it 0 0
- zemis.com 0 704,787
- imdb.com 9 120
- imdb.net 0 707,248
- gogostat.com 3 712,555
- amazion.com 0 713,232
- amazon.com 0 90
- sellercentral.com 0 717,875
- anazon.com 0 344,534
- smartycard.com 4 726,788
- 18-24