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- 1.54% free state south africa property for sale
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- 1.76% genie realestate
- 1.5% genie real estate
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- 1.46% www.propertygenie.co.za
- 1.2% property
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- 1.05% properties for sale
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- 1.03% status property trust
- 3.18% south africa property
- 2.32% south africa property for sale
- 2.24% property for sale
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- 1.54% free state south africa property for sale
- 0.97% losasaneng south africa
- 0.96% for sale
- 0.76% houses sale
- 0.72% property for sale south africa
propertygenie.co.za DNS Servers
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- ns1.macrolan.co.za 10 40,305
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propertygenie.co.za Demographics
- 18-24-38
- 25-347
- 35-3449
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- Graduate School24
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- Female35
Has Children
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- No24
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