- state.govWorldwide Rank1,529
- state.govMonthly Users*4,049,849130,640.29 per day*
- state.govMonthly Pageviews*18,588,806599,638.9 per day*
state.gov updated ago
U.S. Department of Statestate.gov is a website that ranks 1,529 in Alexa. state.gov is ranked 2,513 on statisy and has 458,833 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) state.gov is identical to the domain name state.gov. The domain is registered under the domain suffix gov and is named state. The state.gov Server is hosted by Qwest Communications Company, LLC and is located in United States (Florida). state.gov is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing state.gov's demographics we have determined that state.gov average users are 55-64 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that state.gov's average user earns $100K+ a year and is most likely Female. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about state.gov's average user, they have No Children and browse from School and are Caucasian.state.gov's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsstate.gov Statistics Icons
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state.gov Backlinks (458,833 total backlinks)
- 116,000
- 24,433
- 249,000
- 36,500
- 32,900
state.gov Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- Yesterday 1,412 0.08% 0% 5.6 36.6% 7.21 23.1%
- 7 day 1,256 0.094% 0% 5 35.7% 6.38 22.3%
- 1 month 1,444 0.083% 0% 4.9 35.2% 6.68 23.8%
- 3 month 1,529 0.0781% 0% 4.59 36.9% 6.38 25.5%
state.gov Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- travel.state.gov 59.6% 11,078,928 2,413,710
- state.gov 14% 2,602,433 566,979
- dvlottery.state.gov 5.4% 1,003,796 218,692
- evisaforms.state.gov 4.9% 910,851 198,443
- search.state.gov 3.1% 576,253 125,545
- one.state.gov 2.3% 427,543 93,147
- careers.state.gov 1.9% 353,187 76,947
- aoprals.state.gov 1.4% 260,243 56,698
- pptform.state.gov 1% 185,888 40,498
- connect.state.gov 1% 185,888 40,498
- exchanges.state.gov 0.9% 167,299 36,449
- eca.state.gov 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- passportstatus.state.gov 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- educationusa.state.gov 0.5% 92,944 20,249
- usembassy.state.gov 0.4% 74,355 16,199
- fpc.state.gov 0.4% 74,355 16,199
- usinfo.state.gov 0.4% 74,355 16,199
- pmddtc.state.gov 0.3% 55,766 12,150
- adoption.state.gov 0.2% 37,178 8,100
- travelregistration.state.gov 0.2% 37,178 8,100
- video.state.gov 0.2% 37,178 8,100
- blogs.state.gov 0.1% 18,589 4,050
- foia.state.gov 0.1% 18,589 4,050
- photos.state.gov 0.1% 18,589 4,050
- contact-us.state.gov 0.1% 18,589 4,050
- imigrantvisas.state.gov 0.1% 18,589 4,050
- foreignservicecareers.com 0% 0 0
- OTHER 0% 0 0
state.gov Traffic by Country
- Country Rank Views % Views Users
- United States 775 40.2% 7,472,700 1,628,039
- India 1,861 6.3% 1,171,095 255,140
- Bangladesh 155 4.3% 799,319 174,144
- Islamic Republic of Iran 1,144 3% 557,664 121,495
- Russian Federation 2,384 2.6% 483,309 105,296
- Nigeria 292 2.2% 408,954 89,097
- United Kingdom 3,470 1.9% 353,187 76,947
- Germany 5,496 1.8% 334,599 72,897
- Mexico 1,635 1.5% 278,832 60,748
- China 11,457 1.4% 260,243 56,698
- Republic of Korea 1,464 1.3% 241,654 52,648
- Canada 2,568 1.2% 223,066 48,598
- South Africa 1,689 0.9% 167,299 36,449
- Pakistan 2,322 0.9% 167,299 36,449
- Philippines 821 0.9% 167,299 36,449
- Haiti 27 0.9% 167,299 36,449
- Azerbaijan 732 0.8% 148,710 32,399
- Australia 2,639 0.8% 148,710 32,399
- Egypt 2,060 0.8% 148,710 32,399
- Sudan 662 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Brazil 4,971 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Saudi Arabia 2,874 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Kazakhstan 740 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Venezuela 960 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Italy 7,740 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Indonesia 3,578 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Kenya 196 0.7% 130,122 28,349
- Japan 13,894 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Algeria 1,830 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Turkey 3,871 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Ghana 201 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Sri Lanka 561 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Ukraine 2,132 0.6% 111,533 24,299
- Spain 6,704 0.5% 92,944 20,249
- Other 16.7% 3,104,331 676,325
state.gov Keywords
- 3.54% Passport
- 2.01% us passport
- 1.68% passport renewal
- 1.48% hillary clinton
- 1.19% passport application form
- 1.12% passport application
- 0.95% green card lottery
- 0.76% state department
- 0.75% haiti orphans
- 0.69% US state department
- 0.6% passport renewal
- 0.32% us passport renewal
- 0.25% hillary clinton
- 0.2% passport status
- 0.1% chile
- 0.1% visa bulletin
- 0.09% us department of state
- 0.07% us passport status
- 0.06% passport form
- 0.06% state
- 0.63% haiti orphans
- 0.49% haiti
- 0.26% china
- 0.25% yemen
- 0.24% Passport
- 0.19% US state department
- 0.13% passports
- 0.13% us visa
- 0.12% secretary of state
- 0.1% dominican republic
state.gov DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns2.terrenap.net 17 25,381
- ns3.yipes.com 59 6,935
- ns1.yipes.com 63 6,459
- ns1.terrenap.net 18 24,131
- ns2.yipes.com 41 10,292
state.gov Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
- IP Address:
- ISP: Qwest Communications Company, LLC
- Country Name: United States
- Region: Florida
- City: Brandon
- Latitude: 27.9295
- Longitude: -82.2987
- Postal Code: 33509
27.9295,-82.2987state.gov IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Qwest Communications Company, LLC 209 arin
state.gov Demographics
- 18-24-6
- 25-343
- 35-34-1
- 45-541
- 55-644
- 65+-1
- No College-23
- Some College-8
- College2
- Graduate School9
- $0 - $30K-9
- $30 - $60K-3
- $60 - $100K6
- $100K+11
- Male-11
- Female14
Has Children
- Yes-6
- No7
Browsing Location
- Home-3
- School11
- Work3
- African15
- African American13
- Asian-14
- Caucasian25
- Hispanic9
- Middle Eastern-5
- Other-22
Runs On Apache
- Domain PR Rank
- fekrgostar.ir 0 0
- roulettecollectors.com 4 702,042
- sportcentar.ba 0 702,043
- autogieldapolska.pl 2 702,047
- 0618.us 3 702,054
state.gov Sites on Same ISP
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- megamanshentaisite.com 0 704,395
- wyoroad.info 6 141,315
- lustfulldesire.com 0 0
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- 18-24