- magesy.usWorldwide Rank65,243
- magesy.usMonthly Users*110,1423,552.97 per day*
- magesy.usMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
magesy.us updated ago
magesy.us is a website that ranks 65,243 in Alexa. magesy.us is ranked 50,119 on statisy and has 7,871 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) magesy.us is identical to the domain name magesy.us. The domain is registered under the domain suffix us and is named magesy. The magesy.us Server is hosted by ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc. and is located in United States (Oregon). magesy.us is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing magesy.us's demographics we have determined that magesy.us average users are 25-34 years old, with College. We also have determined that magesy.us's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about magesy.us's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are African.magesy.us's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsmagesy.us Statistics Icons
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magesy.us Backlinks (7,871 total backlinks)
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magesy.us Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 51,608 0.0028% 0% 6.6 36.2% 8.3 5.5%
- 1 month 62,378 0.00225% 0% 6.6 34.9% 8.02 8.2%
- 3 month 65,243 0.0021% 0% 6.6 32.4% 7.81 13.1%
magesy.us Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Spain 5,419 19.3% 140,299 21,257
- Germany 31,968 12% 87,232 13,217
- Italy 17,333 10.8% 78,509 11,895
- Brazil 17,534 7.4% 53,793 8,151
- France 20,451 7% 50,886 7,710
- United States 178,938 6% 43,616 6,609
- Netherlands 11,338 5.9% 42,889 6,498
- Israel 6,977 3.6% 26,170 3,965
- India 142,865 3.4% 24,716 3,745
- Russian Federation 120,483 3.3% 23,989 3,635
- Indonesia 37,162 2.7% 19,627 2,974
- United Kingdom 103,350 2.6% 18,900 2,864
- Islamic Republic of Iran 37,667 2.1% 15,266 2,313
- Australia 60,260 1.4% 10,177 1,542
- Vietnam 26,497 1% 7,269 1,101
- Portugal 28,246 0.8% 5,815 881
- Belgium 36,028 0.8% 5,815 881
- Philippines 66,500 0.7% 5,089 771
- Greece 75,974 0.6% 4,362 661
- Argentina 83,350 0.6% 4,362 661
- Romania 56,962 0.5% 3,635 551
- Other 7.4% 53,793 8,151
magesy.us Keywords
- 17.47% magesy
- 5.03% ableton live 8 rapidshare
- 2.29% magesy.us
- 0.55% magesy revolution
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- 2.36% ableton live 8 rapidshare
- 0.76% magesy.us
- 0.52% wavegenix 4a-studio pro
- 0.33% nes synth pc
- 0.23% magesy revolution
- 0.23% ableton live 8 mac rapidshare
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- 0.18% revolution magesy
- 0.18% magesy evolution
magesy.us DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns950.hostgator.com 53 8,825
- ns949.hostgator.com 53 8,826
magesy.us Server Info
- Server Type: Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
- IP Address:
- ISP: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Oregon
- City: Beaverton
- Latitude: 45.4962
- Longitude: -122.802
- Postal Code: 97005
45.4962,-122.802magesy.us IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc. 21844 arin
magesy.us Demographics
- 18-2417
- 25-3429
- 35-34-33
- 45-544
- 55-64-22
- 65+0
- No College-2
- Some College18
- College23
- Graduate School-25
- $0 - $30K8
- $30 - $60K4
- $60 - $100K-8
- $100K+-10
- Male49
- Female-48
Has Children
- Yes-29
- No49
Browsing Location
- Home27
- School0
- Work-16
- African49
- African American23
- Asian-26
- Caucasian-31
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-36
- Other8
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