- referat.roWorldwide Rank38,929
- referat.roMonthly Users*226,4607,305.16 per day*
- referat.roMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
referat.ro updated ago
Referat.ro - referate, lucrari, sinteze pentru liceu si facultateReferat.ro - Referate pentru scoala. Peste 15000 de referate Referate structurate pe categorii si clase, lucrari de licenta etc
referat.ro Tags
referat.ro is a website that ranks 38,929 in Alexa. referat.ro is ranked 50,376 on statisy and has 200,880 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) referat.ro is identical to the domain name referat.ro. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ro and is named referat. The referat.ro Server is hosted by SC ACTIVE SOFT SRL and is located in Romania (Bucuresti). referat.ro is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing referat.ro's demographics we have determined that referat.ro average users are 18-24 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that referat.ro's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about referat.ro's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Other.referat.ro's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsreferat.ro Statistics Icons
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referat.ro Backlinks (200,880 total backlinks)
- 74,800
- 646
- 125,000
- 343
- 91
referat.ro Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 127,562 0.0013% 0% 3 56.4% 2.54 52.6%
- 1 month 75,714 0.00229% 0% 3 46.9% 2.43 45%
- 3 month 38,929 0.00429% 0% 3.21 39.1% 2.63 52.2%
referat.ro Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- referat.ro 100% 726,937 226,460
referat.ro Keywords
- 2.55% referate
- 0.91% don quijote de la mancha
- 0.79% referat
- 0.52% referate.ro
- 0.2% referat.ro
- 0.19% enigma otiliei
- 0.18% micul print
- 0.17% don quijote
- 0.16% matrice
- 0.15% referate romana
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- 0.09% babilonia
- 0.08% iregular verbs
- 0.07% enigma otiliei
- 0.07% hansel
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- 0.06% despre iarna
- 0.04% luceafarul versiunea proprie
- 0.04% filosofie si religie
- 1.3% referate
- 0.85% don quijote de la mancha
- 0.23% referat
- 0.15% matrice
- 0.09% madame tussaud
- 0.09% active
- 0.09% telescopul lui galileo
- 0.08% mathcad free download
- 0.07% rezumat harap alb
- 0.07% Winter
referat.ro DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.referat.ro 1 244,371
- ns1.referat.ro 1 244,372
referat.ro Server Info
- Server Type: nginx
- IP Address:
- Country Name: Romania
- Region: Bucuresti
- City: Bucharest
- Latitude: 44.4333
- Longitude: 26.1
- Postal Code:
44.4333,26.1referat.ro IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- SC ACTIVE SOFT SRL 35775 ripencc
referat.ro Demographics
- 18-2449
- 25-341
- 35-34-11
- 45-54-28
- 55-64-37
- 65+0
- No College-23
- Some College-24
- College-5
- Graduate School35
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K-22
- $60 - $100K-31
- $100K+-29
- Male14
- Female-15
Has Children
- Yes-5
- No2
Browsing Location
- Home49
- School-18
- Work-30
- African0
- African American-36
- Asian0
- Caucasian25
- Hispanic-36
- Middle Eastern40
- Other49
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- 18-24