- travian.aeWorldwide Rank3,047
- travian.aeMonthly Users*1,613,92852,062.19 per day*
- travian.aeMonthly Pageviews*31,310,1951,010,006.29 per day*
travian.ae updated ago
ترافيان - لعبة الانترنت - الرومان, الاغريق, الجرمانtravian.ae is a website that ranks 3,047 in Alexa. travian.ae is ranked 722 on statisy and has 61,473 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) travian.ae is identical to the domain name travian.ae. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ae and is named travian. The travian.ae Server is hosted by AS of Hosteurope Germany / Cologne and is located in Germany (Niedersachsen). travian.ae is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing travian.ae's demographics we have determined that travian.ae average users are 18-24 years old, with No College. We also have determined that travian.ae's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about travian.ae's average user, they have Children and browse from School and are African.travian.ae's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticstravian.ae Statistics Icons
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travian.ae Backlinks (61,473 total backlinks)
- 42,600
- 3,273
- 15,600
- 0
- 0
travian.ae Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 3,047 0.0317% 0% 19.4 38% 14.82 6.2%
- 1 month 3,278 0.0304% 0% 19.2 38.9% 16.06 6.8%
- 7 day 3,567 0.0294% 0% 15.2 38.7% 15.49 6.5%
- Yesterday 3,947 0.029% 0% 13.1 38.1% 11.75 3.9%
travian.ae Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- s10.travian.ae 5.7% 1,784,681 91,994
- s32.travian.ae 4.8% 1,502,889 77,469
- s5.travian.ae 4.5% 1,408,959 72,627
- s21.travian.ae 4.3% 1,346,338 69,399
- s23.travian.ae 4.2% 1,315,028 67,785
- s31.travian.ae 4.2% 1,315,028 67,785
- s11.travian.ae 3.7% 1,158,477 59,715
- s19.travian.ae 3.7% 1,158,477 59,715
- s24.travian.ae 3.6% 1,127,167 58,101
- s7.travian.ae 3.6% 1,127,167 58,101
- s25.travian.ae 3.6% 1,127,167 58,101
- s8.travian.ae 3.6% 1,127,167 58,101
- s27.travian.ae 3.5% 1,095,857 56,487
- s33.travian.ae 3.4% 1,064,547 54,874
- s20.travian.ae 3.4% 1,064,547 54,874
- s1.travian.ae 3.3% 1,033,236 53,260
- s22.travian.ae 3.1% 970,616 50,032
- s26.travian.ae 2.9% 907,996 46,804
- s16.travian.ae 2.8% 876,685 45,190
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- s17.travian.ae 2.8% 876,685 45,190
- s13.travian.ae 2.6% 814,065 41,962
- s28.travian.ae 2.6% 814,065 41,962
- s29.travian.ae 2.6% 814,065 41,962
- s18.travian.ae 2.6% 814,065 41,962
- s3.travian.ae 1.9% 594,894 30,665
- s14.travian.ae 1.7% 532,273 27,437
- travian.ae 1.7% 532,273 27,437
- s30.travian.ae 1.7% 532,273 27,437
- s9.travian.ae 1.3% 407,033 20,981
- s15.travian.ae 1% 313,102 16,139
- s6.travian.ae 1% 313,102 16,139
- s4.travian.ae 0.9% 281,792 14,525
- s2.travian.ae 0.7% 219,171 11,297
- forum.travian.ae 0.3% 93,931 4,842
- 13.travian.ae 0% 0 0
- s.travian.ae 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
travian.ae Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United Arab Emirates 22 31.5% 9,862,711 508,387
- Kuwait 27 18.2% 5,698,455 293,735
- Qatar 79 6.4% 2,003,852 103,291
- Saudi Arabia 1,112 5.5% 1,722,061 88,766
- Egypt 543 5.5% 1,722,061 88,766
- Oman 110 5.4% 1,690,751 87,152
- Yemen 53 4.5% 1,408,959 72,627
- Syrian Arab Republic 128 2.9% 907,996 46,804
- Bahrain 49 2.7% 845,375 43,576
- Iraq 151 2.7% 845,375 43,576
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 229 2.6% 814,065 41,962
- United States 26,140 2.1% 657,514 33,892
- Azerbaijan 500 1.8% 563,584 29,051
- Zambia 36 1.5% 469,653 24,209
- Pakistan 4,423 1% 313,102 16,139
- Tunisia 426 0.8% 250,482 12,911
- Algeria 2,794 0.8% 250,482 12,911
- Finland 2,243 0.7% 219,171 11,297
- Other 3.3% 1,033,236 53,260
travian.ae Keywords
- 35.35% ترافيان
- 7.08% travian
- 5.67% jvhtdhk
- 4.74% ترفيان
- 1.88% travian ae
- 1.65% travian.ae
- 1.57% travian ae14
- 1.54% ترفيان 20
- 1.15% ترافيان السعودي
- 0.87% ترافيان السيرفر السعودي
- 0.63% jvhtdhk
- 0.46% ترافيان السعودي
- 0.43% travian arab
- 0.43% travian.ae
- 0.39% travian games
- 0.23% travian sa
- 0.22% تر
- 0.21% s2
- 0.14% لعبة ترافيان
- 0.12% افيان
- 7.43% ترافيان
- 0.66% travian
- 0.5% ترفيان 20
- 0.25% jvtdhk
- 0.17% s16
- 0.16% ترفيان 19
- 0.13% s14
- 0.12% game faq
- 0.11% travian ae
- 0.08% travian arabe
travian.ae DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns02.travian.com 113 3,920
- ns01.travian.org 113 3,919
- ns03.travian.net 113 3,918
travian.ae Server Info
- Server Type: nginx
- IP Address:
- ISP: AS of Hosteurope Germany / Cologne
- Country Name: Germany
- Region: Niedersachsen
- City: Königslutter
- Latitude: 52.25
- Longitude: 10.8167
- Postal Code:
52.25,10.8167travian.ae IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- AS of Hosteurope Germany / Cologne 20773 ripencc
travian.ae Demographics
- 18-2449
- 25-34-7
- 35-34-21
- 45-54-31
- 55-64-30
- 65+0
- No College31
- Some College-3
- College15
- Graduate School-20
- $0 - $30K-4
- $30 - $60K-9
- $60 - $100K-1
- $100K+14
- Male-14
- Female19
Has Children
- Yes11
- No-9
Browsing Location
- Home21
- School49
- Work-21
- African49
- African American1
- Asian9
- Caucasian-48
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern49
- Other-26
Runs On nginx
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- 18-24