- ogame.itWorldwide Rank11,489
- ogame.itMonthly Users*420,92313,578.16 per day*
- ogame.itMonthly Pageviews*14,227,186458,941.48 per day*
ogame.it updated ago
Home page di OgameOGame - Il leggendario gioco ambientato nello spazio! Scopri l`universo assieme a migliaia di altri giocatori.
ogame.it is a website that ranks 11,489 in Alexa. ogame.it is ranked 3,305 on statisy and has 176,179 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Mar 31 2005 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) ogame.it is identical to the domain name ogame.it. The domain is registered under the domain suffix it and is named ogame. The ogame.it Server is hosted by 1&1 Internet AG and is located in Germany (). ogame.it is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing ogame.it's demographics we have determined that ogame.it average users are 18-24 years old, with College. We also have determined that ogame.it's average user earns $30K - $60K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about ogame.it's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Hispanic.ogame.it's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsogame.it Statistics Icons
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ogame.it Backlinks (176,179 total backlinks)
- 90,800
- 1,436
- 82,100
- 1,740
- 103
ogame.it Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 13,095 0.0077% 0% 29 9.4% 21.13 2%
- 1 month 13,080 0.0075% 0% 30.8 8.7% 23.11 1.6%
- 3 month 11,489 0.0081% 0% 33.8 6.4% 25.05 3.7%
ogame.it Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- uni39.ogame.it 22.1% 3,144,208 93,024
- ogame.it 21.3% 3,030,391 89,657
- board.ogame.it 16.2% 2,304,804 68,190
- uni35.ogame.it 12.7% 1,806,853 53,457
- uni5.ogame.it 8.1% 1,152,402 34,095
- uni38.ogame.it 6.9% 981,676 29,044
- uni29.ogame.it 4.3% 611,769 18,100
- uni36.ogame.it 2.4% 341,452 10,102
- uni11.ogame.it 1.7% 241,862 7,156
- uni33.ogame.it 1.4% 199,181 5,893
- uni25.ogame.it 1% 142,272 4,209
- uni1.ogame.it 0.7% 99,590 2,946
- uni20.ogame.it 0.6% 85,363 2,526
- uni28.ogame.it 0.2% 28,454 842
- uni2.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
- uni12.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
- uni16.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
- uni3.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
- uni34.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
- uni7.ogame.it 0.1% 14,227 421
ogame.it Keywords
- 58.32% ogame
- 3.94% O Game
- 3.2% ogame.it
- 0.57% forum ogame
- 0.56% ogame forum
- 0.33% ogaem
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- 0.25% speedsim online
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- 4.87% ogame
- 2.84% O Game
- 1.06% ogame.it
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- 0.17% ogame tools
- 0.14% galaxy tools
- 0.12% login fastweb
- 0.12% drogame
ogame.it DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.gfsrv.net 376 1,357
- ns2.gfsrv.net 376 1,358
ogame.it Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: 1&1 Internet AG
- Country Name: Germany
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 51
- Longitude: 9
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
51,9ogame.it IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- 1&1 Internet AG 8560 ripencc
ogame.it Demographics
- 18-2425
- 25-3419
- 35-348
- 45-54-45
- 55-64-23
- 65+0
- No College-11
- Some College13
- College19
- Graduate School-19
- $0 - $30K13
- $30 - $60K49
- $60 - $100K-31
- $100K+-37
- Male49
- Female-31
Has Children
- Yes-33
- No49
Browsing Location
- Home35
- School0
- Work-22
- African0
- African American0
- Asian-48
- Caucasian28
- Hispanic49
- Middle Eastern-2
- Other-8
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