- igniterealtime.orgWorldwide Rank50,811
- igniterealtime.orgMonthly Users*156,9805,063.87 per day*
- igniterealtime.orgMonthly Pageviews*675,01221,774.58 per day*
igniterealtime.org updated ago
Ignite Realtime: a real time collaboration community siteigniterealtime.org Tags
igniterealtime.org is a website that ranks 50,811 in Alexa. igniterealtime.org is ranked 54,775 on statisy and has 89,933 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) igniterealtime.org is identical to the domain name igniterealtime.org. The domain is registered under the domain suffix org and is named igniterealtime. The igniterealtime.org Server is hosted by Jive Software, Inc. and is located in United States (Oregon). igniterealtime.org is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing igniterealtime.org's demographics we have determined that igniterealtime.org average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that igniterealtime.org's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about igniterealtime.org's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.igniterealtime.org's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsigniterealtime.org Statistics Icons
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igniterealtime.org Backlinks (89,933 total backlinks)
- 89,400
- 98
- 339
- 58
- 38
igniterealtime.org Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 48,586 0.0036% 0% 3.2 43% 3.66 42%
- 1 month 51,390 0.0031% 0% 4.1 42.9% 4.26 37%
- 3 month 50,811 0.00302% 0% 4.3 40.4% 4.79 36.2%
igniterealtime.org Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- igniterealtime.org 100% 675,012 156,980
igniterealtime.org Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 50,764 19.4% 130,952 30,454
- India 32,953 14.7% 99,227 23,076
- China 32,826 12.5% 84,377 19,623
- Germany 68,676 5.5% 37,126 8,634
- Australia 24,389 3.3% 22,275 5,180
- Italy 39,811 2.9% 19,575 4,552
- South Africa 14,401 2.9% 19,575 4,552
- Sri Lanka 3,356 2.7% 18,225 4,238
- Canada 39,905 2.7% 18,225 4,238
- United Kingdom 94,103 2.4% 16,200 3,768
- Pakistan 31,160 2.4% 16,200 3,768
- Russian Federation 75,876 2.3% 15,525 3,611
- Indonesia 37,166 2.2% 14,850 3,454
- France 72,799 1.5% 10,125 2,355
- Romania 20,580 1.4% 9,450 2,198
- Brazil 53,642 1.2% 8,100 1,884
- Spain 74,291 1.1% 7,425 1,727
- Netherlands 99,308 0.9% 6,075 1,413
- Argentina 31,081 0.8% 5,400 1,256
- Switzerland 35,949 0.8% 5,400 1,256
- Colombia 15,208 0.8% 5,400 1,256
- New Zealand 18,417 0.7% 4,725 1,099
- Malaysia 42,223 0.6% 4,050 942
- Other 14.2% 95,852 22,291
igniterealtime.org Keywords
- 12.32% spark
- 10.68% OpenFire
- 1.36% smack
- 1.04% spark im
- 1.03% jabber server
- 1% Open Fire
- 0.59% jive software
- 0.44% spark download
- 0.41% download spark
- 0.38% spark chat
- 0.42% wildfire
- 0.36% spark
- 0.1% spark messenger
- 0.1% happy
- 0.09% sparkweb
- 0.09% spark im client
- 0.09% openfire admin login password
- 0.07% openfire ldap
- 0.06% red5 linux
- 0.06% openfire client
- 0.37% OpenFire
- 0.35% smack
- 0.15% openfire plugins
- 0.15% phone client spark
- 0.14% spark jabber
- 0.11% openfire plugin
- 0.1% openfire ubuntu
- 0.07% openfire server
- 0.07% wildfire jabber
- 0.06% openfire cluster
igniterealtime.org DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.p21.dynect.net 122 3,538
- ns2.p21.dynect.net 122 3,539
- ns3.p21.dynect.net 122 3,540
- ns4.p21.dynect.net 122 3,537
igniterealtime.org Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: Jive Software, Inc.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Oregon
- City: Portland
- Latitude: 45.5184
- Longitude: -122.655
- Postal Code:
45.5184,-122.655igniterealtime.org IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Jive Software, Inc. 30249 arin
igniterealtime.org Demographics
- 18-246
- 25-3442
- 35-34-9
- 45-54-36
- 55-64-34
- 65+-22
- No College-22
- Some College-4
- College-1
- Graduate School9
- $0 - $30K10
- $30 - $60K-4
- $60 - $100K-9
- $100K+-1
- Male49
- Female-40
Has Children
- Yes-12
- No15
Browsing Location
- Home-26
- School0
- Work49
- African-30
- African American-21
- Asian8
- Caucasian4
- Hispanic-2
- Middle Eastern-6
- Other-6
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