- sun.grWorldwide Rank719
- sun.grMonthly Users*8,927,291287,977.13 per day*
- sun.grMonthly Pageviews*25,442,779820,734.81 per day*
sun.gr updated ago
Sun Hellas Προβολή αρχικής σελίδας της SunΗ Sun Microsystems GR αναπτύσσει πρωτοποριακές τεχνολογίες δικτυακής πληροφορικής για τη βελτιστοποίηση του εξοπλισμού πληροφορικής σας, με διακομιστές χαμηλής κατανάλωσης ρεύματος, μονάδες αποθήκευσης, λογισμικό ανοικτού πηγαίου κώδικα, εργαλεία, υπηρεσίες και κατάρτιση.
sun.gr Tags
sun.gr is a website that ranks 719 in Alexa. sun.gr is ranked 1,902 on statisy and has 12 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Mar 19 1986 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) sun.gr is identical to the domain name sun.gr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix gr and is named sun. The sun.gr Server is hosted by Oracle Corporation and is located in United States (California). sun.gr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing sun.gr's demographics we have determined that sun.gr average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that sun.gr's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about sun.gr's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.sun.gr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticssun.gr Statistics Icons
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sun.gr Backlinks (12 total backlinks)
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sun.gr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 980 0.149% 0% 2.17 60.6% 2.87 30.8%
- 7 day 888 0.148% 0% 2.83 57% 3.48 33.7%
- 1 month 790 0.1613% 0% 2.88 55.7% 3.65 35.9%
- 3 month 719 0.1722% 0% 2.85 55.4% 3.63 35.9%
sun.gr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- java.sun.com 42% 10,685,967 3,749,462
- sun.com 12.7% 3,231,233 1,133,766
- jdl.sun.com 9.4% 2,391,621 839,165
- blogs.sun.com 5.4% 1,373,910 482,074
- forums.sun.com 5.2% 1,323,025 464,219
- docs.sun.com 3% 763,283 267,819
- cds.sun.com 2.2% 559,741 196,400
- osum.sun.com 2% 508,856 178,546
- in.sun.com 1.7% 432,527 151,764
- developers.sun.com 1.3% 330,756 116,055
- search.sun.com 1.3% 330,756 116,055
- sunsolve.sun.com 1.2% 305,313 107,127
- onesearch.sun.com 0.9% 228,985 80,346
- bugs.sun.com 0.8% 203,542 71,418
- reg.sun.com 0.7% 178,099 62,491
- gceclub.sun.com.cn 0.7% 178,099 62,491
- research.sun.com 0.7% 178,099 62,491
- central.sun.com 0.6% 152,657 53,564
- javadl.sun.com 0.5% 127,214 44,636
- planets.sun.com 0.5% 127,214 44,636
- shop.sun.com 0.5% 127,214 44,636
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- at.sun.com 0.1% 25,443 8,927
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- communications.sun.com 0.1% 25,443 8,927
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- test-server.sun.com 0% 0 0
- livelykernel.sunlabs.com 0% 0 0
- prc.sun.com 0% 0 0
- ibis.sun.com 0% 0 0
- cn.sun.com 0% 0 0
- suned.sun.co.jp 0% 0 0
sun.gr Keywords
- 0.06% javatv javafx technology
- 0.06% java card javafx gps
- 0.05% Jdk
- 0.05% java console
- 0.05% java card javafx bluetooth
- 0.05% java card platform javafx bluetooth
- 0.05% jdk 7 javafx netbeans
- 0.05% virtualbox
- 0.04% jdk 7 java javatv
- 0.04% the sun
- 0.55% sun
- 0.25% solaris
- 0.14% javafx
- 0.14% java card javafx
- 0.11% jdk 7 javafx technology
- 0.1% target
- 0.09% sun microsystems
- 0.08% javafx language j2se
- 0.08% jdk 7 javafx programming
- 0.06% jdk 7 java technology
sun.gr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns8.sun.com 25 17,079
- ns1.sun.com 26 16,475
- ns2.sun.com 25 17,078
- ns7.sun.com 24 17,962
sun.gr Server Info
- Server Type: Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/7.0
- IP Address:
- ISP: Oracle Corporation
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: Redwood City
- Latitude: 37.5331
- Longitude: -122.247
- Postal Code: 94065
- Website Age: old
37.5331,-122.247sun.gr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Oracle Corporation 794 arin
sun.gr Demographics
- 18-2411
- 25-3410
- 35-34-8
- 45-54-14
- 55-64-14
- 65+-20
- No College-15
- Some College-3
- College-5
- Graduate School14
- $0 - $30K13
- $30 - $60K-4
- $60 - $100K-4
- $100K+-9
- Male49
- Female-28
Has Children
- Yes-9
- No11
Browsing Location
- Home-11
- School5
- Work13
- African-7
- African American-19
- Asian16
- Caucasian-6
- Hispanic1
- Middle Eastern7
- Other-5
Runs On Sun-Java-System-Web-Server/7.0
- Domain PR Rank
- bloomberg.com 8 1,284
- tigerwoods.com 6 89,652
- samsclubdiscover.com 0 704,995
- kelor.net 0 342,361
- fresnogrizzlies.com 0 705,909
sun.gr Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- sun.com 5 1,888
- sales.com 2 780,415
- oracle.com 0 2,271
- portal.net 0 858,876
- razza.com 0 898,626
- javafx.com 7 91,792
- diveusa.com 4 972,702
- java.com 8 2,235
- crystalball.com 6 1,004,141
- promedmail.org 7 1,012,632
- 18-24