- dba.dkWorldwide Rank5,637
- dba.dkMonthly Users*968,97631,257.29 per day*
- dba.dkMonthly Pageviews*12,305,997396,967.65 per day*
dba.dk updated ago
Danmarks største annoncemarked med køb, salg og bytte for private og virksomheder
dba.dk is a website that ranks 5,637 in Alexa. dba.dk is ranked 3,715 on statisy and has 360,799 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) dba.dk is identical to the domain name dba.dk. The domain is registered under the domain suffix dk and is named dba. The dba.dk Server is hosted by Fuzion is a Danish Internet Service Provider and is located in Denmark (Arhus). dba.dk is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing dba.dk's demographics we have determined that dba.dk average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that dba.dk's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about dba.dk's average user, they have Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.dba.dk's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsdba.dk Statistics Icons
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dba.dk Backlinks (360,799 total backlinks)
- 0
- 376
- 360,000
- 297
- 126
dba.dk Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 5,039 0.022% 0% 13 14.5% 9.17 14.5%
- 7 day 5,668 0.0188% 0% 14 15.1% 10.77 12.5%
- 1 month 5,412 0.0193% 0% 14.1 19% 10.35 16.6%
- 3 month 5,637 0.0186% 0% 12.7 20.7% 10.1 16.9%
dba.dk Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- dba.dk 96.9% 11,924,511 938,938
- count.dba.dk 0.7% 86,142 6,783
- bolig.dba.dk 0.7% 86,142 6,783
- gulpladebiler.dba.dk 0.3% 36,918 2,907
- motorcykler.dba.dk 0.2% 24,612 1,938
- elektronik.dba.dk 0.2% 24,612 1,938
- cykler.dba.dk 0.2% 24,612 1,938
- instrumenter.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- hund.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- hifi.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- hest.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- camping.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- husholdning.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- diverse.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- bil.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- born.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- biltilbehor.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
- kat.dba.dk 0.1% 12,306 969
dba.dk Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Denmark 15 92.2% 11,346,129 893,396
- Norway 1,405 2.2% 270,732 21,317
- United States 70,088 2% 246,120 19,380
- Germany 50,531 0.9% 110,754 8,721
- Sweden 9,316 0.6% 73,836 5,814
- Other 2.2% 270,732 21,317
dba.dk Keywords
- 5.56% DBA
- 3.04% den blå avis
- 1.34% dba.dk
- 0.88% blå avis
- 0.21% sofa
- 0.14% den blå avis.dk
- 0.11% den biå avisen
- 0.1% triumph street triple r
- 0.1% triumph street triple
- 0.1% peugeot speedfight 3
- 1.96% DBA
- 0.18% dba.dk
- 0.1% den blå avis.dk
- 0.1% derbi senda
- 0.07% cokin
- 0.06% yamaha tdm
- 0.06% mauser k98
- 0.06% MacBook air
- 0.06% atlas 150
- 0.06% samsung le40b550
- 0.17% sofa
- 0.09% triumph street triple r
- 0.09% peugeot speedfight 3
- 0.09% triumph street triple
- 0.07% den biå avisen
- 0.06% srixon
- 0.06% samsung hard disk
- 0.05% asus p7p55d pro
- 0.05% parfum
- 0.05% blå avis
dba.dk DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns0.danhost.dk 59 7,113
- ns1.danhost.dk 59 7,114
dba.dk Server Info
- Server Type: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
- Powered By: ASP.NET
- IP Address:
- ISP: Fuzion is a Danish Internet Service Provider
- Country Name: Denmark
- Region: Arhus
- City: Aarhus
- Latitude: 56.15
- Longitude: 10.2167
- Postal Code:
56.15,10.2167dba.dk IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Fuzion is a Danish Internet Service Provider 34932 ripencc
dba.dk Demographics
- 18-24-19
- 25-34-3
- 35-3442
- 45-54-11
- 55-64-13
- 65+0
- No College14
- Some College-18
- College-10
- Graduate School20
- $0 - $30K-26
- $30 - $60K1
- $60 - $100K-4
- $100K+42
- Male49
- Female-26
Has Children
- Yes9
- No-8
Browsing Location
- Home2
- School26
- Work-4
- African-31
- African American-36
- Asian-48
- Caucasian49
- Hispanic-35
- Middle Eastern-33
- Other33
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- 18-24