- imdb.deWorldwide Rank42
- imdb.deMonthly Users*99,768,3303,218,333.23 per day*
- imdb.deMonthly Pageviews*754,248,57324,330,599.13 per day*
imdb.de updated ago
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)IMDb: Die größte, beste und mehrfach preisgekrönte Filmseite auf dem Planeten.
imdb.de is a website that ranks 42 in Alexa. imdb.de is ranked 119 on statisy and has 958,994 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Jan 05 1996 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) imdb.de is identical to the domain name imdb.de. The domain is registered under the domain suffix de and is named imdb. The imdb.de Server is hosted by Amazon.com, Inc. and is located in United States (Washington). imdb.de is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing imdb.de's demographics we have determined that imdb.de average users are 18-24 years old, with College. We also have determined that imdb.de's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about imdb.de's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.imdb.de's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsimdb.de Statistics Icons
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imdb.de Backlinks (958,994 total backlinks)
- 958,000
- 543
- 216
- 149
- 86
imdb.de Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 44 1.86% 0% 7.29 31.8% 4.35 30.1%
- 7 day 40 1.999% 0% 7.78 31% 4.55 30.3%
- 1 month 44 1.914% 0% 7.57 31.5% 4.47 30.4%
- 3 month 42 1.921% 0% 7.56 31.4% 4.48 30.6%
imdb.de Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- imdb.com 94.3% 711,256,404 94,081,535
- us.imdb.com 2.2% 16,593,469 2,194,903
- pro.imdb.com 1.6% 12,067,977 1,596,293
- imdb.de 0.6% 4,525,491 598,610
- uk.imdb.com 0.3% 2,262,746 299,305
- italian.imdb.com 0.3% 2,262,746 299,305
- spanish.imdb.com 0.2% 1,508,497 199,537
- secure.imdb.com 0.2% 1,508,497 199,537
- akas.imdb.com 0.1% 754,249 99,768
- french.imdb.com 0.1% 754,249 99,768
- OTHER 0.1% 754,249 99,768
- resume.imdb.com 0% 0 0
- i.imdb.com 0% 0 0
- vdc.imdb.com 0% 0 0
- us.imdb.de 0% 0 0
- bbs.imdb.com 0% 0 0
imdb.de Keywords
- 2.14% imdb
- 0.44% avatar
- 0.21% up in the air
- 0.19% sherlock holmes
- 0.18% zoe saldana
- 0.15% megan fox
- 0.15% brittany murphy
- 0.14% IMDB.com
- 0.14% inglorious bastards
- 0.13% invictus
- 0.26% shutter island
- 0.21% alice in wonderland
- 0.11% green zone
- 0.1% alice eve
- 0.09% sandra bullock
- 0.08% remember me
- 0.08% she's out of my league
- 0.08% the crazies
- 0.07% hurt locker
- 0.07% andrew koenig
- 0.31% avatar
- 0.27% imdb
- 0.11% brittany murphy
- 0.11% zoe saldana
- 0.09% sherlock holmes
- 0.06% invictus
- 0.06% surrogates
- 0.06% the lovely bones
- 0.05% the book of eli
- 0.05% inglorious bastards
imdb.de DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- udns1.ultradns.net 2,391 248
- udns2.ultradns.net 2,378 249
- PDNS6.ULTRADNS.CO.UK 4,524 102
imdb.de Server Info
- Server Type: Server
- IP Address:
- ISP: Amazon.com, Inc.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Washington
- City: Seattle
- Latitude: 47.6026
- Longitude: -122.328
- Postal Code: 98104
- Website Age: old
47.6026,-122.328imdb.de IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Amazon.com, Inc. 16509 arin
- Amazon.com, Inc. 16509 arin
- Amazon.com, Inc. 16509 arin
imdb.de Demographics
- 18-2425
- 25-348
- 35-34-7
- 45-54-13
- 55-64-22
- 65+-27
- No College-8
- Some College2
- College5
- Graduate School-6
- $0 - $30K5
- $30 - $60K-2
- $60 - $100K-2
- $100K+-3
- Male1
- Female-1
Has Children
- Yes-13
- No18
Browsing Location
- Home9
- School17
- Work-9
- African-29
- African American-3
- Asian-19
- Caucasian42
- Hispanic-9
- Middle Eastern-5
- Other-16
Runs On Server
- Domain PR Rank
- zemis.com 0 704,787
- imdb.com 9 120
- imdb.net 0 707,248
- amazon.co.uk 0 344
- teenagesluts.com 0 711,165
imdb.de Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- piuchepuoi.it 0 0
- zemis.com 0 704,787
- imdb.com 9 120
- imdb.net 0 707,248
- gogostat.com 3 712,555
- amazion.com 0 713,232
- amazon.com 0 90
- sellercentral.com 0 717,875
- anazon.com 0 344,534
- smartycard.com 4 726,788
- 18-24