- ebay.caWorldwide Rank993
- ebay.caMonthly Users*4,673,548150,759.61 per day*
- ebay.caMonthly Pageviews*63,139,6302,036,762.26 per day*
ebay.ca updated ago
eBay - Deals on new and used electronics, clothing, collectables and more on eBayeBay.ca - where Canada comes to shop. Find great bargains on new and used computers, cars and digital cameras, jewellery, the latest hot clothing, video games, music, DVDs, tickets and more! Bid for an auction deal or buy it now! Click here to register and shop eBay.ca today
ebay.ca Tags
ebay.ca is a website that ranks 993 in Alexa. ebay.ca is ranked 929 on statisy and has 1,325,393 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) ebay.ca is identical to the domain name ebay.ca. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ca and is named ebay. The ebay.ca Server is hosted by eBay, Inc and is located in United States (California). ebay.ca is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing ebay.ca's demographics we have determined that ebay.ca average users are 55-64 years old, with No College. We also have determined that ebay.ca's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about ebay.ca's average user, they have Children and browse from Home and are Caucasian.ebay.ca's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsebay.ca Statistics Icons
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ebay.ca Backlinks (1,325,393 total backlinks)
- 0
- 1,733
- 1,320,000
- 1,930
- 1,730
ebay.ca Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,042 0.088% 0% 15.2 19.7% 11.81 11.3%
- 7 day 1,027 0.088% 0% 14.4 20.2% 11.34 12.7%
- 1 month 1,073 0.087% 0% 13.45 21% 10.71 13.2%
- 3 month 993 0.09% 0% 13.51 21.1% 10.85 14.2%
ebay.ca Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- shop.ebay.ca 28.5% 17,994,795 1,331,961
- cgi.ebay.ca 27.1% 17,110,840 1,266,532
- my.ebay.ca 12% 7,576,756 560,826
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ebay.ca Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Canada 19 75.7% 47,796,700 3,537,876
- United States 3,122 10.5% 6,629,661 490,723
- China 11,498 1.5% 947,094 70,103
- India 13,174 1.1% 694,536 51,409
- France 5,156 0.9% 568,257 42,062
- Pakistan 2,614 0.7% 441,977 32,715
- United Kingdom 7,919 0.7% 441,977 32,715
- Australia 2,847 0.7% 441,977 32,715
- Germany 14,234 0.7% 441,977 32,715
- Other 7.5% 4,735,472 350,516
ebay.ca Keywords
- 14.86% ebay
- 3.43% ebay.ca
- 1.8% ebay canada
- 0.57% ebay ca
- 0.25% ebay.com
- 0.13% e bay
- 0.11% e-bay
- 0.1% ebay affiliate
- 0.1% my ebay
- 0.08% smartphone reviews
- 0.06% ebaycanada
- 0.04% ebay auction
- 0.03% tessa virtue
- 0.02% paypal
- 0.02% kitty tube
- 0.02% ebay motors
- 0.02% ebay.
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- 0.02% coin sorter
- 0.02% ebay us
- 1.18% ebay
- 0.96% ebay.ca
- 0.18% ebay ca
- 0.14% ebay.com
- 0.06% smartphone reviews
- 0.04% canada computers
- 0.04% 2adult
- 0.02% e-bay
- 0.02% Summit Racing
- 0.02% my ebay
ebay.ca DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- sjc-dns1.ebaydns.com 87 5,209
- sjc-dns2.ebaydns.com 85 5,308
- smf-dns1.ebaydns.com 84 5,459
- smf-dns2.ebaydns.com 69 6,868
ebay.ca Server Info
- Server Type: Apache-Coyote/1.1
- IP Address:
- ISP: eBay, Inc
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: Campbell
- Latitude: 37.2803
- Longitude: -121.957
- Postal Code: 95008
37.2803,-121.957ebay.ca IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- eBay, Inc 11643 arin
- eBay, Inc 11643 arin
ebay.ca Demographics
- 18-24-5
- 25-34-9
- 35-346
- 45-544
- 55-6419
- 65+-7
- No College17
- Some College7
- College4
- Graduate School-13
- $0 - $30K-14
- $30 - $60K4
- $60 - $100K18
- $100K+-3
- Male-2
- Female2
Has Children
- Yes2
- No-2
Browsing Location
- Home25
- School-12
- Work-17
- African-29
- African American-4
- Asian-29
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-27
- Middle Eastern-24
- Other-23
Runs On Apache-Coyote/1.1
- Domain PR Rank
- gosupermodel.no 5 702,154
- stayfriends.ch 5 119,056
- timesonline.co.uk 7 1,684
- games24x7.com 2 53,192
- mebvitamin.com.tr 0 702,530
ebay.ca Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- ebaymotors.de 0 703,488
- ebay.com 8 77
- ebay.es 7 893
- ebay.com.au 0 409
- ebay.fr 6 463
- ebay.co.uk 0 122
- ebay.gr 0 28,285
- ebay.in 6 971
- ebay.com.sg 6 4,072
- ebay.fi 0 738,851
- 18-24