- no-ip.netWorldwide Rank1,223
- no-ip.netMonthly Users*5,129,995165,483.71 per day*
- no-ip.netMonthly Pageviews*21,340,780688,412.26 per day*
no-ip.net updated ago
No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IPno-ip.net is a website that ranks 1,223 in Alexa. no-ip.net is ranked 2,249 on statisy and has 2,083 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Oct 03 1999 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) no-ip.net is identical to the domain name no-ip.net. The domain is registered under the domain suffix net and is named no-ip. The no-ip.net Server is hosted by Vitalwerks Internet Solutions, LLC and is located in United States (Nevada). no-ip.net is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing no-ip.net's demographics we have determined that no-ip.net average users are 18-24 years old, with No College. We also have determined that no-ip.net's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about no-ip.net's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Hispanic.no-ip.net's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsno-ip.net Statistics Icons
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no-ip.net Backlinks (2,083 total backlinks)
- 1,330
- 319
- 216
- 166
- 52
no-ip.net Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,173 0.098% 0% 6.4 44.2% 4.98 8.6%
- 7 day 1,251 0.097% 0% 4.69 44.1% 4.79 7.2%
- 1 month 1,250 0.0981% 0% 4.26 44.7% 4.66 6.8%
- 3 month 1,223 0.0989% 0% 4.16 44.6% 4.71 6.9%
no-ip.net Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- sard.no-ip.info 13.3% 2,838,324 682,289
- htmu.myvnc.com 6.4% 1,365,810 328,320
- baghalipolo.myftp.org 4.4% 938,994 225,720
- dukdig.no-ip.info 4.1% 874,972 210,330
- no-ip.com 3.9% 832,290 200,070
- 111555.myvnc.com 3.3% 704,246 169,290
- p-server.no-ip.info 1.7% 362,793 87,210
- sobchan.no-ip.com 1.6% 341,452 82,080
- insectforum.no-ip.org 1.3% 277,430 66,690
- audiobookemporium.no-ip.com 1.3% 277,430 66,690
- fg7.no-ip.org 1.2% 256,089 61,560
- hakuta.myvnc.com 1.2% 256,089 61,560
- osirix.servepics.com 1.1% 234,749 56,430
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- senoresdelcaos.no-ip.org 0.2% 42,682 10,260
- destinyfly.no-ip.org 0.2% 42,682 10,260
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- animetracker.myftp.org 0.2% 42,682 10,260
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- beghiero.myftp.org 0.2% 42,682 10,260
- bangbangtorrents.no-ip.info 0.2% 42,682 10,260
- bbs.myvnc.com 0.1% 21,341 5,130
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- randacula.no-ip.info 0.1% 21,341 5,130
no-ip.net Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Japan 365 24.5% 5,228,491 1,256,849
- United States 2,654 12% 2,560,894 615,599
- Taiwan 208 5.7% 1,216,424 292,410
- Thailand 299 4.8% 1,024,357 246,240
- Brazil 778 4.3% 917,654 220,590
- Germany 2,027 3.9% 832,290 200,070
- Russian Federation 1,666 2.7% 576,201 138,510
- France 1,659 2.3% 490,838 117,990
- India 7,839 1.9% 405,475 97,470
- Hong Kong 352 1.9% 405,475 97,470
- Mexico 1,215 1.9% 405,475 97,470
- Canada 1,421 1.7% 362,793 87,210
- Italy 2,546 1.6% 341,452 82,080
- United Kingdom 3,973 1.5% 320,112 76,950
- Finland 291 1.5% 320,112 76,950
- Spain 2,115 1.5% 320,112 76,950
- China 11,167 1.3% 277,430 66,690
- Argentina 731 1.3% 277,430 66,690
- Poland 1,488 1.2% 256,089 61,560
- Netherlands 1,406 1% 213,408 51,300
- Portugal 461 1% 213,408 51,300
- Venezuela 632 1% 213,408 51,300
- Indonesia 3,538 0.9% 192,067 46,170
- Romania 777 0.9% 192,067 46,170
- Sweden 1,040 0.9% 192,067 46,170
- Malaysia 1,412 0.7% 149,385 35,910
- Philippines 1,125 0.7% 149,385 35,910
- Vietnam 961 0.7% 149,385 35,910
- Australia 2,876 0.7% 149,385 35,910
- Greece 1,749 0.6% 128,045 30,780
- Belgium 1,322 0.6% 128,045 30,780
- Peru 846 0.6% 128,045 30,780
- Switzerland 1,025 0.6% 128,045 30,780
- Colombia 1,378 0.5% 106,704 25,650
- Turkey 4,016 0.5% 106,704 25,650
- Other 10.6% 2,262,123 543,779
no-ip.net Keywords
- 0.5% twitter 検索
- 0.38% no ip
- 0.37% avira 広告
- 0.37% twitter 日本語
- 0.26% visipics
- 0.22% noip
- 0.21% geotool
- 0.17% no-ip.com
- 0.16% 2nn
- 0.15% 素材辞典
no-ip.net DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- nf4.no-ip.com 52 15,223
- nf1.no-ip.com 52 15,220
- nf2.no-ip.com 52 15,221
- nf3.no-ip.com 52 15,222
no-ip.net Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Vitalwerks Internet Solutions, LLC
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Nevada
- City: Reno
- Latitude: 39.3855
- Longitude: -119.675
- Postal Code: 89521
- Website Age: old
39.3855,-119.675no-ip.net IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Vitalwerks Internet Solutions, LLC 14627 arin
no-ip.net Demographics
- 18-2418
- 25-34-1
- 35-34-3
- 45-54-5
- 55-64-23
- 65+-20
- No College9
- Some College-2
- College-5
- Graduate School3
- $0 - $30K16
- $30 - $60K-6
- $60 - $100K-2
- $100K+-11
- Male49
- Female-25
Has Children
- Yes-4
- No2
Browsing Location
- Home13
- School4
- Work-11
- African-7
- African American-19
- Asian5
- Caucasian-11
- Hispanic28
- Middle Eastern6
- Other6
Same Analytics Account
- Domain PR Rank
- zapto.org 0 21,936
- no-ip.com 0 2,255
- hopto.org 0 23,990
- serveftp.com 0 2,257
- redirectme.net 0 36,320
- sytes.net 0 6,264
- no-ip.info 0 2,260
- no-ip.org 0 2,261
- canyouseeme.org 0 180,614
- noip.com 6 2,262
Runs On Apache
- Domain PR Rank
- fekrgostar.ir 0 0
- roulettecollectors.com 4 702,042
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- autogieldapolska.pl 2 702,047
- 0618.us 3 702,054
no-ip.net Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- zapto.org 0 21,936
- no-ip.com 0 2,255
- hopto.org 0 23,990
- serveftp.com 0 2,257
- redirectme.net 0 36,320
- sytes.net 0 6,264
- no-ip.net 0 2,249
- no-ip.info 0 2,260
- no-ip.org 0 2,261
- canyouseeme.org 0 180,614
- 18-24