- louvre.frWorldwide Rank52,069
- louvre.frMonthly Users*151,4454,885.32 per day*
- louvre.frMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
louvre.fr updated ago
Site officiel du musée du LouvreSite officiel du musée du Louvre (Paris, France) : Collections et Départements, Expositions, Visites, Agenda, Histoire du Louvre, Jardins et Tuileries, Concerts, Cinéma, Conférences et Colloques, Spectacle Vivant, Ateliers, Formations, Ouvertures
louvre.fr Tags
louvre.fr is a website that ranks 52,069 in Alexa. louvre.fr is ranked 51,822 on statisy and has 71,459 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) louvre.fr is identical to the domain name louvre.fr. The domain is registered under the domain suffix fr and is named louvre. The louvre.fr Server is hosted by Atos Worldline (Atos Origin Group) Autonomous System and is located in France (Ile-de-France). louvre.fr is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing louvre.fr's demographics we have determined that louvre.fr average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that louvre.fr's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about louvre.fr's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.louvre.fr's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticslouvre.fr Statistics Icons
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louvre.fr Backlinks (71,459 total backlinks)
- 41,700
- 1,016
- 28,100
- 489
- 154
louvre.fr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 46,971 0.0032% 0% 5.6 31% 3.99 41.3%
- 1 month 57,871 0.0026% 0% 5.2 30.5% 3.82 44.4%
- 3 month 52,069 0.00287% 0% 4.8 34.4% 3.76 46.2%
louvre.fr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- louvre.fr 79.7% 579,369 120,702
- cartelfr.louvre.fr 8.2% 59,609 12,418
- musee.louvre.fr 4.4% 31,985 6,664
- louvre.org 3.6% 26,170 5,452
- monguide.louvre.fr 2% 14,539 3,029
- mini-site.louvre.fr 0.8% 5,815 1,212
- arts-graphiques.louvre.fr 0.8% 5,815 1,212
- cartelen.louvre.fr 0.5% 3,635 757
louvre.fr Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- France 5,760 25.4% 184,642 38,467
- United States 65,468 15.7% 114,129 23,777
- Japan 44,543 5.6% 40,708 8,481
- United Kingdom 40,173 5.1% 37,074 7,724
- Spain 31,669 3.5% 25,443 5,301
- Islamic Republic of Iran 24,157 3.3% 23,989 4,998
- Germany 86,611 3.3% 23,989 4,998
- Italy 51,984 2.9% 21,081 4,392
- Brazil 31,759 2.7% 19,627 4,089
- Canada 54,947 2.2% 15,993 3,332
- Greece 17,917 1.9% 13,812 2,877
- China 277,681 1.7% 12,358 2,575
- Australia 60,947 1.4% 10,177 2,120
- India 291,830 1.4% 10,177 2,120
- Belgium 19,238 1.4% 10,177 2,120
- Poland 43,651 1.3% 9,450 1,969
- Saudi Arabia 46,095 1% 7,269 1,514
- Morocco 9,871 1% 7,269 1,514
- Mexico 81,979 1% 7,269 1,514
- Portugal 30,016 0.9% 6,542 1,363
- Tunisia 9,782 0.8% 5,815 1,212
- Malaysia 38,213 0.7% 5,089 1,060
- Hong Kong 19,018 0.7% 5,089 1,060
- Indonesia 136,254 0.6% 4,362 909
- Other 14.5% 105,406 21,960
louvre.fr Keywords
- 23.38% louvre
- 3.42% Le Louvre
- 3.3% Musée du Louvre
- 2.69% Louvre Museum
- 2.26% the Louvre
- 1.75% musee du louvre
- 1.06% louvres
- 0.95% www
- 0.93% mona lisa
- 0.93% louvre paris
- 0.92% Le Louvre
- 0.43% venus de milo
- 0.22% louvre musée
- 0.21% Musée du Louvre
- 0.2% jardin des tuileries
- 0.19% lourve
- 0.16% musee du louvre
- 0.13% louvre ticket
- 0.11% musée
- 0.09% lurve
- 0.3% louvre
- 0.27% louvres
- 0.22% museo del louvre
- 0.18% museo de louvre
- 0.16% museum paris
- 0.15% 美術館
- 0.14% art museum
- 0.13% site
- 0.12% Atlas
- 0.12% louvre tickets
louvre.fr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns3.atos.net 53 7,909
- ns4.atos.net 47 9,118
louvre.fr Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.0.50 (Win32)
- IP Address:
- ISP: Atos Worldline (Atos Origin Group) Autonomous System
- Country Name: France
- Region: Ile-de-France
- City: Paris
- Latitude: 48.8667
- Longitude: 2.3333
- Postal Code:
48.8667,2.3333louvre.fr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Atos Worldline (Atos Origin Group) Autonomous System 8677 ripencc
louvre.fr Demographics
- 18-24-14
- 25-34-1
- 35-349
- 45-547
- 55-64-4
- 65+1
- No College-30
- Some College-17
- College-15
- Graduate School49
- $0 - $30K-1
- $30 - $60K5
- $60 - $100K3
- $100K+-7
- Male-5
- Female2
Has Children
- Yes-15
- No20
Browsing Location
- Home4
- School12
- Work-5
- African12
- African American12
- Asian-26
- Caucasian21
- Hispanic9
- Middle Eastern5
- Other-9
Runs On Apache/2.0.50 (Win32)
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