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- Yesterday 4,941 0.024% 0% 8.7 40.8% 7.79 16.9%
- 7 day 4,257 0.0264% 0% 9.5 41.5% 7.27 23.4%
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- 3 month 3,879 0.0275% 0% 10.56 42.8% 7.74 18.9%
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- dealspl.us 98.8% 14,877,275 1,408,833
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- ns13.dnsmadeeasy.com 3,654 165
- ns14.dnsmadeeasy.com 3,644 166
- ns15.dnsmadeeasy.com 3,621 169
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- ns11.dnsmadeeasy.com 3,661 162
dealspl.us Server Info
- Server Type: lighttpd/1.4.26
- IP Address:
- ISP: Hurricane Electric, Inc.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: San Francisco
- Latitude: 37.7697
- Longitude: -122.393
- Postal Code: 94107
- Website Age: old
37.7697,-122.393dealspl.us IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Hurricane Electric, Inc. 6939 arin
dealspl.us Demographics
- 18-241
- 25-3418
- 35-34-3
- 45-54-11
- 55-64-17
- 65+-28
- No College-16
- Some College15
- College16
- Graduate School-19
- $0 - $30K-20
- $30 - $60K4
- $60 - $100K7
- $100K+15
- Male-22
- Female40
Has Children
- Yes1
- No-3
Browsing Location
- Home10
- School-15
- Work-8
- African-30
- African American28
- Asian-20
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-10
- Middle Eastern-33
- Other-32
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