- mercadolibre.co.crWorldwide Rank25,997
- mercadolibre.co.crMonthly Users*239,6497,730.61 per day*
- mercadolibre.co.crMonthly Pageviews*2,803,89890,448.32 per day*
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mercadolibre.co.cr Backlinks (1,845,057 total backlinks)
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mercadolibre.co.cr Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 26,588 0.0048% 0% 10.7 15.6% 9.99 11.2%
- 1 month 27,052 0.00452% 0% 12.2 14% 10.95 10.9%
- 3 month 25,997 0.00464% 0% 11.7 16.5% 11.61 14.8%
mercadolibre.co.cr Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- listado.mercadolibre.co.cr 36% 1,009,403 86,274
- mercadolibre.co.cr 29.2% 818,738 69,978
- articulo.mercadolibre.co.cr 28.5% 799,111 68,300
- inmuebles.mercadolibre.co.cr 2.6% 72,901 6,231
- autos.mercadolibre.co.cr 1.4% 39,255 3,355
- guia.mercadolibre.co.cr 0.9% 25,235 2,157
- motos.mercadolibre.co.cr 0.8% 22,431 1,917
- perfil.mercadolibre.co.cr 0.3% 8,412 719
- vehiculos.mercadolibre.co.cr 0.3% 8,412 719
- pmstrk.mercadolibre.co.cr 0.1% 2,804 240
mercadolibre.co.cr Keywords
- 5.51% mercado libre
- 3.89% mercado libre costa rica
- 0.73% mercadolibre
- 0.5% mercado libre cr
- 0.22% mascotas
- 0.2% xbox 360 chip
- 0.17% Laptop
- 0.17% ebay
- 0.16% cocinas
- 0.16% alarmas para autos
- 0.42% mercado libre
- 0.26% clases de guitarra por internet
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- 1.04% mercado libre costa rica
- 0.25% mercado libre cr
- 0.18% xbox 360 chip
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- 0.15% alarmas para autos
- 0.14% waterland
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- 0.14% ebay
- 0.13% mercado libre panama
- 0.13% psn card
mercadolibre.co.cr DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- foro.mercadolibre.co.cr 1 280,165
- dns2.mercadolibre.com.cr 1 280,166
- dns3.mercadolibre.com.cr 1 280,167
- dns4.mercadolibre.com.cr 1 280,168
mercadolibre.co.cr Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) DAV/2
- IP Address:
- ISP: Savvis
- Country Name: United States
- Region: California
- City: Los Angeles
- Latitude: 34.0657
- Longitude: -118.436
- Postal Code: 90024
34.0657,-118.436mercadolibre.co.cr IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Savvis 3561 arin
- Savvis 3561 arin
mercadolibre.co.cr Demographics
- 18-244
- 25-3430
- 35-34-19
- 45-54-13
- 55-64-12
- 65+-15
- No College-34
- Some College-14
- College3
- Graduate School15
- $0 - $30K27
- $30 - $60K-10
- $60 - $100K-7
- $100K+-12
- Male17
- Female-13
Has Children
- Yes-2
- No2
Browsing Location
- Home-5
- School8
- Work4
- African-31
- African American8
- Asian-48
- Caucasian-35
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-42
- Other-29
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Runs On Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) DAV/2
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