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- Yesterday 10,523 0.011% 0% 14 27.2% 6.64 12.3%
- 7 day 10,276 0.0106% 0% 16 25.1% 9.12 13.2%
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- 3 month 6,560 0.0145% 0% 22.3 23% 10.53 13%
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- animea.net 76.3% 12,796,627 573,840
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- United States 10,585 14.3% 2,398,319 107,548
- Japan 6,269 7.1% 1,190,774 53,398
- Indonesia 1,730 6.4% 1,073,374 48,133
- Malaysia 665 5.2% 872,116 39,108
- India 17,786 4.6% 771,487 34,596
- Nigeria 1,034 3.5% 587,001 26,323
- Australia 3,044 3.5% 587,001 26,323
- Philippines 1,250 3% 503,144 22,563
- South Africa 2,603 2.8% 469,601 21,058
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- Russian Federation 13,208 2.5% 419,287 18,802
- Thailand 3,035 2.3% 385,744 17,298
- Mexico 5,618 2.3% 385,744 17,298
- Singapore 1,077 2% 335,429 15,042
- Italy 11,372 1.8% 301,886 13,538
- United Kingdom 17,178 1.8% 301,886 13,538
- Islamic Republic of Iran 10,820 1.7% 285,115 12,785
- Greece 3,008 1.5% 251,572 11,281
- Germany 27,492 1.5% 251,572 11,281
- Pakistan 10,570 1.4% 234,800 10,529
- Canada 10,610 1.4% 234,800 10,529
- Norway 2,984 1.3% 218,029 9,777
- Brazil 10,689 1.3% 218,029 9,777
- Saudi Arabia 6,546 1.2% 201,258 9,025
- Bangladesh 4,655 1.1% 184,486 8,273
- Hungary 2,566 1.1% 184,486 8,273
- France 13,736 1.1% 184,486 8,273
- Finland 2,865 1% 167,715 7,521
- Togo 59 1% 167,715 7,521
- Vietnam 3,288 0.9% 150,943 6,769
- Cameroon 545 0.8% 134,172 6,017
- Kuwait 3,179 0.7% 117,400 5,265
- Czech Republic 5,171 0.6% 100,629 4,513
- Netherlands 20,767 0.6% 100,629 4,513
- Belgium 6,998 0.5% 83,857 3,760
- Other 13.7% 2,297,691 103,036
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- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.animea.net 1 345,408
- ns1.animea.net 1 345,409
animea.net Server Info
- Server Type: LiteSpeed
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- ISP: WebNX
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: Los Angeles
- Latitude: 34.053
- Longitude: -118.264
- Postal Code: 90017
- Website Age: old
34.053,-118.264animea.net IP info
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animea.net Demographics
- 18-2449
- 25-34-19
- 35-34-39
- 45-54-36
- 55-64-38
- 65+0
- No College5
- Some College6
- College22
- Graduate School-21
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K-17
- $60 - $100K-31
- $100K+-26
- Male14
- Female-12
Has Children
- Yes-20
- No33
Browsing Location
- Home49
- School16
- Work-30
- African11
- African American-21
- Asian49
- Caucasian-33
- Hispanic-11
- Middle Eastern22
- Other-17
Powered By PHP/5.2.13
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