- hyves.nlWorldwide Rank616
- hyves.nlMonthly Users*6,845,265220,815 per day*
- hyves.nlMonthly Pageviews*88,167,0162,844,097.29 per day*
hyves.nl updated ago
HyvesHet vrienden netwerk Hyves is sinds de start in oktober 2004 uitgegroeid tot Nederlands populairste site, met 10,6 miljoen leden en 6,5 miljard pageviews per maand. Meer dan 9 miljoen Nederlanders communiceren met hun vrienden en netwerk op Hyves via weblogs, foto albums, persoonlijke tips, advertenties en hyves (clubs) bij een netwerk van directe vrienden en 2e graads vrienden. Deze pagina gaat over , ,
hyves.nl is a website that ranks 616 in Alexa. hyves.nl is ranked 289 on statisy and has 40,569,550 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hyves.nl is identical to the domain name hyves.nl. The domain is registered under the domain suffix nl and is named hyves. The hyves.nl Server is hosted by Hyves / Startphone Limited and is located in Netherlands (Noord-Holland). hyves.nl is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing hyves.nl's demographics we have determined that hyves.nl average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that hyves.nl's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about hyves.nl's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Other.hyves.nl's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticshyves.nl Statistics Icons
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hyves.nl Backlinks (40,569,550 total backlinks)
- 34,700,000
- 9,550
- 5,860,000
- 0
- 0
hyves.nl Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 616 0.1503% 0% 12.88 17.8% 11.14 7.5%
- 1 month 664 0.1406% 0% 12.76 17.6% 11.09 8.1%
- Yesterday 761 0.129% 0% 11.8 17.8% 10.7 9.7%
- 7 day 656 0.14% 0% 12.8 16.9% 11.45 8.1%
hyves.nl Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- OTHER 64.12% 56,532,691 4,389,184
- hyves.nl 31.71% 27,957,761 2,170,634
- secure.hyves.nl 0.88% 775,870 60,238
- danniemen.hyves.nl 0.22% 193,967 15,060
- xbonn11.hyves.nl 0.17% 149,884 11,637
- sanne1029.hyves.nl 0.16% 141,067 10,952
- httphilip.hyves.nl 0.14% 123,434 9,583
- bingocams.hyves.nl 0.12% 105,800 8,214
- mbijkerk10.hyves.nl 0.12% 105,800 8,214
- alinadupuis.hyves.nl 0.11% 96,984 7,530
- chippygirl.hyves.nl 0.1% 88,167 6,845
- lb96.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- brehmpje.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- annabelle1991.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- hannahsilva.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- jd4life.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- happyharvest.hyves.nl 0.09% 79,350 6,161
- mayravv.hyves.nl 0.08% 70,534 5,476
- judithc1982.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- selinafennell.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- kooppleinroermond.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- hadi87.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- veppie1.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- bee-rdien.hyves.nl 0.07% 61,717 4,792
- ryoni.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- looni.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- claudiahuis.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- paranormaal1.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- janao-1.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- uggs.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- jsistermans.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- melvinklomp.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- sneuper.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- t-amaaraaa.hyves.nl 0.06% 52,900 4,107
- no-worries27.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- annique-95.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- reyhann.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- frmatthijs.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- nathalievels.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- y-v-d-b.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- hoiyouri.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- vinceyka.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
- hermanberghuis.hyves.nl 0.05% 44,084 3,423
hyves.nl Keywords
- 25.21% hyves
- 4.31% hyves.nl
- 1.3% www.hyves.nl
- 0.28% hyve
- 0.21% rdl hyves
- 0.17% tristan van der vlis
- 0.15% jennifer ewbank
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- 0.36% hyves.nl
- 0.17% tristan van der vlis
- 0.09% tatjana liefhebber
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- 0.07% www.hyves.nl always in touch with your friends
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- 0.04% liiszle
- 0.04% rdl hyves
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- 0.39% www.hyves.nl
- 0.08% hotmail
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- 0.04% dance classics hyves
- 0.03% marlon henry brit
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- 0.02% bert bos trinity
hyves.nl DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- h-ns5.hyves.org 28 19,349
- h-ns2.hyves.org 28 19,348
- h-ns1.hyves.org 28 19,347
- h-ns6.hyves.org 28 19,346
hyves.nl Server Info
- Server Type: nginx
- Powered By: HPHP
- IP Address:
- ISP: Hyves / Startphone Limited
- Country Name: Netherlands
- Region: Noord-Holland
- City: Amsterdam
- Latitude: 52.35
- Longitude: 4.9167
- Postal Code:
52.35,4.9167hyves.nl IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Hyves / Startphone Limited 47344 ripencc
- Hyves / Startphone Limited 47344 ripencc
hyves.nl Demographics
- 18-242
- 25-343
- 35-347
- 45-54-9
- 55-64-13
- 65+-25
- No College-17
- Some College-11
- College-9
- Graduate School26
- $0 - $30K-2
- $30 - $60K19
- $60 - $100K-1
- $100K+-16
- Male25
- Female-17
Has Children
- Yes-3
- No3
Browsing Location
- Home-2
- School-21
- Work1
- African-20
- African American-19
- Asian-37
- Caucasian23
- Hispanic-26
- Middle Eastern-28
- Other49
Powered By HPHP
- Domain PR Rank
- facebook.pl 0 705,563
- nigma.ru 0 6,149
- webnode.cz 0 16,310
- webnode.ru 0 0
- webnode.in 0 0
Runs On nginx
- Domain PR Rank
- onrpg.com 5 11,702
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- vinko-gradnja.hr 0 0
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- mandymichaels.com 0 702,105
hyves.nl Sites on Same ISP
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- 18-24