- lacaixa.esWorldwide Rank1,113
- lacaixa.esMonthly Users*5,396,660174,085.81 per day*
- lacaixa.esMonthly Pageviews*26,065,867840,834.42 per day*
lacaixa.es updated ago
"la Caixa" ¿Hablamos? - Particulares, Empresas, Obra Social, ServiCaixa, LKXASeas como seas, hables como hables, lo más importante es que alguien te escuche y trabaje cerca de ti ofreciéndote los mejores productos y servicios.
lacaixa.es Tags
lacaixa.es is a website that ranks 1,113 in Alexa. lacaixa.es is ranked 1,858 on statisy and has 114,110 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Dec 05 1997 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) lacaixa.es is identical to the domain name lacaixa.es. The domain is registered under the domain suffix es and is named lacaixa. The lacaixa.es Server is hosted by La Caixa Autonomous System and is located in Spain (Catalonia). lacaixa.es is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing lacaixa.es's demographics we have determined that lacaixa.es average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that lacaixa.es's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about lacaixa.es's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Hispanic.lacaixa.es's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticslacaixa.es Statistics Icons
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lacaixa.es Backlinks (114,110 total backlinks)
- 40,400
- 7,600
- 51,500
- 13,000
- 1,610
lacaixa.es Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,405 0.086% 0% 4.3 11% 3.1 12.7%
- 7 day 1,040 0.113% 0% 4.77 11.5% 4.15 11.9%
- 1 month 1,133 0.1053% 0% 4.75 11.9% 4.07 11.7%
- 3 month 1,113 0.1039% 0% 4.83 12% 4.16 12.4%
lacaixa.es Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- portal.lacaixa.es 48.5% 12,641,945 2,617,380
- lacaixa.es 25.5% 6,646,796 1,376,148
- lo1.lacaixa.es 7.5% 1,954,940 404,750
- lo2.lacaixa.es 6.3% 1,642,150 339,990
- empresa.lacaixa.es 4.5% 1,172,964 242,850
- servicaixa.com 3.7% 964,437 199,676
- portal1.lacaixa.es 2.6% 677,713 140,313
- obrasocial.lacaixa.es 0.3% 78,198 16,190
- lacaixa.com 0.2% 52,132 10,793
- lkxa.lacaixa.es 0.2% 52,132 10,793
- portal2.lacaixa.es 0.2% 52,132 10,793
- e.lacaixa.es 0.1% 26,066 5,397
- fundacio.lacaixa.es 0.1% 26,066 5,397
- loc1.lacaixa.es 0.1% 26,066 5,397
- marketing.lacaixa.es 0.1% 26,066 5,397
- loc2.lacaixa.es 0.1% 26,066 5,397
- lacaixa.net 0% 0 0
- fundacio1.lacaixa.es 0% 0 0
- loc12.lacaixa.es 0% 0 0
- c.servicaixa.com 0% 0 0
- empresas.lacaixa.es 0% 0 0
- wap.lacaixa.es 0% 0 0
- ww.lacaixa.es 0% 0 0
lacaixa.es Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Spain 20 93.8% 24,449,783 5,062,067
- Gibraltar 48 0.7% 182,461 37,777
- United Kingdom 7,176 0.7% 182,461 37,777
- United States 50,631 0.5% 130,329 26,983
lacaixa.es Keywords
- 44.08% la caixa
- 13.91% lacaixa
- 5.21% caixa
- 4.58% servicaixa
- 2.27% la caixa.es
- 1.45% lacaixa.es
- 0.95% la caixa particulares
- 0.67% www.lacaixa.es
- 0.55% la
- 0.47% cosmocaixa
- 1.36% lacaixa
- 0.13% lacaixa.es
- 0.11% www.lacaixa.es
- 0.09% cosmocaixa
- 0.08% planes de pensiones
- 0.07% lacaixa.es particulares
- 0.06% kinepolis madrid
- 0.06% oficinas la caixa
- 0.05% alhambra tickets
- 0.05% servicaixa entradas
- 1.04% la caixa
- 0.87% caixa
- 0.67% servicaixa
- 0.61% la caixa.es
- 0.11% la caixa particulares
- 0.1% obra social la caixa
- 0.08% linea abierta
- 0.06% avatar 3d madrid
- 0.06% entradas
- 0.06% caixa online
lacaixa.es DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- artemis.ttd.net 123 3,394
- ns1.lacaixa.com 2 183,040
- ns2.lacaixa.com 2 183,041
- nso.nic.es 50 8,402
lacaixa.es Server Info
- Server Type: IBM_HTTP_Server
- IP Address:
- ISP: La Caixa Autonomous System
- Country Name: Spain
- Region: Catalonia
- City: Barcelona
- Latitude: 41.3833
- Longitude: 2.1833
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
41.3833,2.1833lacaixa.es IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- La Caixa Autonomous System 16383 ripencc
lacaixa.es Demographics
- 18-24-23
- 25-3423
- 35-3415
- 45-54-12
- 55-64-26
- 65+0
- No College-33
- Some College-29
- College-20
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K4
- $30 - $60K18
- $60 - $100K-6
- $100K+-20
- Male11
- Female-9
Has Children
- Yes-11
- No13
Browsing Location
- Home-16
- School-15
- Work25
- African-29
- African American-35
- Asian-48
- Caucasian-8
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-32
- Other-28
Runs On IBM_HTTP_Server
- Domain PR Rank
- bmo.com 7 4,425
- avon.lt 5 229,900
- arixtra.com 0 703,053
- cars.com 7 1,650
- intactinsurance.com 0 703,695
lacaixa.es Sites on Same ISP
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- 18-24