- techwave.jpWorldwide Rank22,132
- techwave.jpMonthly Users*475,12215,326.52 per day*
- techwave.jpMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
techwave.jp updated ago
TechWave : global-local "glocal" tech blog media from JapanWe report technology news in Japan and abroad. テックブロガーの湯川鶴章を中心に、国内外のテクノロジー・メディア業界の動向を取り上げ、新しい技術やサービスを積極的に導入することで技術と結びついたメディアの形を追求しています。
techwave.jp is a website that ranks 22,132 in Alexa. techwave.jp is ranked 52,739 on statisy and has 966,516 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) techwave.jp is identical to the domain name techwave.jp. The domain is registered under the domain suffix jp and is named techwave. The techwave.jp Server is hosted by AS for DATAHOTEL, which is one of iDC in Japan, and is located in Japan (Tokyo). techwave.jp is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing techwave.jp's demographics we have determined that techwave.jp average users are 35-44 years old, with No College. We also have determined that techwave.jp's average user earns $60K - $100K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about techwave.jp's average user, they have No Children and browse from Work and are Asian.techwave.jp's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticstechwave.jp Statistics Icons
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techwave.jp Backlinks (966,516 total backlinks)
- 2,090
- 459,211
- 127
- 505,000
- 88
techwave.jp Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 24,235 0.0097% 0% 1.2 83.1% 1.97 11.9%
- 1 month 22,195 0.0098% 0% 1.45 80.2% 2.03 12.7%
- 3 month 22,132 0.0094% 0% 1.53 76.5% 2.31 9.8%
techwave.jp Keywords
- 30.69% techwave
- 14.49% iphone os4
- 13.76% apple jobs
- 6.31% ipad flash
- 3.77% iphone os 4
- 2.89% iphone os 4.0
- 2.09% ipad 価格
- 1.64% apple 発表
- 1.12% apple タブレット
- 1.06% iphone os4
- 4.82% appbank
- 3.77% foursqure
- 3.19% tech wave
- 2.31% なう
- 1.84% windows phone 7
- 1.35% iphone4.0
- 1.33% fastweet live
- 1.29% twitter
- 0.95% nexus one
- 0.94% google buzz
- 19.3% techwave
- 13.5% apple jobs
- 13.5% iphone os4
- 5.32% ipad flash
- 3.63% iphone os 4
- 1.94% ipad 価格
- 1.51% apple 発表
- 1.34% iphone os 4.0
- 1.07% apple タブレット
- 1% iphone os4
techwave.jp DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns1.domain.livedoor.com 131 3,161
- ns2.domain.livedoor.com 131 3,162
techwave.jp Server Info
- Server Type: Apache/1.3.42 (Unix) mod_perl/1.30
- IP Address:
- ISP: AS for DATAHOTEL, which is one of iDC in Japan,
- Country Name: Japan
- Region: Tokyo
- City: Tokyo
- Latitude: 35.685
- Longitude: 139.751
- Postal Code:
35.685,139.751techwave.jp IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- AS for DATAHOTEL, which is one of iDC in Japan, 17707 apnic
techwave.jp Demographics
- 18-24-42
- 25-347
- 35-3449
- 45-5422
- 55-6432
- 65+0
- No College49
- Some College-32
- College12
- Graduate School-17
- $0 - $30K-38
- $30 - $60K-3
- $60 - $100K49
- $100K+49
- Male42
- Female-24
Has Children
- Yes-15
- No21
Browsing Location
- Home-33
- School-10
- Work49
- African0
- African American-19
- Asian49
- Caucasian-49
- Hispanic0
- Middle Eastern0
- Other-36
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