- amung.usWorldwide Rank722
- amung.usMonthly Users*9,858,042318,001.35 per day*
- amung.usMonthly Pageviews*20,406,147658,262.81 per day*
amung.us updated ago
whos.amung.us - about usAll about whos.amung.us. What we do, how we started, etc.
amung.us is a website that ranks 722 in Alexa. amung.us is ranked 2,340 on statisy and has 6,052 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) amung.us is identical to the domain name amung.us. The domain is registered under the domain suffix us and is named amung. The amung.us Server is hosted by Steadfast Networks and is located in United States (Colorado). amung.us is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing amung.us's demographics we have determined that amung.us average users are 18-24 years old, with No College. We also have determined that amung.us's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about amung.us's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Asian.amung.us's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsamung.us Statistics Icons
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amung.us Backlinks (6,052 total backlinks)
- 5,260
- 274
- 181
- 249
- 88
amung.us Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 575 0.235% 0% 2.05 60.6% 3.23 3.2%
- 7 day 682 0.204% 0% 2.06 60.5% 3.19 2.3%
- 1 month 701 0.1989% 0% 2.1 59.8% 3.3 2.3%
- 3 month 722 0.1902% 0% 2.07 60% 3.25 2.4%
amung.us Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- whos.amung.us 99.4% 20,283,710 9,798,894
- showcase.amung.us 0.3% 61,218 29,574
- amung.us 0.2% 40,812 19,716
- assets.amung.us 0% 0 0
- is.amung.us 0% 0 0
- who.amung.us 0% 0 0
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- widgets.amung.us 0% 0 0
amung.us Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- India 369 14.2% 2,897,673 1,399,842
- Turkey 167 7.1% 1,448,836 699,921
- United States 2,617 6.9% 1,408,024 680,205
- Indonesia 195 6.4% 1,305,993 630,915
- Pakistan 109 6.4% 1,305,993 630,915
- Brazil 372 5.2% 1,061,120 512,618
- Italy 548 4.1% 836,652 404,180
- Spain 675 2.9% 591,778 285,883
- Peru 98 2.6% 530,560 256,309
- Greece 237 2.3% 469,341 226,735
- Germany 2,217 2.3% 469,341 226,735
- Russian Federation 1,729 1.9% 387,717 187,303
- Mexico 837 1.8% 367,311 177,445
- Argentina 321 1.7% 346,904 167,587
- Egypt 635 1.5% 306,092 147,871
- United Kingdom 2,029 1.4% 285,686 138,013
- Sri Lanka 99 1.4% 285,686 138,013
- Philippines 237 1.4% 285,686 138,013
- Islamic Republic of Iran 1,429 1.3% 265,280 128,155
- Romania 449 1.2% 244,874 118,297
- Vietnam 394 1.2% 244,874 118,297
- Bangladesh 353 1.1% 224,468 108,438
- Saudi Arabia 986 1.1% 224,468 108,438
- Canada 1,354 1.1% 224,468 108,438
- Malaysia 395 1.1% 224,468 108,438
- France 2,149 1.1% 224,468 108,438
- Poland 1,012 1% 204,061 98,580
- Netherlands 975 1% 204,061 98,580
- Dominican Republic 132 0.9% 183,655 88,722
- Colombia 389 0.9% 183,655 88,722
- 141 0.9% 183,655 88,722
- Republic of Korea 960 0.8% 163,249 78,864
- Morocco 241 0.7% 142,843 69,006
- Japan 8,559 0.7% 142,843 69,006
- China 13,481 0.7% 142,843 69,006
- Venezuela 587 0.7% 142,843 69,006
- Portugal 462 0.7% 142,843 69,006
- Australia 1,555 0.6% 122,437 59,148
- Taiwan 1,304 0.6% 122,437 59,148
- Hungary 680 0.5% 102,031 49,290
- Other 8.8% 1,795,741 867,508
amung.us Keywords
- 6.97% whos amung us
- 6.81% amung
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- 0.41% who among us
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- 0.18% visitor map widget
- 1.06% among us
- 0.56% who's among us
- 0.53% who's online
- 0.47% amungus
- 0.45% amung
- 0.4% whosamungus
- 0.39% whos online
- 0.37% who is among us
- 0.37% whos.amung.us
- 0.36% website stats
amung.us DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- NS1.amung.us 1 398,427
- NS2.amung.us 1 398,428
- NS3.amung.us 1 398,429
- NS4.amung.us 1 398,430
amung.us Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/1.1 (Windows 4.00.950)
- IP Address:
- ISP: Steadfast Networks
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Colorado
- City: Peyton
- Latitude: 39.0024
- Longitude: -104.527
- Postal Code: 80831
39.0024,-104.527amung.us IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Steadfast Networks 32748 arin
- Steadfast Networks 32748 arin
- Steadfast Networks 32748 arin
- Steadfast Networks 32748 arin
amung.us Demographics
- 18-2438
- 25-341
- 35-34-14
- 45-54-18
- 55-64-28
- 65+-13
- No College14
- Some College-6
- College-6
- Graduate School3
- $0 - $30K29
- $30 - $60K-8
- $60 - $100K-13
- $100K+-13
- Male49
- Female-31
Has Children
- Yes-1
- No1
Browsing Location
- Home37
- School20
- Work-23
- African-7
- African American-19
- Asian40
- Caucasian-31
- Hispanic19
- Middle Eastern27
- Other19
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- 18-24