- shinobi.jpWorldwide Rank900
- shinobi.jpMonthly Users*7,862,182253,618.77 per day*
- shinobi.jpMonthly Pageviews*19,419,590626,438.39 per day*
shinobi.jp updated ago
shinobi.jp - アクセス解析, ブログ, カウンター, SEO対策携帯にも対応の無料ホームページ、ブログ、SEO対策やBlog運営に便利なアクセス解析、アクセスカウンターの無料レンタル
shinobi.jp is a website that ranks 900 in Alexa. shinobi.jp is ranked 2,449 on statisy and has 10,257,879 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) shinobi.jp is identical to the domain name shinobi.jp. The domain is registered under the domain suffix jp and is named shinobi. The shinobi.jp Server is hosted by Softbank BB Corp. and is located in Japan (). shinobi.jp is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing shinobi.jp's demographics we have determined that shinobi.jp average users are 35-44 years old, with No College. We also have determined that shinobi.jp's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about shinobi.jp's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.shinobi.jp's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsshinobi.jp Statistics Icons
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shinobi.jp Backlinks (10,257,879 total backlinks)
- 7,410,000
- 6,614
- 2,840,000
- 1,240
- 25
shinobi.jp Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 875 0.15% 0% 2.9 60.8% 2.11 17.9%
- 7 day 911 0.149% 0% 2.59 57.9% 2.05 14.8%
- 1 month 960 0.144% 0% 2.46 60.2% 2.06 15.8%
- 3 month 900 0.1512% 0% 2.47 60% 2.11 17.2%
shinobi.jp Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- blog.shinobi.jp 82.4% 16,001,742 6,478,438
- shinobi.jp 4.1% 796,203 322,349
- ct2.shinobi.jp 2.4% 466,070 188,692
- x7.shinobi.jp 2.1% 407,811 165,106
- x4.shinobi.jp 2% 388,392 157,244
- mu.shinobi.jp 1.4% 271,874 110,071
- axad.shinobi.jp 1.2% 233,035 94,346
- x5.shinobi.jp 1% 194,196 78,622
- nad2.shinobi.jp 0.7% 135,937 55,035
- x8.shinobi.jp 0.4% 77,678 31,449
- x6.shinobi.jp 0.4% 77,678 31,449
- ct1.shinobi.jp 0.4% 77,678 31,449
- kouga.shinobi.jp 0.3% 58,259 23,587
- wed7.shinobi.jp 0.3% 58,259 23,587
- td1.shinobi.jp 0.2% 38,839 15,724
- enq1.shinobi.jp 0.2% 38,839 15,724
- vis1.shinobi.jp 0.1% 19,420 7,862
- ctrl.shinobi.jp 0.1% 19,420 7,862
- bar1.shinobi.jp 0.1% 19,420 7,862
- wed1.shinobi.jp 0.1% 19,420 7,862
- st1.shinobi.jp 0.1% 19,420 7,862
- ba1.shinobi.jp 0% 0 0
- bfile.shinobi.jp 0% 0 0
- blogrss.shinobi.jp 0% 0 0
- x3.shinobi.jp 0% 0 0
shinobi.jp Keywords
- 1.48% mugen キャラ
- 1.09% wii torrent
- 0.94% rakutenn
- 0.75% huke
- 0.63% zeroremote
- 0.4% 脱出
- 0.27% バカテス
- 0.23% jdownloader 使い方
- 0.23% sugarsync 使い方
- 0.22% mugen アドオン
- 0.32% gtx480
- 0.14% shinobi
- 0.13% 鉄拳6 攻略
- 0.13% fireboot
- 0.13% えぶすた
- 0.13% mugen キャラ
- 0.12% 喪男
- 0.1% すかいぷ
- 0.1% escapers final
- 0.09% fireboot エラー
- 0.63% wii torrent
- 0.15% huke
- 0.15% sugarsync 使い方
- 0.11% firefox 重い
- 0.11% apophysis
- 0.1% zeroremote
- 0.08% youtubeanime
- 0.08% sourcemod
- 0.08% imeem
- 0.08% ミコスマ
shinobi.jp DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.shinobi.jp 269 1,807
- ns2.shinobi.jp 1 258,897
shinobi.jp Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Softbank BB Corp.
- Country Name: Japan
- Region:
- City:
- Latitude: 36
- Longitude: 138
- Postal Code:
36,138shinobi.jp IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Softbank BB Corp. 17676 apnic
shinobi.jp Demographics
- 18-24-26
- 25-341
- 35-3433
- 45-5421
- 55-64-13
- 65+0
- No College49
- Some College-10
- College1
- Graduate School-20
- $0 - $30K-21
- $30 - $60K14
- $60 - $100K10
- $100K+22
- Male-7
- Female4
Has Children
- Yes-21
- No36
Browsing Location
- Home-19
- School-29
- Work35
- African-28
- African American-17
- Asian49
- Caucasian-43
- Hispanic-42
- Middle Eastern-41
- Other-23
Runs On Apache
- Domain PR Rank
- fekrgostar.ir 0 0
- roulettecollectors.com 4 702,042
- sportcentar.ba 0 702,043
- autogieldapolska.pl 2 702,047
- 0618.us 3 702,054
shinobi.jp Sites on Same ISP
- Domain PR Rank
- chip1stop.com 4 119,462
- locof.net 0 735,756
- hobbylinkjapan.com 4 12,841
- blogmura.com 0 2,496
- hlj.com 4 13,097
- ninja.co.jp 6 13,546
- ashiya-web.jp 0 0
- shinobi.jp 6 2,449
- wowow.co.jp 6 13,562
- tokyobookmark.jp 5 369,865
- 18-24