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opensubtitles.org is a website that ranks 1,775 in Alexa. opensubtitles.org is ranked 3,624 on statisy and has 1,354,993 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Dec 03 2005 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) opensubtitles.org is identical to the domain name opensubtitles.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named opensubtitles. The opensubtitles.org Server is hosted by LightStorm Communications s.r.o. and is located in Slovakia (Bratislava). opensubtitles.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing opensubtitles.org's demographics we have determined that opensubtitles.org average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that opensubtitles.org's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about opensubtitles.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Asian.opensubtitles.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsopensubtitles.org Statistics Icons
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opensubtitles.org Backlinks (1,354,993 total backlinks)
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opensubtitles.org Usage Statistics
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- Yesterday 1,190 0.11% 0% 3.3 30.7% 2.69 26.6%
- 7 day 1,753 0.076% 0% 3.41 33.3% 2.83 25.4%
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- 3 month 1,775 0.0744% 0% 3.29 34.5% 2.76 27.3%
opensubtitles.org Traffic by Subdomain
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- United States 10,821 4.1% 521,577 158,534
- Hungary 316 2.8% 356,199 108,267
- Pakistan 709 2.7% 343,478 104,400
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- Russian Federation 5,664 1.7% 216,264 65,734
- United Kingdom 4,606 1.6% 203,542 61,867
- Netherlands 1,473 1.6% 203,542 61,867
- Malaysia 725 1.5% 190,821 58,000
- Spain 2,937 1.5% 190,821 58,000
- Bangladesh 722 1.3% 165,378 50,267
- Sri Lanka 314 1.2% 152,657 46,400
- Germany 9,512 1.2% 152,657 46,400
- Belgium 802 1.2% 152,657 46,400
- Mexico 2,934 1.2% 152,657 46,400
- Japan 10,684 1.1% 139,935 42,534
- Canada 3,550 1.1% 139,935 42,534
- Sweden 1,773 0.9% 114,493 34,800
- Czech Republic 841 0.9% 114,493 34,800
- Philippines 1,341 0.8% 101,771 30,933
- Australia 3,989 0.8% 101,771 30,933
- Argentina 2,021 0.8% 101,771 30,933
- Saudi Arabia 4,158 0.7% 89,050 27,067
- Republic of Korea 3,408 0.7% 89,050 27,067
- Slovakia 511 0.7% 89,050 27,067
- Thailand 2,375 0.7% 89,050 27,067
- Turkey 5,164 0.7% 89,050 27,067
- Azerbaijan 986 0.6% 76,328 23,200
- Egypt 3,422 0.6% 76,328 23,200
- 596 0.6% 76,328 23,200
- Israel 1,267 0.5% 63,607 19,333
- Other 10.5% 1,335,746 406,002
opensubtitles.org Keywords
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- 0.31% opensubs
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opensubtitles.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns.opensubtitles.org 3 131,284
- ns1.opensubtitles.org 3 131,283
opensubtitles.org Server Info
- Server Type: Lighttpd 1.4.x
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- ISP: LightStorm Communications s.r.o.
- Country Name: Slovakia
- Region: Bratislava
- City: Bratislava
- Latitude: 48.15
- Longitude: 17.1167
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
48.15,17.1167opensubtitles.org IP info
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- LightStorm Communications s.r.o. 42005 ripencc
opensubtitles.org Demographics
- 18-2449
- 25-346
- 35-34-22
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- 55-64-40
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- Graduate School5
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K-9
- $60 - $100K-23
- $100K+-22
- Male49
- Female-29
Has Children
- Yes-20
- No34
Browsing Location
- Home49
- School-1
- Work-30
- African-8
- African American-35
- Asian32
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- Other9
Runs On Lighttpd 1.4.x
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