- independent.co.ukWorldwide Rank1,046
- independent.co.ukMonthly Users*7,145,510230,500.32 per day*
- independent.co.ukMonthly Pageviews*15,577,211502,490.68 per day*
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The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News | NewspaperIndependent News - Breaking news, comment and features from The Independent newspaper - The Independent Newspaper
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independent.co.uk is a website that ranks 1,046 in Alexa. independent.co.uk is ranked 3,060 on statisy and has 1,391,403 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Feb 02 1996 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) independent.co.uk is identical to the domain name independent.co.uk. The domain is registered under the domain suffix co.uk and is named independent. The independent.co.uk Server is hosted by Getronics Nederland B.V. and is located in Netherlands (Noord-Holland). independent.co.uk is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing independent.co.uk's demographics we have determined that independent.co.uk average users are 45-54 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that independent.co.uk's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about independent.co.uk's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Caucasian.independent.co.uk's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsindependent.co.uk Statistics Icons
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independent.co.uk Backlinks (1,391,403 total backlinks)
- 0
- 32,803
- 1,320,000
- 23,400
- 15,200
independent.co.uk Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 955 0.154% 0% 2.23 71.7% 2.82 22.2%
- 7 day 973 0.148% 0% 2.2 69.6% 2.98 24.5%
- 1 month 1,024 0.1432% 0% 2.17 69% 3.06 25.1%
- 3 month 1,046 0.1377% 0% 2.18 69.1% 2.96 25.2%
independent.co.uk Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- independent.co.uk 99.7% 15,530,479 7,124,073
- news.independent.co.uk 0.1% 15,577 7,146
- sport.independent.co.uk 0.1% 15,577 7,146
- blogs.independent.co.uk 0.1% 15,577 7,146
- parship.independent.co.uk 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
independent.co.uk Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United Kingdom 94 30.3% 4,719,895 2,165,090
- United States 1,039 24.8% 3,863,148 1,772,086
- India 1,266 6.4% 996,942 457,313
- Germany 2,003 3.1% 482,894 221,511
- Australia 470 2.5% 389,430 178,638
- Canada 896 2.3% 358,276 164,347
- South Africa 563 1.7% 264,813 121,474
- Pakistan 1,153 1.4% 218,081 100,037
- Japan 5,238 1.3% 202,504 92,892
- Netherlands 966 1.3% 202,504 92,892
- Republic of Korea 924 1.2% 186,927 85,746
- Italy 2,531 1.2% 186,927 85,746
- China 12,240 1.1% 171,349 78,601
- Ireland 300 1.1% 171,349 78,601
- Nigeria 567 1% 155,772 71,455
- Spain 2,344 1% 155,772 71,455
- Sweden 658 1% 155,772 71,455
- Russian Federation 8,120 0.8% 124,618 57,164
- France 3,825 0.8% 124,618 57,164
- Indonesia 3,538 0.7% 109,040 50,019
- Kenya 157 0.7% 109,040 50,019
- Bangladesh 923 0.7% 109,040 50,019
- Greece 1,259 0.6% 93,463 42,873
- Islamic Republic of Iran 5,858 0.5% 77,886 35,728
- Thailand 2,199 0.5% 77,886 35,728
- Other 12.1% 1,884,843 864,607
independent.co.uk Keywords
- 2.21% avatar
- 1.21% independent
- 1.13% youtube
- 1.04% met office
- 0.76% the independent
- 0.73% google
- 0.72% BBC
- 0.59% apple tablet
- 0.46% coachella
- 0.44% lily allen
- 0.32% the independent
- 0.17% independent
- 0.16% emma watson
- 0.08% irish independent
- 0.07% julia alexandratou
- 0.06% PS3
- 0.06% Tim Burton
- 0.06% final fantasy xiii
- 0.06% final fantasy
- 0.05% kanye west
- 2.06% avatar
- 1.03% youtube
- 0.94% met office
- 0.66% BBC
- 0.54% apple tablet
- 0.42% coachella
- 0.39% lily allen
- 0.27% Borderlands
- 0.23% robert downey jr
- 0.2% reese witherspoon
independent.co.uk DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns0-i.dns.pipex.net 16 25,722
- ns1-i.dns.pipex.net 16 25,723
independent.co.uk Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: Getronics Nederland B.V.
- Country Name: Netherlands
- Region: Noord-Holland
- City: Amsterdam
- Latitude: 52.35
- Longitude: 4.9167
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
52.35,4.9167independent.co.uk IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Getronics Nederland B.V. 21286 ripencc
independent.co.uk Demographics
- 18-24-3
- 25-34-1
- 35-34-1
- 45-544
- 55-644
- 65+-7
- No College-8
- Some College-11
- College-3
- Graduate School14
- $0 - $30K-8
- $30 - $60K-3
- $60 - $100K3
- $100K+7
- Male-1
- Female1
Has Children
- Yes-11
- No13
Browsing Location
- Home-3
- School-14
- Work5
- African-8
- African American-4
- Asian-32
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-27
- Middle Eastern-24
- Other-16
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