- kompas.co.idWorldwide Rank683
- kompas.co.idMonthly Users*7,694,130248,197.74 per day*
- kompas.co.idMonthly Pageviews*52,858,6701,705,118.39 per day*
kompas.co.id updated ago
KOMPAS.comKOMPAS.com merupakan situs berita terpercaya di Indonesia.
kompas.co.id Tags
kompas.co.id is a website that ranks 683 in Alexa. kompas.co.id is ranked 1,040 on statisy and has 10,363 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) kompas.co.id is identical to the domain name kompas.co.id. The domain is registered under the domain suffix co.id and is named kompas. The kompas.co.id Server is hosted by GRAMEDIA, PT. and is located in Indonesia (Jakarta Raya). kompas.co.id is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing kompas.co.id's demographics we have determined that kompas.co.id average users are 25-34 years old, with College. We also have determined that kompas.co.id's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about kompas.co.id's average user, they have Children and browse from Home and are Asian.kompas.co.id's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticskompas.co.id Statistics Icons
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kompas.co.id Backlinks (10,363 total backlinks)
- 9,350
- 918
- 95
- 0
- 0
kompas.co.id Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 683 0.1539% 0% 6.87 28.9% 10.47 8.3%
- 1 month 691 0.1526% 0% 6.75 29.6% 10.04 8.6%
- 7 day 653 0.162% 0% 6.61 31.1% 10.09 9.2%
- Yesterday 815 0.131% 0% 6.2 30.8% 9.57 9.5%
kompas.co.id Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- kompas.com 59.7% 31,556,626 4,593,396
- bola.kompas.com 11.2% 5,920,171 861,743
- forum.kompas.com 6.4% 3,382,955 492,424
- entertainment.kompas.com 4.2% 2,220,064 323,153
- otomotif.kompas.com 3.9% 2,061,488 300,071
- cetak.kompas.com 3.6% 1,902,912 276,989
- ads.kompas.com 2.6% 1,374,325 200,047
- kompas.co.id 1.5% 792,880 115,412
- tekno.kompas.com 1.4% 740,021 107,718
- epaper.kompas.com 1.3% 687,163 100,024
- community.kompas.com 1.1% 581,445 84,635
- haji.kompas.com 0.7% 370,011 53,859
- home.kompas.co.id 0.6% 317,152 46,165
- tv.kompas.com 0.6% 317,152 46,165
- ads2.kompas.com 0.6% 317,152 46,165
- images.kompas.com 0.2% 105,717 15,388
- ads3.kompas.com 0.2% 105,717 15,388
- wap.kompas.com 0.1% 52,859 7,694
- m.kompas.com 0% 0 0
- musiccorner.kompas.com 0% 0 0
- mobile.kompas.com 0% 0 0
kompas.co.id Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Indonesia 12 90.3% 47,731,379 6,947,799
- Japan 2,073 2.2% 1,162,891 169,271
- Republic of Korea 573 1.7% 898,597 130,800
- United States 18,383 1% 528,587 76,941
- Malaysia 509 0.9% 475,728 69,247
- Other 3.8% 2,008,629 292,377
kompas.co.id Keywords
- 18.15% KOMPAS
- 2.59% KOMPAS.com
- 1.19% kompas hari ini
- 0.55% berita hari ini
- 0.52% kompas online
- 0.43% liga primer indonesia
- 0.42% timnas indonesia
- 0.38% www.kompas.com
- 0.36% koran kompas
- 0.35% kompas epaper
- 2.12% KOMPAS
- 0.62% KOMPAS.com
- 0.39% timnas indonesia
- 0.25% berita hari ini
- 0.25% liga primer indonesia
- 0.18% kompas hari ini
- 0.16% kompas online
- 0.14% lpi
- 0.14% blackberry onyx
- 0.12% rahma azhari
- 0.38% indoleaks
- 0.26% www.kompas.com
- 0.23% Tera Patrick
- 0.21% liga champions
- 0.18% nissan march
- 0.16% suzuki splash
- 0.13% kompas otomotif
- 0.12% smp
- 0.08% hasil liga inggris
- 0.07% jennifer bachdim
kompas.co.id DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.cbn.net.id 73 6,202
- ns2.cbn.net.id 78 5,710
kompas.co.id Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- Country Name: Indonesia
- Region: Jakarta Raya
- City: Jakarta
- Latitude: -6.1744
- Longitude: 106.829
- Postal Code:
-6.1744,106.829kompas.co.id IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- GRAMEDIA, PT. 18365 apnic
kompas.co.id Demographics
- 18-24-4
- 25-348
- 35-347
- 45-54-20
- 55-64-27
- 65+0
- No College-9
- Some College2
- College13
- Graduate School-10
- $0 - $30K32
- $30 - $60K-7
- $60 - $100K-15
- $100K+-23
- Male35
- Female-21
Has Children
- Yes23
- No-16
Browsing Location
- Home7
- School4
- Work-7
- African0
- African American-36
- Asian49
- Caucasian-49
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern-43
- Other-27
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- 18-24