- tripadvisor.caWorldwide Rank33,893
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Reviews of Hotels, Flights, Vacations, Resorts, and VacationRentals - TripAdvisorTripAdvisor Canada: TripAdvisor has over 35,000,000 impartial reviews, photos, and advice on hotels, attractions, restaurants, and vacations.
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tripadvisor.ca Backlinks (1,283,930 total backlinks)
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tripadvisor.ca Usage Statistics
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- 7 day 29,673 0.0065% 0% 2.2 57.5% 1.8 44%
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tripadvisor.ca Traffic by Country
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- Canada 2,265 20.3% 147,568 53,274
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- United Kingdom 26,620 4.7% 34,166 12,334
- South Africa 9,957 3.2% 23,262 8,398
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- Italy 39,656 2.1% 15,266 5,511
- Germany 92,950 1.8% 13,085 4,724
- Japan 75,032 1.8% 13,085 4,724
- Russian Federation 84,317 1.7% 12,358 4,461
- Spain 45,215 1.3% 9,450 3,412
- Philippines 16,744 1.3% 9,450 3,412
- Indonesia 41,376 1.2% 8,723 3,149
- Greece 22,324 1% 7,269 2,624
- Singapore 10,745 0.8% 5,815 2,099
- Thailand 42,347 0.7% 5,089 1,837
- Netherlands 67,244 0.7% 5,089 1,837
- Australia 67,740 0.7% 5,089 1,837
- France 108,972 0.6% 4,362 1,575
- Romania 34,663 0.6% 4,362 1,575
- Mexico 70,712 0.5% 3,635 1,312
- Ireland 20,881 0.5% 3,635 1,312
- Other 14.6% 106,133 38,315
tripadvisor.ca Keywords
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tripadvisor.ca DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns.tripadvisor.com 22 20,487
- ns-a.pnap.net 509 1,020
- ns-d.pnap.net 454 1,147
- ns1-89.akam.net 37 12,739
- ns1-244.akam.net 23 20,486
tripadvisor.ca Server Info
- Server Type: Apache
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- ISP: Internap Network Services Corporation
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- Region: Washington
- City: Vancouver
- Latitude: 45.6868
- Longitude: -122.576
- Postal Code: 98662
45.6868,-122.576tripadvisor.ca IP info
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- Internap Network Services Corporation 10913 arin
tripadvisor.ca Demographics
- 18-24-25
- 25-34-3
- 35-346
- 45-549
- 55-6427
- 65+24
- No College-1
- Some College-8
- College10
- Graduate School-4
- $0 - $30K-16
- $30 - $60K1
- $60 - $100K12
- $100K+7
- Male-22
- Female39
Has Children
- Yes-5
- No3
Browsing Location
- Home3
- School0
- Work1
- African-9
- African American-5
- Asian-16
- Caucasian47
- Hispanic-18
- Middle Eastern-24
- Other-19
Runs On Apache
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