- joy.cnWorldwide Rank456
- joy.cnMonthly Users*12,138,383391,560.74 per day*
- joy.cnMonthly Pageviews*55,351,0241,785,516.9 per day*
joy.cn updated ago
joy.cn is a website that ranks 456 in Alexa. joy.cn is ranked 1,022 on statisy and has 2,960,427 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) joy.cn is identical to the domain name joy.cn. The domain is registered under the domain suffix cn and is named joy. The joy.cn Server is hosted by AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone and is located in China (Beijing). joy.cn is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing joy.cn's demographics we have determined that joy.cn average users are 25-34 years old, with No College. We also have determined that joy.cn's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about joy.cn's average user, they have Children and browse from School and are African American.joy.cn's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsjoy.cn Statistics Icons
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joy.cn Backlinks (2,960,427 total backlinks)
- 2,430,000
- 294
- 530,000
- 93
- 40
joy.cn Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 376 0.282% 0% 4.1 42.4% 3.91 61.9%
- 7 day 468 0.242% 0% 4.05 43.1% 3.87 61.8%
- 1 month 440 0.252% 0% 4.37 42.1% 4.32 58.7%
- 3 month 456 0.2337% 0% 4.56 43.2% 4.69 53.5%
joy.cn Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- marketing.joy.cn 45.2% 25,018,663 5,486,549
- ent.joy.cn 9.5% 5,258,347 1,153,146
- xunlei.joy.cn 6.6% 3,653,168 801,133
- joy.cn 6.5% 3,597,817 788,995
- bbs.joy.cn 6.4% 3,542,466 776,857
- you.joy.cn 6% 3,321,061 728,303
- tvplay.joy.cn 4.2% 2,324,743 509,812
- movie.joy.cn 3.8% 2,103,339 461,259
- finance.joy.cn 2.5% 1,383,776 303,460
- 86516.joy.cn 1.9% 1,051,669 230,629
- news.joy.cn 1.4% 774,914 169,937
- client.joy.cn 1% 553,510 121,384
- sports.joy.cn 0.9% 498,159 109,245
- bd.joy.cn 0.6% 332,106 72,830
- joke.joy.cn 0.6% 332,106 72,830
- games.joy.cn 0.4% 221,404 48,554
- pay.joy.cn 0.4% 221,404 48,554
- 68log.joy.cn 0.4% 221,404 48,554
- vodimagefile.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- search.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- real.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- m.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- file1.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- city.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- live.joy.cn 0.2% 110,702 24,277
- OTHER 0.1% 55,351 12,138
joy.cn Keywords
- 0.62% 左道财门
- 0.44% 窃听风云
- 0.42% 偷窥
- 0.29% 金瓶梅
- 0.28% Gemma Atkinson
- 0.25% 黄片
- 0.25% 三级片
- 0.24% bakugan battle
- 0.23% 出路
- 0.21% 灰姑娘
joy.cn DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- dns19.hichina.com 1,014 592
- dns20.hichina.com 1,012 593
joy.cn Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone
- Country Name: China
- Region: Beijing
- City: Beijing
- Latitude: 39.9289
- Longitude: 116.388
- Postal Code:
39.9289,116.388joy.cn IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- AS Number for CHINANET jiangsu province backbone 23650 apnic
joy.cn Demographics
- 18-243
- 25-3432
- 35-34-20
- 45-54-34
- 55-64-27
- 65+0
- No College27
- Some College13
- College21
- Graduate School-29
- $0 - $30K-8
- $30 - $60K11
- $60 - $100K7
- $100K+-6
- Male-1
- Female1
Has Children
- Yes13
- No-11
Browsing Location
- Home-18
- School26
- Work25
- African40
- African American49
- Asian49
- Caucasian-48
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern0
- Other5
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- hefei.cc 6 3,630
- yxlm.com 0 725,051
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- leying.org 2 728,809
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- 18-24