- folha.com.brWorldwide Rank9,178
- folha.com.brMonthly Users*884,87928,544.48 per day*
- folha.com.brMonthly Pageviews*2,751,97488,773.35 per day*
folha.com.br updated ago
Folha.com - Primeiro jornal em tempo real em língua portuguesafolha.com.br is a website that ranks 9,178 in Alexa. folha.com.br is ranked 14,366 on statisy and has 139,162 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Jan 01 1996 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) folha.com.br is identical to the domain name folha.com.br. The domain is registered under the domain suffix com.br and is named folha. The folha.com.br Server is hosted by niverso Online Ltda. and is located in Brazil (). folha.com.br is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing folha.com.br's demographics we have determined that folha.com.br average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that folha.com.br's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about folha.com.br's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Hispanic.folha.com.br's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsfolha.com.br Statistics Icons
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folha.com.br Backlinks (139,162 total backlinks)
- 0
- 1,727
- 135,000
- 2,400
- 35
folha.com.br Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 8,689 0.017% 0% 4.6 45.9% 5.3 16.5%
- 7 day 5,913 0.0259% 0% 3.07 40.9% 4.15 11.4%
- 1 month 8,179 0.0191% 0% 3.14 41.6% 5.43 13.4%
- 3 month 9,178 0.0169% 0% 3.11 44.1% 4.56 12.7%
folha.com.br Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- folhainvest.folha.com.br 53.1% 1,461,298 469,871
- search.folha.com.br 6.7% 184,382 59,287
- alonegocios.folha.com.br 6.4% 176,126 56,632
- redir.folha.com.br 6% 165,118 53,093
- login.folha.com.br 5.2% 143,103 46,014
- polls.folha.com.br 4.6% 126,591 40,704
- guia.folha.com.br 4.1% 112,831 36,280
- classificados.folha.com.br 2.7% 74,303 23,892
- publifolha.folha.com.br 2.7% 74,303 23,892
- folha.uol.com.br 1.6% 44,032 14,158
- guia1.folha.com.br 1.1% 30,272 9,734
- musicaclassica.folha.com.br 1.1% 30,272 9,734
- folha.com.br 0.9% 24,768 7,964
- tools.folha.com.br 0.7% 19,264 6,194
- wwws.folha.com.br 0.6% 16,512 5,309
- webmail.folha.com.br 0.5% 13,760 4,424
- englishtown.folha.com.br 0.4% 11,008 3,540
- assine.folha.com.br 0.4% 11,008 3,540
- cgi.folha.com.br 0.3% 8,256 2,655
- atendefolha.folha.com.br 0.3% 8,256 2,655
- spantiga.folha.com.br 0.1% 2,752 885
- publicidade.folha.com.br 0.1% 2,752 885
- folhanews.folha.com.br 0.1% 2,752 885
- ratolandia.folha.com.br 0.1% 2,752 885
- biblioteca.folha.com.br 0% 0 0
- bossanova.folha.com.br 0% 0 0
- comments.folha.com.br 0% 0 0
- escritores.folha.com.br 0% 0 0
- harrypotter.folha.com.br 0% 0 0
folha.com.br Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Brazil 193 87.7% 2,413,481 776,039
- United States 44,155 3.6% 99,071 31,856
- Japan 23,532 2.1% 57,791 18,582
- Argentina 5,877 1.2% 33,024 10,619
- Germany 62,961 1.1% 30,272 9,734
- Other 4.2% 115,583 37,165
folha.com.br Keywords
- 3.2% folha invest
- 1.17% guia da folha
- 0.97% folha online
- 0.91% folhainvest
- 0.88% folha
- 0.59% livraria cultura
- 0.49% guia folha
- 0.49% alo negocios
- 0.45% folha de são paulo
- 0.43% folha digital
- 0.37% alo negocios
- 0.33% restaurant week
- 0.18% livraria cultura
- 0.14% guia da semana
- 0.13% itapetininga tempo
- 0.12% alo negócios curitiba empregos
- 0.11% cinema avatar
- 0.09% mark levinson
- 0.07% tempo camboriú
- 0.07% tempo poa
- 1.2% folha invest
- 0.29% guia da folha
- 0.29% folha
- 0.19% uma prova de amor
- 0.15% tempo sao paulo
- 0.15% previsão do tempo sp
- 0.12% folhainvest
- 0.11% smirnoff experience
- 0.11% folhaonline
- 0.09% guia folha
folha.com.br DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- andromeda.folhasp.com.br 4 85,196
- eliot.uol.com.br 79 5,946
- lupus.folhasp.com.br 4 85,197
- borges.uol.com.br 79 5,945
folha.com.br Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: niverso Online Ltda.
- Country Name: Brazil
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: -10
- Longitude: -55
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
-10,-55folha.com.br IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- niverso Online Ltda. 15201 lacnic
folha.com.br Demographics
- 18-2413
- 25-3413
- 35-34-6
- 45-54-10
- 55-64-22
- 65+0
- No College-38
- Some College-40
- College-18
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K-4
- $30 - $60K-5
- $60 - $100K-5
- $100K+11
- Male12
- Female-13
Has Children
- Yes-12
- No15
Browsing Location
- Home-17
- School-19
- Work27
- African-30
- African American10
- Asian-45
- Caucasian13
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-25
- Other28
Runs On Apache
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