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hickoryhusker.net is a website that ranks 1,256 in Alexa. hickoryhusker.net is ranked 1,983 on statisy and has 9 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Nov 04 1998 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hickoryhusker.net is identical to the domain name hickoryhusker.net. The domain is registered under the domain suffix net and is named hickoryhusker. The hickoryhusker.net Server is hosted by Inktomi Corporation and is located in United States (California). hickoryhusker.net is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing hickoryhusker.net's demographics we have determined that hickoryhusker.net average users are 35-44 years old, with College. We also have determined that hickoryhusker.net's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about hickoryhusker.net's average user, they have Children and browse from Work and are African American.hickoryhusker.net's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticshickoryhusker.net Statistics Icons
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hickoryhusker.net Traffic by Country
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- Japan 20,453 0.9% 221,508 42,353
- China 39,079 0.6% 147,672 28,236
hickoryhusker.net Keywords
- 4.71% rivals
- 1.35% rivals.com
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- 1.01% rivals.com football
- 0.77% sports authority
- 0.52% usc football
- 0.42% texas recruiting
- 0.34% rivals cal bears
- 0.3% purdue basketball
- 0.24% college football recruiting
- 0.19% ncaa brackets
- 0.17% gold and black
- 0.15% purdue black and gold
- 0.15% notre dame football recruits
- 0.13% bama online
- 0.09% ncaa basketball
- 0.09% ucf rivals
- 0.08% omar samhan
- 0.08% recruiting
- 0.07% estan tyler
- 1.83% rivals
- 0.58% rivals.com
- 0.47% rivals.com football
- 0.37% usc football
- 0.35% michigan rivals
- 0.17% rivals cal bears
- 0.17% pete carroll
- 0.11% college football recruiting
- 0.11% texas recruiting
- 0.1% bowl games
hickoryhusker.net DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- yns2.yahoo.com 12,075 25
- ns8.san.yahoo.com 11,911 27
- ns9.san.yahoo.com 11,911 28
- yns1.yahoo.com 12,075 26
hickoryhusker.net Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
- Powered By: ASP.NET
- IP Address:
- ISP: Inktomi Corporation
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: Sunnyvale
- Latitude: 37.4249
- Longitude: -122.007
- Postal Code: 94089
- Website Age: old
37.4249,-122.007hickoryhusker.net IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Inktomi Corporation 14779 arin
hickoryhusker.net Demographics
- 18-241
- 25-342
- 35-344
- 45-54-3
- 55-64-7
- 65+-9
- No College-18
- Some College10
- College20
- Graduate School-19
- $0 - $30K-20
- $30 - $60K-2
- $60 - $100K6
- $100K+19
- Male38
- Female-22
Has Children
- Yes-1
- No-1
Browsing Location
- Home-1
- School-12
- Work2
- African-30
- African American49
- Asian-36
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-10
- Middle Eastern-42
- Other-35
Powered By ASP.NET
- Domain PR Rank
- bbking.com 6 341,749
- sermonaudio.com 0 67,107
- ethiojobs.com 4 229,866
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Runs On Microsoft-IIS/6.0
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- movesms.com 0 341,752
- silverdaddies-videos.com 0 13,260
- ethiojobs.com 4 229,866
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- foremostpayonline.com 0 702,078
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- 18-24