- shopping24.itWorldwide Rank1,307
- shopping24.itMonthly Users*5,176,476166,983.1 per day*
- shopping24.itMonthly Pageviews*16,875,312544,364.9 per day*
shopping24.it updated ago
shopping24.it is a website that ranks 1,307 in Alexa. shopping24.it is ranked 2,707 on statisy and has 3 backlinks according to Alexa. The Site was launched at Jan 11 1999 and its old. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) shopping24.it is identical to the domain name shopping24.it. The domain is registered under the domain suffix it and is named shopping24. The shopping24.it Server is hosted by Il Sole 24 Ore AS and is located in Italy (Lombardia). shopping24.it is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing shopping24.it's demographics we have determined that shopping24.it average users are 35-44 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that shopping24.it's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about shopping24.it's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Other.shopping24.it's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsshopping24.it Statistics Icons
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shopping24.it Backlinks (3 total backlinks)
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shopping24.it Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,763 0.08% 0% 3.1 53.1% 8.3 18.4%
- 7 day 2,145 0.068% 0% 2.66 53.8% 6.02 18.9%
- 1 month 1,556 0.089% 0% 2.91 52.6% 5.16 19.5%
- 3 month 1,307 0.0995% 0% 3.26 49.1% 5.93 19.6%
shopping24.it Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- ilsole24ore.com 34.3% 5,788,232 1,775,531
- unionesarda.ilsole24ore.com 9.5% 1,603,155 491,765
- quotidianonet.ilsole24ore.com 8.4% 1,417,526 434,824
- ilsecoloxix.ilsole24ore.com 7% 1,181,272 362,353
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- salute24.ilsole24ore.com 5.4% 911,267 279,530
- money24.ilsole24ore.com 5.1% 860,641 264,000
- iltempo.ilsole24ore.com 3.3% 556,885 170,824
- radio24.ilsole24ore.com 2.4% 405,007 124,235
- shopping24.ilsole24ore.com 1.9% 320,631 98,353
- luxury24.ilsole24ore.com 1.6% 270,005 82,824
- lanazione.ilsole24ore.com 1.5% 253,130 77,647
- multimedia.ilsole24ore.com 1.3% 219,379 67,294
- banchedati.ilsole24ore.com 1.3% 219,379 67,294
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- professionisti24.ilsole24ore.com 0.9% 151,878 46,588
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- guidaffari.ilsole24ore.com 0.3% 50,626 15,529
- arteconomy24.ilsole24ore.com 0.3% 50,626 15,529
- casa24.ilsole24ore.com 0.3% 50,626 15,529
- formazione.ilsole24ore.com 0.2% 33,751 10,353
- du.ilsole24ore.com 0.2% 33,751 10,353
- blog.ilsole24ore.com 0.2% 33,751 10,353
- gruppo.ilsole24ore.com 0.2% 33,751 10,353
- 24orefrizzera.ilsole24ore.com 0.2% 33,751 10,353
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- static.ilsole24ore.com 0.1% 16,875 5,176
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- utilities.ilsole24ore.com 0.1% 16,875 5,176
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- cinema.ilsole24ore.com 0.1% 16,875 5,176
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- edicola.ilsole24ore.com 0.1% 16,875 5,176
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- attiva.ilsole24ore.com 0% 0 0
- ambientesicurezza.ilsole24ore.com 0% 0 0
- websystem.ilsole24ore.com 0% 0 0
shopping24.it Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- Italy 37 93.3% 15,744,666 4,829,652
- United Kingdom 7,774 0.9% 151,878 46,588
- Russian Federation 16,474 0.6% 101,252 31,059
- Spain 5,951 0.6% 101,252 31,059
- Germany 19,044 0.6% 101,252 31,059
- United States 77,078 0.5% 84,377 25,882
- Other 3.6% 607,511 186,353
shopping24.it Keywords
- 2.1% ipad
- 1.76% il sole 24 ore
- 1.72% google
- 1.48% youtube
- 1.26% unione sarda
- 1.14% facebook
- 1.1% sole 24 ore
- 0.94% pagine bianche
- 0.85% il secolo xix
- 0.75% radio 24
- 0.41% il sole 24 ore
- 0.23% il quotidiano della calabria
- 0.19% il tempo
- 0.17% la nazione
- 0.16% fastweb
- 0.16% pagine gialle
- 0.15% bakeca incontri
- 0.14% giorno del pi greco
- 0.14% mauro marin
- 0.14% alice in wonderland
shopping24.it DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- dns9.interbusiness.it 22 23,399
- dns10.interbusiness.it 13 39,477
shopping24.it Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
- IP Address:
- ISP: Il Sole 24 Ore AS
- Country Name: Italy
- Region: Lombardia
- City: Castellanza
- Latitude: 45.6167
- Longitude: 8.9
- Postal Code:
- Website Age: old
45.6167,8.9shopping24.it IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Il Sole 24 Ore AS 12650 ripencc
shopping24.it Demographics
- 18-24-21
- 25-345
- 35-3422
- 45-542
- 55-64-22
- 65+-27
- No College-28
- Some College-15
- College-10
- Graduate School38
- $0 - $30K32
- $30 - $60K11
- $60 - $100K-13
- $100K+-26
- Male24
- Female-16
Has Children
- Yes-11
- No14
Browsing Location
- Home-19
- School-16
- Work33
- African0
- African American-34
- Asian-46
- Caucasian28
- Hispanic11
- Middle Eastern-3
- Other49
Runs On Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
- Domain PR Rank
- wfv.at 5 229,861
- fortcollinsnow.com 0 702,094
- sugarboys.com 0 702,252
- vitatube.com 0 702,339
- mmc.net 0 702,397
shopping24.it Sites on Same ISP
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