- jakpsatweb.czWorldwide Rank34,447
- jakpsatweb.czMonthly Users*272,2618,782.61 per day*
- jakpsatweb.czMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
jakpsatweb.cz updated ago
Jak psát web, návod na html stránkyPopis tvorby a publikování WWW stránek pro začátečníky i profesionály.
jakpsatweb.cz is a website that ranks 34,447 in Alexa. jakpsatweb.cz is ranked 51,339 on statisy and has 42,342 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) jakpsatweb.cz is identical to the domain name jakpsatweb.cz. The domain is registered under the domain suffix cz and is named jakpsatweb. The jakpsatweb.cz Server is hosted by Casablanca INT Autonomous system and is located in Czech Republic (Hlavni mesto Praha). jakpsatweb.cz is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing jakpsatweb.cz's demographics we have determined that jakpsatweb.cz average users are 25-34 years old, with No College. We also have determined that jakpsatweb.cz's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about jakpsatweb.cz's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Middle Eastern.jakpsatweb.cz's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsjakpsatweb.cz Statistics Icons
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jakpsatweb.cz Backlinks (42,342 total backlinks)
- 32,600
- 660
- 8,780
- 287
- 15
jakpsatweb.cz Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 29,609 0.006% 0% 2.8 52.1% 3.41 36.8%
- 1 month 32,002 0.0056% 0% 2.61 54.4% 3.43 33.5%
- 3 month 34,447 0.00512% 0% 2.67 53% 3.7 34%
jakpsatweb.cz Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- jakpsatweb.cz 63.7% 463,059 173,430
- diskuse.jakpsatweb.cz 17.9% 130,122 48,735
- polopate.jakpsatweb.cz 14.2% 103,225 38,661
- flash.jakpsatweb.cz 2% 14,539 5,445
- weblog.jakpsatweb.cz 2% 14,539 5,445
jakpsatweb.cz Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Czech Republic 185 53.6% 389,638 145,932
- United States 119,956 5.9% 42,889 16,063
- Slovakia 964 5.1% 37,074 13,885
- India 77,872 3.7% 26,897 10,074
- United Kingdom 32,327 3.6% 26,170 9,801
- Italy 26,699 3.4% 24,716 9,257
- Germany 104,808 2.1% 15,266 5,717
- Russian Federation 87,363 1.6% 11,631 4,356
- Canada 51,036 1.5% 10,904 4,084
- China 146,709 1.4% 10,177 3,812
- Netherlands 41,797 1.2% 8,723 3,267
- Austria 24,010 1.1% 7,996 2,995
- Spain 68,594 1% 7,269 2,723
- Sweden 29,127 0.7% 5,089 1,906
- Australia 97,341 0.6% 4,362 1,634
- Poland 61,077 0.6% 4,362 1,634
- Denmark 27,911 0.6% 4,362 1,634
- Bulgaria 15,049 0.5% 3,635 1,361
- Indonesia 102,915 0.5% 3,635 1,361
- Other 11% 79,963 29,949
jakpsatweb.cz Keywords
- 1.51% css vertical center
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- 1.02% jak psat web
- 0.9% div vertical align
- 0.86% css
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- 0.45% vertical center css
- 0.44% jak psát web
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- 0.31% jak psat web
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- 0.14% center div vertically
- 0.14% css position
jakpsatweb.cz DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns.forpsi.cz 1,282 492
- ns.forpsi.it 959 654
- ns.forpsi.net 1,381 475
jakpsatweb.cz Server Info
- IP Address:
- ISP: Casablanca INT Autonomous system
- Country Name: Czech Republic
- Region: Hlavni mesto Praha
- City: Prague
- Latitude: 50.0833
- Longitude: 14.4667
- Postal Code:
50.0833,14.4667jakpsatweb.cz IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Casablanca INT Autonomous system 15685 ripencc
jakpsatweb.cz Demographics
- 18-2431
- 25-3434
- 35-34-21
- 45-54-32
- 55-64-42
- 65+0
- No College8
- Some College-16
- College2
- Graduate School5
- $0 - $30K42
- $30 - $60K-3
- $60 - $100K-12
- $100K+-29
- Male49
- Female-37
Has Children
- Yes-13
- No17
Browsing Location
- Home-3
- School-22
- Work2
- African-29
- African American-19
- Asian-35
- Caucasian-14
- Hispanic-17
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
jakpsatweb.cz Sites on Same ISP
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