- apache.orgWorldwide Rank1,212
- apache.orgMonthly Users*5,681,923183,287.84 per day*
- apache.orgMonthly Pageviews*16,875,312544,364.9 per day*
apache.org updated ago
Welcome! - The Apache Software Foundationapache.org is a website that ranks 1,212 in Alexa. apache.org is ranked 2,704 on statisy and has 4,274,045 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Apr 11 1995 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) apache.org is identical to the domain name apache.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named apache. The apache.org Server is hosted by Oregon Joint Graduate Schools of Engineering and is located in United States (Oregon). apache.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing apache.org's demographics we have determined that apache.org average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that apache.org's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about apache.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Middle Eastern.apache.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsapache.org Statistics Icons
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apache.org Backlinks (4,274,045 total backlinks)
- 2,390,000
- 612,145
- 956,000
- 234,000
- 81,900
apache.org Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,866 0.077% 0% 2.7 52.5% 3.31 35.6%
- 7 day 1,253 0.11% 0% 2.94 52.7% 3.79 36.7%
- 1 month 1,250 0.1075% 0% 2.99 52.1% 3.76 38.3%
- 3 month 1,212 0.1098% 0% 2.97 51.8% 3.74 38.5%
apache.org Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- httpd.apache.org 25% 4,218,828 1,420,481
- wiki.apache.org 7.4% 1,248,773 420,462
- apache.org 6.9% 1,164,397 392,053
- tomcat.apache.org 6.7% 1,130,646 380,689
- lucene.apache.org 6.6% 1,113,771 375,007
- svn.apache.org 5.9% 995,643 335,233
- struts.apache.org 5% 843,766 284,096
- commons.apache.org 4.9% 826,890 278,414
- mail-archives.apache.org 2.9% 489,384 164,776
- ant.apache.org 2.9% 489,384 164,776
- hc.apache.org 2.3% 388,132 130,684
- jakarta.apache.org 2% 337,506 113,638
- xml.apache.org 1.5% 253,130 85,229
- ws.apache.org 1.4% 236,254 79,547
- logging.apache.org 1.4% 236,254 79,547
- incubator.apache.org 1.4% 236,254 79,547
- people.apache.org 1.3% 219,379 73,865
- cwiki.apache.org 1.2% 202,504 68,183
- zones.apache.org 1.1% 185,628 62,501
- maven.apache.org 0.9% 151,878 51,137
- wicket.apache.org 0.9% 151,878 51,137
- modules.apache.org 0.9% 151,878 51,137
- spamassassin.apache.org 0.9% 151,878 51,137
- hadoop.apache.org 0.8% 135,002 45,455
- perl.apache.org 0.7% 118,127 39,773
- archive.apache.org 0.6% 101,252 34,092
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- mina.apache.org 0.6% 101,252 34,092
- xerces.apache.org 0.5% 84,377 28,410
- activemq.apache.org 0.4% 67,501 22,728
- tapestry.apache.org 0.4% 67,501 22,728
- cvs.apache.org 0.4% 67,501 22,728
- xmlbeans.apache.org 0.3% 50,626 17,046
- stdcxx.apache.org 0.3% 50,626 17,046
- db.apache.org 0.3% 50,626 17,046
- OTHER 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- xmlgraphics.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- harmony.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- ofbiz.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- xalan.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- velocity.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- mirror.anlx.net 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- roller.apache.org 0.2% 33,751 11,364
- shale.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- portals.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- appache.com 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- nagoya.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- jackrabbit.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- eu.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- james.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- poi.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- cocoon.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- ibatis.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- apr.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- myfaces.apache.org 0.1% 16,875 5,682
- cayenne.apache.org 0% 0 0
- directory.apache.org 0% 0 0
- vmgump.apache.org 0% 0 0
- labs.apache.org 0% 0 0
- turbine.apache.org 0% 0 0
apache.org Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 1,836 15.9% 2,683,175 903,426
- India 661 13% 2,193,791 738,650
- China 1,282 11.7% 1,974,412 664,785
- Germany 781 9.9% 1,670,656 562,510
- United Kingdom 1,157 4.1% 691,888 232,959
- Russian Federation 1,782 3.1% 523,135 176,140
- Japan 2,926 2.9% 489,384 164,776
- Italy 1,167 2.9% 489,384 164,776
- Spain 1,295 2.4% 405,007 136,366
- Canada 1,400 1.8% 303,756 102,275
- France 2,292 1.8% 303,756 102,275
- Netherlands 912 1.8% 303,756 102,275
- Pakistan 1,385 1.5% 253,130 85,229
- Australia 1,117 1.5% 253,130 85,229
- Austria 697 1.3% 219,379 73,865
- South Africa 832 1.3% 219,379 73,865
- Indonesia 2,210 1.2% 202,504 68,183
- Ukraine 981 1.1% 185,628 62,501
- Poland 1,635 1% 168,753 56,819
- Islamic Republic of Iran 3,170 1% 168,753 56,819
- Romania 934 0.9% 151,878 51,137
- Turkey 2,828 0.8% 135,002 45,455
- Switzerland 756 0.8% 135,002 45,455
- Brazil 4,021 0.8% 135,002 45,455
- Argentina 1,715 0.6% 101,252 34,092
- Sweden 1,671 0.6% 101,252 34,092
- Other 14.2% 2,396,294 806,833
apache.org Keywords
- 0.53% cassandra
- 0.23% hadoop
- 0.16% Tomcat
- 0.08% mod_rewrite
- 0.07% jmeter
- 0.07% solr
- 0.06% nutch
- 0.06% apache cassandra
- 0.05% htaccess
- 0.05% couchdb
- 0.06% log4j
- 0.04% .htaccess
- 0.03% tiles
- 0.03% Ivy
- 0.02% hivemind
- 0.02% shindig
- 0.02% mod rewrite
- 0.02% xalan
- 0.02% apache server
- 0.02% apache tomcat
apache.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.us.bitnames.com 12 34,283
- ns1.eu.bitnames.com 13 31,868
- ns2.no-ip.com 805 723
- ns2.surfnet.nl 30 14,604
apache.org Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.2.12 (Unix)
- IP Address:
- ISP: Oregon Joint Graduate Schools of Engineering
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Oregon
- City: Corvallis
- Latitude: 44.5577
- Longitude: -123.298
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
44.5577,-123.298apache.org IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Oregon Joint Graduate Schools of Engineering 3701 arin
apache.org Demographics
- 18-241
- 25-3424
- 35-34-4
- 45-54-20
- 55-64-25
- 65+-22
- No College-15
- Some College-8
- College-7
- Graduate School16
- $0 - $30K7
- $30 - $60K2
- $60 - $100K-5
- $100K+-7
- Male49
- Female-33
Has Children
- Yes-9
- No11
Browsing Location
- Home-17
- School-23
- Work25
- African-7
- African American-19
- Asian5
- Caucasian-1
- Hispanic-1
- Middle Eastern6
- Other-2
Runs On Apache/2.2.12 (Unix)
- Domain PR Rank
- rice.edu 8 26,572
- darkstarlings.com 3 175,554
- therise.ru 1 237,912
- viphouse.rs 4 872,115
- fortherich.ru 2 913,026
apache.org Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- phpbb.com 8 3,158
- drupal.org 0 822
- apache.org 9 2,704
- mozdev.org 8 6,916
- civicrm.org 7 28,493
- preware.org 1 874,143
- webos-internals.org 5 177,130
- openid.net 8 31,986
- linux.com 7 26,699
- lanecc.edu 6 54,206
- 18-24