- blic.rsWorldwide Rank3,839
- blic.rsMonthly Users*1,582,59051,051.29 per day*
- blic.rsMonthly Pageviews*10,904,048351,743.48 per day*
blic.rs updated ago
Blic Online | Najtiražnije novine u SrbijiBlic online, najnovije vesti, politika, tema dana, svet, društvo, ekonomija, hronika, zabava, kultura, auto, sport, vojvodina, srbija, republika srpska, beograd, intervju, komentar, reportaža, serija, dodatak, strip, comics, tv program, horoskop, arhiva vesti, dobre vesti
blic.rs Tags
blic.rs is a website that ranks 3,839 in Alexa. blic.rs is ranked 4,084 on statisy and has 90,768 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) blic.rs is identical to the domain name blic.rs. The domain is registered under the domain suffix rs and is named blic. The blic.rs Server is hosted by YUnet International d.o.o. and is located in Serbia (). blic.rs is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing blic.rs's demographics we have determined that blic.rs average users are 25-34 years old, with Some College. We also have determined that blic.rs's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about blic.rs's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Other.blic.rs's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsblic.rs Statistics Icons
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blic.rs Backlinks (90,768 total backlinks)
- 0
- 27,402
- 54,100
- 9,190
- 76
blic.rs Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 3,828 0.032% 0% 7.6 25.2% 10.61 11.9%
- 7 day 3,632 0.0323% 0% 7.3 23.3% 10.52 10.7%
- 1 month 3,606 0.0323% 0% 7.36 23.7% 10.37 10.7%
- 3 month 3,839 0.0305% 0% 6.89 24.2% 9.86 11.4%
blic.rs Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- blic.rs 100% 10,904,048 1,582,590
blic.rs Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- 7 64.6% 7,044,015 1,022,353
- Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 7.9% 861,420 125,025
- Germany 5,118 4.4% 479,778 69,634
- United States 21,314 3.9% 425,258 61,721
- Canada 2,116 3% 327,121 47,478
- Croatia 284 1.7% 185,369 26,904
- Macedonia 96 1.6% 174,465 25,321
- Sweden 1,875 1.4% 152,657 22,156
- Austria 2,278 1.4% 152,657 22,156
- Switzerland 1,703 1.1% 119,945 17,408
- Greece 2,924 0.9% 98,136 14,243
- Slovenia 717 0.7% 76,328 11,078
- Brazil 13,955 0.6% 65,424 9,496
- United Arab Emirates 1,390 0.6% 65,424 9,496
- France 15,630 0.6% 65,424 9,496
- Israel 2,021 0.5% 54,520 7,913
- Other 5% 545,202 79,130
blic.rs Keywords
- 38.2% blic
- 11.96% blic.rs
- 4.44% blic novine
- 1.45% www.blic.rs
- 1.41% blic online
- 1.3% novine blic
- 0.71% blic rs
- 0.61% blic zena
- 0.45% bliconline
- 0.4% blic.co.yu
- 1.27% novine blic
- 1.16% blic sportske vesti
- 0.5% ksenija pajcin
- 0.39% novine press
- 0.35% blic dnevne novine
- 0.22% www.blic.co.yu
- 0.2% filip kapisoda
- 0.17% blic srbija
- 0.16% novine alo
- 0.14% blic online
- 1.81% blic.rs
- 1.54% blic novine
- 1.49% blic
- 0.67% www.blic.rs
- 0.12% bliconline
- 0.09% blic.co.yu
- 0.07% patrik svejzi
- 0.07% blic zena
- 0.06% novak djokovic
- 0.06% press
blic.rs DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.eunet.rs 20 21,929
- dagda1.isp.telekom.rs 49 12,874
- ns.ha.rs 5 70,311
- ns.beotel.rs 99 4,328
- ns.beotel.net 103 4,182
blic.rs Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: YUnet International d.o.o.
- Country Name: Serbia
- Region:
- City: Beograd
- Latitude: 44.8186
- Longitude: 20.4681
- Postal Code:
44.8186,20.4681blic.rs IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- YUnet International d.o.o. 8771 ripencc
blic.rs Demographics
- 18-242
- 25-3439
- 35-34-6
- 45-54-23
- 55-64-35
- 65+0
- No College3
- Some College22
- College6
- Graduate School-19
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K-11
- $60 - $100K-25
- $100K+-25
- Male22
- Female-16
Has Children
- Yes-7
- No8
Browsing Location
- Home12
- School-22
- Work-9
- African-30
- African American-35
- Asian-46
- Caucasian2
- Hispanic-35
- Middle Eastern14
- Other49
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- 18-24