- j-sen.jpWorldwide Rank3,790
- j-sen.jpMonthly Users*1,404,02645,291.16 per day*
- j-sen.jpMonthly Pageviews*17,550,325566,139.52 per day*
j-sen.jp updated ago
j-sen.jp is a website that ranks 3,790 in Alexa. j-sen.jp is ranked 2,630 on statisy and has 9,994,340 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) j-sen.jp is identical to the domain name j-sen.jp. The domain is registered under the domain suffix jp and is named j-sen. The j-sen.jp Server is hosted by CLARA ONLINE, Inc. and is located in Japan (Tokyo). j-sen.jp is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing j-sen.jp's demographics we have determined that j-sen.jp average users are 35-44 years old, with No College. We also have determined that j-sen.jp's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about j-sen.jp's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.j-sen.jp's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsj-sen.jp Statistics Icons
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j-sen.jp Backlinks (9,994,340 total backlinks)
- 1,890,000
- 4,928,730
- 532,000
- 2,640,000
- 3,610
j-sen.jp Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 6,146 0.021% 0% 6.3 31% 5.39 59.5%
- 7 day 3,639 0.027% 0% 18.2 25.4% 22.57 38.6%
- 1 month 3,965 0.0255% 0% 15 31.2% 19.61 41.9%
- 3 month 3,790 0.027% 0% 12.5 32.6% 16.52 46%
j-sen.jp Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- j-sen.jp 99.1% 17,392,372 1,391,390
- job.j-sen.jp 0.9% 157,953 12,636
j-sen.jp Keywords
j-sen.jp DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.dns.ne.jp 6,180 54
- ns1.dns.ne.jp 6,227 53
j-sen.jp Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- Country Name: Japan
- Region: Tokyo
- City: Tokyo
- Latitude: 35.685
- Longitude: 139.751
- Postal Code:
35.685,139.751j-sen.jp IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- CLARA ONLINE, Inc. 23661 apnic
j-sen.jp Demographics
- 18-24-28
- 25-34-6
- 35-3442
- 45-5437
- 55-643
- 65+0
- No College49
- Some College-2
- College-9
- Graduate School-15
- $0 - $30K-27
- $30 - $60K31
- $60 - $100K9
- $100K+24
- Male-5
- Female4
Has Children
- Yes-17
- No24
Browsing Location
- Home-31
- School0
- Work49
- African-9
- African American0
- Asian49
- Caucasian-49
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern0
- Other-27
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