- iskitimcity.ruWorldwide Rank153,994
- iskitimcity.ruMonthly Users*34,6161,116.65 per day*
- iskitimcity.ruMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
iskitimcity.ru updated ago
iskitimcity.ru is a website that ranks 153,994 in Alexa. iskitimcity.ru is ranked 50,491 on statisy and has 4,634 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) iskitimcity.ru is identical to the domain name iskitimcity.ru. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ru and is named iskitimcity. The iskitimcity.ru Server is hosted by MAJORDOMO LLC and is located in Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg City). iskitimcity.ru is not listed in the dmoz open directory project.iskitimcity.ru's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsiskitimcity.ru Statistics Icons
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iskitimcity.ru Backlinks (4,634 total backlinks)
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iskitimcity.ru Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 1 month 131,274 0.0009% 0% 15 29.5% 21.37 3%
- 3 month 153,994 0.00067% 0% 21 26.7% 33.13 2%
iskitimcity.ru Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Russian Federation 5,128 100% 726,937 34,616
iskitimcity.ru Keywords
- 4.32% искитим сайт
- 2.22% Искитим
- 1.74% тариф на лифт
- 1.32% города Искитим
- 1.3% искитим на какой высоте
- 1.29% едит
- 1.23% авария возле колорлона 2010 году бердск искитим
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- 1.15% можем мтс
- 1.11% результаты выборов 14 марта 2010
- 6.11% искитим
- 5.8% iskitimcity.ru
- 2.72% "iskitimcity.ru"
- 1.69% iskitim
- 1.29% прочии
- 0.65% tele2 новосибирск рассписание праздника новосибирск
- 0.57% любимый город стихи
- 0.49% Мисс Сибири 2009
- 0.45% lady.iskitimcity.ru
iskitimcity.ru DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns.majordomo.ru 1,876 318
- ns2.majordomo.ru 1,875 319
- ns3.majordomo.ru 1,872 320
iskitimcity.ru Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.6.36
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.13
- IP Address:
- Country Name: Russian Federation
- Region: Saint Petersburg City
- City: Saint Petersburg
- Latitude: 59.8944
- Longitude: 30.2642
- Postal Code:
59.8944,30.2642iskitimcity.ru IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- MAJORDOMO LLC 43362 ripencc
Powered By PHP/5.2.13
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