- rian.ruWorldwide Rank741
- rian.ruMonthly Users*8,364,663269,827.84 per day*
- rian.ruMonthly Pageviews*27,519,740887,733.55 per day*
rian.ru updated ago
Главные новости часа | Лента новостей "РИА Новости"rian.ru is a website that ranks 741 in Alexa. rian.ru is ranked 1,785 on statisy and has 6,308,950 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Oct 05 1997 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) rian.ru is identical to the domain name rian.ru. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ru and is named rian. The rian.ru Server is hosted by IIAT Autonomous System and is located in Russian Federation (Moscow City). rian.ru is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing rian.ru's demographics we have determined that rian.ru average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that rian.ru's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about rian.ru's average user, they have No Children and browse from Home and are Middle Eastern.rian.ru's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsrian.ru Statistics Icons
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rian.ru Backlinks (6,308,950 total backlinks)
- 909,000
- 2,586,950
- 1,250,000
- 1,370,000
- 193,000
rian.ru Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 865 0.143% 0% 3.3 52% 3.59 11.9%
- 7 day 712 0.165% 0% 3.74 50.4% 4.03 8.7%
- 1 month 763 0.157% 0% 3.55 50.3% 3.72 9.4%
- 3 month 741 0.1612% 0% 3.29 50.4% 3.41 9.8%
rian.ru Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- rian.ru 68.3% 18,795,982 5,713,065
- en.rian.ru 11.5% 3,164,770 961,936
- ar.rian.ru 4.5% 1,238,388 376,410
- mb.rian.ru 4.1% 1,128,309 342,951
- fr.rian.ru 3.1% 853,112 259,305
- de.rian.ru 3% 825,592 250,940
- sp.rian.ru 2.1% 577,915 175,658
- img.rian.ru 0.8% 220,158 66,917
- eco.rian.ru 0.7% 192,638 58,553
- pe.rian.ru 0.5% 137,599 41,823
- rotabanner2.rian.ru 0.4% 110,079 33,459
- center.rian.ru 0.3% 82,559 25,094
- pochta.rian.ru 0.3% 82,559 25,094
- ua.rian.ru 0.2% 55,039 16,729
- pda.rian.ru 0.2% 55,039 16,729
- dv.rian.ru 0.1% 27,520 8,365
- mnweekly.rian.ru 0% 0 0
rian.ru Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Russian Federation 35 67% 18,438,226 5,604,324
- Azerbaijan 29 6% 1,651,184 501,880
- United States 6,028 3.5% 963,191 292,763
- Ukraine 215 3.2% 880,632 267,669
- Germany 2,101 2.4% 660,474 200,752
- Kazakhstan 88 2.3% 632,954 192,387
- Belarus 68 2.2% 605,434 184,023
- Cuba 48 1% 275,197 83,647
- Islamic Republic of Iran 2,979 0.8% 220,158 66,917
- India 17,333 0.6% 165,118 50,188
- Other 11% 3,027,171 920,113
rian.ru Keywords
- 3.64% ria novosti
- 1.63% google
- 1.56% новости
- 1.4% novosti
- 0.76% погода
- 0.63% игры
- 0.5% rian ru
- 0.5% риа новости
- 0.47% яйца судьбы
- 0.45% наша раша яйца судьбы
- 2.6% Ванкувер 2010
- 0.84% torrents.ru
- 0.34% 8 марта
- 0.33% новости украины
- 0.2% ванкувер 2010
- 0.14% олимпиада 2010
- 0.14% séisme au chili
- 0.13% torrent sites
- 0.12% галкин
- 0.11% цска
- 1.18% google
- 0.68% погода
- 0.52% игры
- 0.44% ria novosti
- 0.4% яйца судьбы
- 0.39% наша раша яйца судьбы
- 0.39% nexus one
- 0.36% новый год
- 0.31% гаити
- 0.24% pak fa
rian.ru DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- sn3.rian.ru 7 59,651
- her.rian.ru 20 21,175
rian.ru Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.6.39
- IP Address:
- ISP: IIAT Autonomous System
- Country Name: Russian Federation
- Region: Moscow City
- City: Moscow
- Latitude: 55.7522
- Longitude: 37.6156
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
55.7522,37.6156rian.ru IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- IIAT Autonomous System 9039 ripencc
rian.ru Demographics
- 18-243
- 25-3411
- 35-34-10
- 45-54-4
- 55-64-8
- 65+4
- No College-15
- Some College-17
- College-10
- Graduate School32
- $0 - $30K36
- $30 - $60K-5
- $60 - $100K-17
- $100K+-16
- Male18
- Female-14
Has Children
- Yes-4
- No4
Browsing Location
- Home1
- School-21
- Work1
- African-28
- African American-34
- Asian-30
- Caucasian-3
- Hispanic-16
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
Runs On nginx/0.6.39
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- wholesale-dress.net 4 7,878
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