- prohardware.huWorldwide Rank45,377
- prohardware.huMonthly Users*190,1446,133.68 per day*
- prohardware.huMonthly Pageviews*675,01221,774.58 per day*
prohardware.hu updated ago
PROHARDVER! - Az Online PC MagazinPROHARDVER! - Az Online PC Magazin - hardver portál. A prohardver.hu Magyarország legnagyobb független, szakmai számítástechnikai oldala, mely rendszeres tesztekkel, bemutatókkal, piactérrel, apróhirdetésekkel, napi hírekkel és hatalmas fórumával várja olvasóit.
prohardware.hu Tags
prohardware.hu is a website that ranks 45,377 in Alexa. prohardware.hu is ranked 54,722 on statisy and has 12 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) prohardware.hu is identical to the domain name prohardware.hu. The domain is registered under the domain suffix hu and is named prohardware. The prohardware.hu Server is hosted by InterEuro Computer Ltd and is located in Hungary (Budapest). prohardware.hu is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing prohardware.hu's demographics we have determined that prohardware.hu average users are 25-34 years old, with No College. We also have determined that prohardware.hu's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about prohardware.hu's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Middle Eastern.prohardware.hu's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsprohardware.hu Statistics Icons
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prohardware.hu Backlinks (12 total backlinks)
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prohardware.hu Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 3 month 45,377 0.00357% 0% 3.55 50.5% 4.63 18.8%
- 1 month 46,019 0.00365% 0% 3.32 54.4% 4.15 20.1%
- 7 day 52,807 0.0032% 0% 3.3 56.5% 4.77 16.8%
prohardware.hu Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- prohardver.hu 99.9% 674,337 189,954
- karrier.prohardver.hu 0.1% 675 190
prohardware.hu Traffic by Country
prohardware.hu Keywords
- 0.32% ipon
- 0.23% MSI Wind
- 0.22% acer aspire one
- 0.17% kétmagos processzor árak
- 0.16% htpc
- 0.15% nvidia geforce 9600 gt
- 0.15% wd tv live
- 0.15% ASUS Eee PC
- 0.14% asus o!play
- 0.14% amd athlon 64 x2
- 0.27% prohardver
- 0.27% samsung clx-3185
- 0.17% samsung clx-3185n
- 0.11% samsung ml-1665
- 0.11% samsung notebook
- 0.1% asus eee pc 1101ha
- 0.1% cooler master elite 360
- 0.1% ati radeon hd4890
- 0.08% prohardware
- 0.08% clp-325w
- 0.16% acer aspire one
- 0.12% htpc
- 0.11% ASUS Eee PC
- 0.1% asus engtx275
- 0.1% bluefish
- 0.09% geforce 8600 gt
- 0.09% msi wind u100
- 0.08% razer copperhead
- 0.08% logitech harmony 1000
- 0.07% gigabyte poseidon
prohardware.hu DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.iec.hu 19 22,062
- ns2.iec.hu 19 22,061
prohardware.hu Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: InterEuro Computer Ltd
- Country Name: Hungary
- Region: Budapest
- City: Budapest
- Latitude: 47.5
- Longitude: 19.0833
- Postal Code:
47.5,19.0833prohardware.hu IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- InterEuro Computer Ltd 44302 ripencc
prohardware.hu Demographics
- 18-24-14
- 25-3434
- 35-3412
- 45-54-37
- 55-64-17
- 65+-24
- No College49
- Some College-15
- College-9
- Graduate School-9
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K8
- $60 - $100K-27
- $100K+-27
- Male32
- Female-20
Has Children
- Yes-15
- No20
Browsing Location
- Home1
- School-22
- Work-1
- African0
- African American0
- Asian-46
- Caucasian-10
- Hispanic-26
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
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- 18-24