- sapo.ptWorldwide Rank0
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sapo.pt updated ago
SAPOPortal SAPO PT o site de referência em Portugal, agora com nova Homepage, tem as principais notícias de Portugal e do mundo num único sítio. Tem ainda banca de jornais, mail, fotos, vídeos, blogs, emprego, casas, canais sobre restaurantes e receitas, mulher, festas, cinema e muitas outras coisas para descobrir no Portal SAPO Portugal.
sapo.pt is a website that ranks 0 in Alexa. sapo.pt is ranked 1,245 on statisy and has 18,700,000 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) sapo.pt is identical to the domain name sapo.pt. The domain is registered under the domain suffix pt and is named sapo. The sapo.pt Server is hosted by PT Comunicacoes, S.A. and is located in Portugal (Lisboa). sapo.pt is not listed in the dmoz open directory project.sapo.pt's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticssapo.pt Statistics Icons
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sapo.pt Backlinks (18,700,000 total backlinks)
- 18,700,000
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
sapo.pt DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- dns02.sapo.pt 3 0
- dns01.sapo.pt 3 0
- ns2.sapo.pt 9 64,810
- ns.sapo.pt 8 77,989
sapo.pt Server Info
- Server Type: SAPOttpd/2.0
- IP Address:
- ISP: PT Comunicacoes, S.A.
- Country Name: Portugal
- Region: Lisboa
- City: Lisboa
- Latitude: 38.7167
- Longitude: -9.1333
- Postal Code:
38.7167,-9.1333sapo.pt IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- PT Comunicacoes, S.A. 3243 ripencc
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