- fnac.frWorldwide Rank1,710
- fnac.frMonthly Users*3,651,800117,800 per day*
- fnac.frMonthly Pageviews*16,615,692535,990.06 per day*
fnac.fr updated ago
Fnac : DVD, informatique, jeux vidéo, logiciel, CD, GPS, livres, ordinateur, appareils photo, neuf et occasion.Achat et vente en neuf et occasion, de produits high tech (ordinateur, TV, lecteur MP3, jeux vidéo, appareil photo...) et culturels (livres, CD, DVD...). Acheter en ligne sur Fnac.com
fnac.fr is a website that ranks 1,710 in Alexa. fnac.fr is ranked 2,735 on statisy and has 310 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Oct 29 1997 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) fnac.fr is identical to the domain name fnac.fr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix fr and is named fnac. The fnac.fr Server is hosted by AGARIK provides WEB and Servers Hosting and is located in France (Ile-de-France). fnac.fr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing fnac.fr's demographics we have determined that fnac.fr average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that fnac.fr's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about fnac.fr's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are African.fnac.fr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsfnac.fr Statistics Icons
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fnac.fr Backlinks (310 total backlinks)
- 0
- 178
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- 106
- 26
fnac.fr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,848 0.069% 0% 4.3 37.4% 3.56 29.9%
- 7 day 1,756 0.0703% 0% 4.63 38.3% 3.84 30.5%
- 1 month 1,781 0.0683% 0% 4.8 37.2% 3.95 31.6%
- 3 month 1,710 0.0703% 0% 4.55 40.1% 3.73 31.6%
fnac.fr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- fnac.com 27% 4,486,237 985,986
- recherche.fnac.com 16.1% 2,675,126 587,940
- livre.fnac.com 11% 1,827,726 401,698
- micro-informatique.fnac.com 8% 1,329,255 292,144
- musique.fnac.com 7.4% 1,229,561 270,233
- tv-video.fnac.com 6.6% 1,096,636 241,019
- video.fnac.com 6.4% 1,063,404 233,715
- telephone-gps-mp3.fnac.com 5.5% 913,863 200,849
- photo.fnac.com 4.3% 714,475 157,027
- jeux-video.fnac.com 2.1% 348,930 76,688
- vod.fnac.com 1.5% 249,235 54,777
- multimedia.fnac.com 1.1% 182,773 40,170
- fnac.fr 1% 166,157 36,518
- logiciel-jeux-video.fnac.com 0.9% 149,541 32,866
- emailings.fnac.com 0.3% 49,847 10,955
- logiciel.fnac.com 0.2% 33,231 7,304
- rendezvous.fnac.com 0.2% 33,231 7,304
- tv-micro-telephone-photo.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- lepacktv.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- livreelectronique.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- secure.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- e-recrut.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- lesservices.fnac.com 0.1% 16,616 3,652
- musique-classique.fnac.com 0% 0 0
- sonneries-logos.fnac.com 0% 0 0
- demovideo.fnac.com 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
fnac.fr Keywords
- 25.73% fnac
- 1.41% fnac.com
- 0.39% la fnac
- 0.26% fnac.fr
- 0.18% fanc
- 0.13% livre
- 0.11% fnac livres
- 0.09% fnac dvd
- 0.07% fnac paris
- 0.06% xstory
- 0.08% fnac.fr
- 0.05% anime story
- 0.04% .com
- 0.02% la fnac
- 0.02% quelle
- 0.02% fnac refresh
- 0.02% jean ferrat
- 0.02% com
- 0.02% fnacmusic
- 0.01% so foot
- 3.96% fnac
- 0.23% fnac.com
- 0.03% cd
- 0.03% xstory
- 0.02% Samsung
- 0.02% chaine hifi
- 0.02% clavier mac
- 0.02% era classics
- 0.02% fnac livres
- 0.01% fnac dvd
fnac.fr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- indom10.indomco.com 919 650
- indom20.indomco.net 915 651
- indom30.indomco.fr 839 692
- indom80.indomco.hk 590 870
fnac.fr Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
- Powered By: ASP.NET
- IP Address:
- ISP: AGARIK provides WEB and Servers Hosting
- Country Name: France
- Region: Ile-de-France
- City: Saint-ouen
- Latitude: 48.9
- Longitude: 2.3333
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
48.9,2.3333fnac.fr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- AGARIK provides WEB and Servers Hosting 16128 ripencc
fnac.fr Demographics
- 18-24-7
- 25-3419
- 35-345
- 45-54-17
- 55-64-21
- 65+-27
- No College-24
- Some College-39
- College-32
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K20
- $30 - $60K16
- $60 - $100K-12
- $100K+-23
- Male3
- Female-3
Has Children
- Yes-8
- No9
Browsing Location
- Home-8
- School11
- Work8
- African49
- African American-35
- Asian-44
- Caucasian26
- Hispanic-25
- Middle Eastern7
- Other39
Powered By ASP.NET
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