- developers-guide.netWorldwide Rank45,468
- developers-guide.netMonthly Users*180,3815,818.74 per day*
- developers-guide.netMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
developers-guide.net updated ago
Developer's Guide - CMS-StartseiteDevGuide
developers-guide.net Tags
developers-guide.net is a website that ranks 45,468 in Alexa. developers-guide.net is ranked 51,962 on statisy and has 2,458 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Sep 02 2005 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) developers-guide.net is identical to the domain name developers-guide.net. The domain is registered under the domain suffix net and is named developers-guide. The developers-guide.net Server is hosted by manitu and is located in Germany (). developers-guide.net is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing developers-guide.net's demographics we have determined that developers-guide.net average users are 25-34 years old, with No College. We also have determined that developers-guide.net's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about developers-guide.net's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Middle Eastern.developers-guide.net's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsdevelopers-guide.net Statistics Icons
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developers-guide.net Backlinks (2,458 total backlinks)
- 2,310
- 20
- 104
- 20
- 4
developers-guide.net Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 54,559 0.0031% 0% 3.7 62% 2.8 19%
- 1 month 55,398 0.0033% 0% 2.5 69.3% 2.29 25.8%
- 3 month 45,468 0.00344% 0% 4.03 61% 3.78 23.2%
developers-guide.net Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- developers-guide.net 100% 726,937 180,381
developers-guide.net Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Germany 3,349 84.2% 612,081 151,881
- Switzerland 3,311 6.4% 46,524 11,544
- Austria 9,301 5.8% 42,162 10,462
- United States 1,213,470 0.7% 5,089 1,263
developers-guide.net Keywords
- 0.71% phpunit tutorial
- 0.6% insert ignore
- 0.52% eclipse jvm terminated
- 0.51% mysql ignore
- 0.45% eclipse deutsch
- 0.37% div scroll
- 0.32% php event
- 0.3% xampp xdebug
- 0.3% devguide
- 0.3% access to undeclared static property
- 0.76% mysql update replace
- 0.69% div scroll
- 0.25% notepad function list
- 0.24% css marquee
- 0.19% svn out of date
- 0.19% request_uri mod_rewrite
- 0.18% cms liste
- 0.17% alternative windows shell
- 0.16% smarty date
- 0.14% zend optimizer xampp
- 0.37% mysql ignore
- 0.28% access to undeclared static property
- 0.25% xampp xdebug
- 0.21% phpunit tutorial
- 0.19% eclipse jvm terminated
- 0.18% insert ignore
- 0.17% c api
- 0.15% $_server
- 0.14% printf java
- 0.11% jlist add
developers-guide.net DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.namespace4you.de 7,475 41
- ns.namespace4you.de 7,475 40
developers-guide.net Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.7e PHP/5.2.13
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.13
- IP Address:
- ISP: manitu
- Country Name: Germany
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 51
- Longitude: 9
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
51,9developers-guide.net IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- manitu 34240 ripencc
developers-guide.net Demographics
- 18-244
- 25-3419
- 35-34-10
- 45-54-13
- 55-64-20
- 65+-20
- No College14
- Some College-3
- College-10
- Graduate School7
- $0 - $30K5
- $30 - $60K16
- $60 - $100K-5
- $100K+-19
- Male49
- Female-34
Has Children
- Yes-22
- No33
Browsing Location
- Home-10
- School-2
- Work12
- African-29
- African American0
- Asian0
- Caucasian-35
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
Powered By PHP/5.2.13
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Runs On Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.7e PHP/5.2.13
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