- cpcia.org.cnWorldwide Rank83,101
- cpcia.org.cnMonthly Users*79,8832,576.87 per day*
- cpcia.org.cnMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
cpcia.org.cn updated ago
cpcia.org.cn is a website that ranks 83,101 in Alexa. cpcia.org.cn is ranked 51,816 on statisy and has 15,190 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) cpcia.org.cn is identical to the domain name cpcia.org.cn. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org.cn and is named cpcia. The cpcia.org.cn Server is hosted by Beijing Dian-Xin-Tong Network Technologies Co., Ltd. and is located in China (Henan). cpcia.org.cn is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing cpcia.org.cn's demographics we have determined that cpcia.org.cn average users are 25-34 years old, with Some College. We also have determined that cpcia.org.cn's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about cpcia.org.cn's average user, they have Children and browse from Work and are Asian.cpcia.org.cn's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticscpcia.org.cn Statistics Icons
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cpcia.org.cn Backlinks (15,190 total backlinks)
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cpcia.org.cn Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 56,941 0.0024% 0% 7.5 33% 9.65 2.8%
- 1 month 56,689 0.0024% 0% 7.7 35.2% 11.08 5.1%
- 3 month 83,101 0.00152% 0% 9.1 32.5% 12.15 6.2%
cpcia.org.cn Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- cpcia.org.cn 94.1% 684,048 75,170
- mail.cpcia.org.cn 4.7% 34,166 3,755
- oa.cpcia.org.cn 1.2% 8,723 959
cpcia.org.cn Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- China 6,049 99.9% 726,210 79,803
cpcia.org.cn Keywords
- 2.87% 2015国家 计划
- 2.78% 余氯 检测管 "六铺炕"
- 2.63% 张召平
- 2.56% 培宗
- 2.47% 临苯
- 2.46% 锐思腾
- 2.46% 郭丽梅
- 2.46% 天完突
- 2.03% 酸酒精
- 1.91% 奥巴马 钢管 反倾销 反补贴
- 5.29% 解孝林
- 2.66% 邀请函 签证 来华
- 2.16% 何晶馨
- 1.34% 化学工程 热力工程 三大基础
- 1.34% 化工协会
- 1.29% china petroleum and chemical industry association
- 1.12% 中石油 中石化
- 0.88% qc
- 0.7% 护照 手续 材料
- 0.67% 提征
- 2.46% 锐思腾
- 2.46% 郭丽梅
- 2.46% 天完突
- 1.5% 外贸指南
- 0.73% 核电 厂址 广东 优势
- 0.73% articles of dissolution 解
- 0.7% 金浩石油化学
- 0.64% 环评 超标 罚款 公式
- 0.58% 首钢 收购 贵钢
- 0.56% wto 缓冲器
cpcia.org.cn DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns5.sanfront.com.cn 711 775
- ns3.sanfront.com.cn 711 774
cpcia.org.cn Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.8 mod_gzip/ mod_perl/1.30
- IP Address:
- ISP: Beijing Dian-Xin-Tong Network Technologies Co., Ltd.
- Country Name: China
- Region: Henan
- City: Xuanwu
- Latitude: 33.9667
- Longitude: 115.233
- Postal Code:
33.9667,115.233cpcia.org.cn IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Beijing Dian-Xin-Tong Network Technologies Co., Ltd. 17964 apnic
cpcia.org.cn Demographics
- 18-24-39
- 25-3449
- 35-3414
- 45-540
- 55-640
- 65+0
- No College0
- Some College38
- College24
- Graduate School-22
- $0 - $30K-27
- $30 - $60K49
- $60 - $100K16
- $100K+-28
- Male2
- Female-2
Has Children
- Yes15
- No-15
Browsing Location
- Home-46
- School0
- Work49
- African0
- African American0
- Asian49
- Caucasian0
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern0
- Other0
Runs On Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) PHP/4.4.8 mod_gzip/ mod_perl/1.30
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