- in.grWorldwide Rank2,455
- in.grMonthly Users*2,750,15588,714.68 per day*
- in.grMonthly Pageviews*10,203,073329,131.39 per day*
in.gr updated ago
in.gr - ΕΛΛΑΔΑ – ΚΟΣΜΟΣ – ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ – ΨΥΧΑΓΩΓΙΑΕιδήσεις από την Ελλάδα και τον Κόσμο, άμεση ενημέρωση για όλες τις εξελίξεις, Διασκέδαση – Ψυχαγωγία και Αθλητισμός
in.gr Tags
in.gr is a website that ranks 2,455 in Alexa. in.gr is ranked 3,050 on statisy and has 1,481,452 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in.gr is identical to the domain name in.gr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix gr and is named in. The in.gr Server is hosted by Lambrakis Press Organization S.A. and is located in Greece (Attiki). in.gr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing in.gr's demographics we have determined that in.gr average users are 35-44 years old, with College. We also have determined that in.gr's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about in.gr's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Other.in.gr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsin.gr Statistics Icons
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in.gr Backlinks (1,481,452 total backlinks)
- 1,330,000
- 1,452
- 150,000
- 0
- 0
in.gr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 2,455 0.0569% 0% 3.71 39.5% 0 6.2%
- 1 month 2,228 0.0604% 0% 3.66 40% 0 6.2%
- 7 day 2,119 0.0638% 0% 3.55 40.6% 0 6.9%
- Yesterday 2,095 0.067% 0% 3.1 43.1% 0 7.6%
in.gr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- in.gr 80.36% 8,199,189 2,210,025
- news.in.gr 56.39% 5,753,513 1,550,812
- sports.in.gr 15.71% 1,602,903 432,049
- entertainment.in.gr 3.95% 403,021 108,631
- finance.in.gr 3.19% 325,478 87,730
- services.in.gr 3.12% 318,336 85,805
- tech.in.gr 2.35% 239,772 64,629
- reviews.in.gr 2.31% 235,691 63,529
- auto.in.gr 2.3% 234,671 63,254
- health.in.gr 2.26% 230,589 62,154
- maps.in.gr 1.78% 181,615 48,953
- directory.in.gr 1.49% 152,026 40,977
- kiosk.in.gr 1.25% 127,538 34,377
- archive.in.gr 1.06% 108,153 29,152
- agro.in.gr 1.04% 106,112 28,602
- assets.in.gr 1.01% 103,051 27,777
- weather.in.gr 0.7% 71,422 19,251
- find.in.gr 0.64% 65,300 17,601
- dictionary.in.gr 0.64% 65,300 17,601
- blogs.in.gr 0.53% 54,076 14,576
- kids.in.gr 0.48% 48,975 13,201
- video.in.gr 0.43% 43,873 11,826
- adman.in.gr 0.27% 27,548 7,425
- galleries.in.gr 0.22% 22,447 6,050
- rss.in.gr 0.17% 17,345 4,675
- thalassa.in.gr 0.17% 17,345 4,675
- archivehealth.in.gr 0.1% 10,203 2,750
in.gr Keywords
in.gr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns.dolnet.gr 4 121,369
- ns.in.gr 4 121,368
in.gr Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
- Powered By: ASP.NET
- IP Address:
- ISP: Lambrakis Press Organization S.A.
- Country Name: Greece
- Region: Attiki
- City: Athens
- Latitude: 37.9833
- Longitude: 23.7333
- Postal Code:
37.9833,23.7333in.gr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Lambrakis Press Organization S.A. 8388 ripencc
in.gr Demographics
- 18-24-20
- 25-3412
- 35-3422
- 45-54-6
- 55-64-22
- 65+0
- No College-27
- Some College-12
- College12
- Graduate School5
- $0 - $30K29
- $30 - $60K14
- $60 - $100K-16
- $100K+-26
- Male27
- Female-18
Has Children
- Yes-8
- No9
Browsing Location
- Home-4
- School-16
- Work5
- African0
- African American0
- Asian-48
- Caucasian46
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern-11
- Other49
Powered By ASP.NET
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- sermonaudio.com 0 67,107
- ethiojobs.com 4 229,866
- hl4ever.net 0 702,075
- foremostpayonline.com 0 702,078
Runs On Microsoft-IIS/7.5
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