- cricket.orgWorldwide Rank270
- cricket.orgMonthly Users*17,059,034550,291.42 per day*
- cricket.orgMonthly Pageviews*73,524,4382,371,756.06 per day*
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Live Cricket Scores | ICC 2011 World Cup | Cricket news, statistics | ESPN CricinfoESPN cricinfo.com provides the most comprehensive live cricket available as well as unparalleled statistics, quality editorial comment and analysis
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cricket.org is a website that ranks 270 in Alexa. cricket.org is ranked 677 on statisy and has 1,419 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) cricket.org is identical to the domain name cricket.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named cricket. The cricket.org Server is hosted by ClaraNET and is located in United Kingdom (London). cricket.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing cricket.org's demographics we have determined that cricket.org average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that cricket.org's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about cricket.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.cricket.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticscricket.org Statistics Icons
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cricket.org Backlinks (1,419 total backlinks)
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cricket.org Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 336 0.34% 0% 4.31 23.9% 7.22 6.8%
- 1 month 2,698 0.053% 0% 3.49 38.3% 5.1 6.7%
- 7 day 21,803 0.009% 0% 2.2 64% 1.68 6.1%
cricket.org Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- cricinfo.com 40.9% 30,071,495 6,977,145
- content-ind.cricinfo.com 28.5% 20,954,465 4,861,825
- content-usa.cricinfo.com 5.8% 4,264,417 989,424
- content-uk.cricinfo.com 4.7% 3,455,649 801,775
- stats.cricinfo.com 2.6% 1,911,635 443,535
- ind.cricinfo.com 2.2% 1,617,538 375,299
- content-aus.cricinfo.com 2.1% 1,544,013 358,240
- content-www.cricinfo.com 2% 1,470,489 341,181
- content-eap.cricinfo.com 1.6% 1,176,391 272,945
- content-sl.cricinfo.com 1.6% 1,176,391 272,945
- content-pak.cricinfo.com 1.3% 955,818 221,767
- content-rsa.cricinfo.com 1% 735,244 170,590
- content-gulf.cricinfo.com 1% 735,244 170,590
- fantasy.cricinfo.com 0.9% 661,720 153,531
- slogout.cricinfo.com 0.8% 588,196 136,472
- content-search.cricinfo.com 0.4% 294,098 68,236
- content-nz.cricinfo.com 0.4% 294,098 68,236
- blogs.cricinfo.com 0.4% 294,098 68,236
- pak.cricinfo.com 0.4% 294,098 68,236
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- usa.cricinfo.com 0.2% 147,049 34,118
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- gulf.cricinfo.com 0.1% 73,524 17,059
- sl.cricinfo.com 0.1% 73,524 17,059
- content.cricinfo.com 0.1% 73,524 17,059
- wi.cricinfo.com 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
cricket.org Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- India 32 57.7% 42,423,601 9,843,063
- Pakistan 16 14.4% 10,587,519 2,456,501
- United States 1,702 5% 3,676,222 852,952
- Bangladesh 23 4.7% 3,455,649 801,775
- Sri Lanka 12 3.1% 2,279,258 528,830
- United Kingdom 499 2.6% 1,911,635 443,535
- Australia 183 2.6% 1,911,635 443,535
- South Africa 214 1.2% 882,293 204,708
- United Arab Emirates 90 1.1% 808,769 187,649
- Canada 959 0.8% 588,196 136,472
- Qatar 69 0.8% 588,196 136,472
- Other 5.9% 4,337,942 1,006,483
cricket.org Keywords
- 25.02% Cricinfo
- 6.77% cricket
- 2.3% live cricket score
- 1.77% cric info
- 1.54% crickinfo
- 1.19% cricket score
- 1.15% cricket info
- 1.01% live cricket
- 0.9% cricket live score
- 0.84% Cricinfo.com
- 5.67% Cricinfo
- 1.08% cricket
- 1.04% live cricket score
- 0.42% cricket score
- 0.4% cricket info
- 0.34% www.cricinfo.com
- 0.21% cricket live score
- 0.19% crick info
- 0.18% live score
- 0.11% icc
- 0.15% crickinfo live cricket
- 0.13% Live Cricket Scores
- 0.13% india south africa
- 0.11% ind vs sa
- 0.1% sachin tendulkar 200
- 0.1% cricket scores
- 0.08% criciinfo
- 0.08% asia cup
- 0.08% cric info
- 0.07% steve smith criket
cricket.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.hq.cricinfo.org 6 83,750
- ns.uk.cricket.org 18 27,050
- ns.hq.cricinfo.org 18 27,049
- ns2.cricket.org 7 83,751
cricket.org Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: ClaraNET
- Country Name: United Kingdom
- Region: London
- City: London
- Latitude: 51.5002
- Longitude: -0.1262
- Postal Code:
51.5002,-0.1262cricket.org IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- ClaraNET 8426 ripencc
cricket.org Demographics
- 18-2420
- 25-349
- 35-34-19
- 45-54-20
- 55-64-18
- 65+7
- No College-23
- Some College-19
- College-20
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K14
- $30 - $60K-5
- $60 - $100K-8
- $100K+-7
- Male49
- Female-33
Has Children
- Yes-16
- No23
Browsing Location
- Home-13
- School-11
- Work20
- African-32
- African American-35
- Asian49
- Caucasian-41
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern-34
- Other-20
Runs On Apache
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- 18-24