- jalgpall.eeWorldwide Rank115
- jalgpall.eeMonthly Users*45,734,7801,475,315.48 per day*
- jalgpall.eeMonthly Pageviews*216,782,8586,992,995.42 per day*
jalgpall.ee updated ago
Eesti Jalgpalli Liitjalgpall.ee is a website that ranks 115 in Alexa. jalgpall.ee is ranked 335 on statisy and has 5,704 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Aug 09 1995 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) jalgpall.ee is identical to the domain name jalgpall.ee. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ee and is named jalgpall. The jalgpall.ee Server is hosted by Zone Media Autonomous System and is located in Estonia (Harjumaa). jalgpall.ee is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing jalgpall.ee's demographics we have determined that jalgpall.ee average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that jalgpall.ee's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about jalgpall.ee's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are African.jalgpall.ee's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsjalgpall.ee Statistics Icons
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jalgpall.ee Backlinks (5,704 total backlinks)
- 5,450
- 149
- 1
- 103
- 1
jalgpall.ee Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 44 2.16% 0% 4.37 26.5% 4.83 27.1%
- 7 day 84 1.271% 0% 4.19 29.7% 4.89 23.9%
- 1 month 51 2.011% 0% 4.57 27.6% 5.81 25.4%
- 3 month 115 0.882% 0% 4.74 27.5% 6.04 25%
jalgpall.ee Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- fifa.com 61.9% 134,188,589 28,309,829
- fr.fifa.com 11.3% 24,496,463 5,168,030
- es.fifa.com 9.9% 21,461,503 4,527,743
- ebo.fifa.com 7.6% 16,475,497 3,475,843
- de.fifa.com 4.7% 10,188,794 2,149,535
- predictor.fifa.com 2% 4,335,657 914,696
- jp.fifa.com 1.5% 3,251,743 686,022
- pt.fifa.com 0.5% 1,083,914 228,674
- extranets.fifa.com 0.2% 433,566 91,470
- trivia.fifa.com 0.1% 216,783 45,735
- fcctickets.fifa.com 0.1% 216,783 45,735
- img.fifa.com 0.1% 216,783 45,735
- hospitality.fifa.com 0.1% 216,783 45,735
- hotels.fifa.com 0.1% 216,783 45,735
jalgpall.ee Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 72 14.2% 30,783,166 6,494,339
- Germany 31 8.6% 18,643,326 3,933,191
- India 31 8.6% 18,643,326 3,933,191
- United Kingdom 43 3.9% 8,454,531 1,783,656
- South Africa 11 3.1% 6,720,269 1,417,778
- Canada 29 2.9% 6,286,703 1,326,309
- Islamic Republic of Iran 28 2.7% 5,853,137 1,234,839
- Japan 152 2.6% 5,636,354 1,189,104
- Italy 69 2.4% 5,202,789 1,097,635
- Indonesia 36 2.3% 4,986,006 1,051,900
- France 95 2.2% 4,769,223 1,006,165
- Mexico 49 2.2% 4,769,223 1,006,165
- Australia 31 2% 4,335,657 914,696
- Pakistan 24 1.9% 4,118,874 868,961
- Spain 80 1.7% 3,685,309 777,491
- Brazil 72 1.5% 3,251,743 686,022
- Netherlands 41 1.4% 3,034,960 640,287
- Malaysia 17 1.4% 3,034,960 640,287
- Bangladesh 14 1.4% 3,034,960 640,287
- Argentina 30 1.3% 2,818,177 594,552
- China 767 1.1% 2,384,611 503,083
- Russian Federation 198 1% 2,167,829 457,348
- Algeria 28 1% 2,167,829 457,348
- Republic of Korea 43 1% 2,167,829 457,348
- Nigeria 17 1% 2,167,829 457,348
- Venezuela 27 1% 2,167,829 457,348
- Switzerland 24 0.9% 1,951,046 411,613
- Saudi Arabia 72 0.9% 1,951,046 411,613
- Egypt 70 0.9% 1,951,046 411,613
- Thailand 63 0.8% 1,734,263 365,878
- Colombia 23 0.8% 1,734,263 365,878
- Greece 37 0.8% 1,734,263 365,878
- Austria 46 0.7% 1,517,480 320,143
- Romania 40 0.7% 1,517,480 320,143
- Belgium 42 0.7% 1,517,480 320,143
- Portugal 24 0.7% 1,517,480 320,143
- Singapore 26 0.6% 1,300,697 274,409
- Peru 35 0.6% 1,300,697 274,409
- Chile 32 0.6% 1,300,697 274,409
- Turkey 160 0.6% 1,300,697 274,409
- Other 15.3% 33,167,777 6,997,421
jalgpall.ee Keywords
- 12.65% FIFA
- 3.88% world cup 2010
- 2.76% world cup
- 2.33% fifa 2010
- 1.68% wm 2010
- 1.45% FIFA World Cup 2010
- 1.32% FIFA World Cup
- 1.16% fifa.com
- 0.78% coupe du monde 2010
- 0.71% 2010 world cup
- 1.11% world cup 2010
- 0.91% FIFA World Cup 2010
- 0.78% world cup
- 0.52% world cup 2010 schedule
- 0.42% wm 2010 spielplan
- 0.37% FIFA World Cup
- 0.3% mundial 2010
- 0.14% 2010 world cup
- 0.13% zakumi
- 0.13% Sudafrica 2010
- 3.16% FIFA
- 0.49% fifa.com
- 0.4% world cup draw
- 0.32% fifa 2010
- 0.08% World Cup Qualifying
- 0.08% 2010 fifa world cup
- 0.08% egypt algeria
- 0.07% World Cup tickets
- 0.07% 2010 world cup qualifier
- 0.06% wm 2010
jalgpall.ee DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns3.zonedata.net 800 749
- ns.zone.eu 802 747
- ns2.zone.ee 802 748
jalgpall.ee Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.2.13/DataZone SP 2.0 (Unix) mod_zfpm/0.2
- IP Address:
- ISP: Zone Media Autonomous System
- Country Name: Estonia
- Region: Harjumaa
- City: Tallinn
- Latitude: 59.4339
- Longitude: 24.7281
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
59.4339,24.7281jalgpall.ee IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Zone Media Autonomous System 49604 ripencc
jalgpall.ee Demographics
- 18-2410
- 25-3413
- 35-34-4
- 45-54-16
- 55-64-24
- 65+-21
- No College-16
- Some College-15
- College3
- Graduate School13
- $0 - $30K4
- $30 - $60K3
- $60 - $100K-4
- $100K+-5
- Male34
- Female-20
Has Children
- Yes-10
- No13
Browsing Location
- Home-9
- School3
- Work11
- African49
- African American-19
- Asian-11
- Caucasian-7
- Hispanic38
- Middle Eastern26
- Other-5
Runs On Apache/2.2.13/DataZone SP 2.0 (Unix) mod_zfpm/0.2
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