- atdhe.netWorldwide Rank687
- atdhe.netMonthly Users*9,423,876303,996 per day*
- atdhe.netMonthly Pageviews*29,025,537936,307.65 per day*
atdhe.net updated ago
atdhe.net is a website that ranks 687 in Alexa. atdhe.net is ranked 1,838 on statisy and has 111,860 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) atdhe.net is identical to the domain name atdhe.net. The domain is registered under the domain suffix net and is named atdhe. The atdhe.net Server is hosted by PeRiQuito AB and is located in Sweden (). atdhe.net is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing atdhe.net's demographics we have determined that atdhe.net average users are 18-24 years old, with College. We also have determined that atdhe.net's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about atdhe.net's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Other.atdhe.net's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsatdhe.net Statistics Icons
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atdhe.net Backlinks (111,860 total backlinks)
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atdhe.net Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 687 0.1883% 0% 3.08 28.2% 4.31 6.8%
- 1 month 773 0.1753% 0% 2.73 34% 3.64 7.1%
- 7 day 1,220 0.146% 0% 1.48 61.1% 1.7 6.9%
- Yesterday 1,076 0.182% 0% 1.08 78.4% 0.93 5.5%
atdhe.net Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- atdhe.net 100% 29,025,537 9,423,876
atdhe.net Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 608 27.7% 8,040,074 2,610,414
- Germany 642 7.4% 2,147,890 697,367
- Italy 432 5.6% 1,625,430 527,737
- Canada 279 5.6% 1,625,430 527,737
- France 600 4.7% 1,364,200 442,922
- United Kingdom 759 3.8% 1,102,970 358,107
- Spain 686 3.1% 899,792 292,140
- Republic of Korea 360 2.6% 754,664 245,021
- Greece 290 2.4% 696,613 226,173
- Japan 2,524 2.4% 696,613 226,173
- Portugal 217 1.7% 493,434 160,206
- Belgium 344 1.4% 406,358 131,934
- Russian Federation 3,281 1.3% 377,332 122,510
- Mexico 1,341 1.2% 348,306 113,087
- India 8,666 1.1% 319,281 103,663
- China 11,874 1% 290,255 94,239
- Netherlands 1,082 1% 290,255 94,239
- Poland 1,445 1% 290,255 94,239
- Sweden 628 1% 290,255 94,239
- Norway 425 0.9% 261,230 84,815
- Brazil 2,658 0.9% 261,230 84,815
- Singapore 328 0.9% 261,230 84,815
- Thailand 1,099 0.9% 261,230 84,815
- Indonesia 1,819 0.9% 261,230 84,815
- 207 0.8% 232,204 75,391
- Turkey 2,007 0.8% 232,204 75,391
- Australia 1,665 0.7% 203,179 65,967
- Philippines 614 0.7% 203,179 65,967
- Venezuela 663 0.7% 203,179 65,967
- Argentina 1,292 0.6% 174,153 56,543
- Ireland 424 0.6% 174,153 56,543
- Czech Republic 622 0.6% 174,153 56,543
- Pakistan 2,156 0.6% 174,153 56,543
- Hong Kong 697 0.6% 174,153 56,543
- Taiwan 1,429 0.5% 145,128 47,119
- Switzerland 811 0.5% 145,128 47,119
- Vietnam 929 0.5% 145,128 47,119
- Austria 1,192 0.5% 145,128 47,119
- 119 0.5% 145,128 47,119
- Other 10.3% 2,989,630 970,659
atdhe.net Keywords
- 44.93% atdhe
- 19.69% atdhe.net
- 4.67% adthe.net
- 2.42% adthe
- 1.24% athde.net
- 1.15% atdhe live sports
- 0.99% atdhe net
- 0.89% www.atdhe.net
- 0.47% athde
- 0.4% bbc news
- 0.76% atdhe live sports
- 0.37% atdhe
- 0.11% atdh.net
- 0.1% athde.net
- 0.1% adthe net
- 0.1% atdhe sport
- 0.1% free live sports
- 0.08% bbc news
- 0.08% arsenal vs chelsea
- 0.07% ahdtv.net live sports
- 2.29% atdhe.net
- 1.43% adthe
- 0.96% adthe.net
- 0.22% athde
- 0.18% atdhe net
- 0.13% www.atdhe.net
- 0.05% adthe live sports
- 0.04% Uruguay vs Germany
- 0.04% http://atdhe.net/
- 0.03% france vs mexico
atdhe.net Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: PeRiQuito AB
- Country Name: Sweden
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 62
- Longitude: 15
- Postal Code:
62,15atdhe.net IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- PeRiQuito AB 33837 ripencc
atdhe.net Demographics
- 18-2438
- 25-3416
- 35-34-17
- 45-54-22
- 55-64-27
- 65+-23
- No College-10
- Some College-6
- College11
- Graduate School-5
- $0 - $30K13
- $30 - $60K1
- $60 - $100K-7
- $100K+-9
- Male49
- Female-32
Has Children
- Yes-16
- No24
Browsing Location
- Home26
- School7
- Work-20
- African-15
- African American13
- Asian-21
- Caucasian4
- Hispanic1
- Middle Eastern1
- Other24
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- 18-24