- ubr.uaWorldwide Rank32,272
- ubr.uaMonthly Users*305,4369,852.77 per day*
- ubr.uaMonthly Pageviews*726,93723,449.58 per day*
ubr.ua updated ago
Бизнес новости. Актуальные новости бизнеса, экономики, финансов в Украине и Мире / Украинский бизнес ресурсСамые свежие новости из мира бизнеса и финансов, новости политики, эксклюзивная аналитика и рекомендации экспертов. Украинский Бизнес Ресурс – ведущий деловой портал Украины.
ubr.ua Tags
ubr.ua is a website that ranks 32,272 in Alexa. ubr.ua is ranked 51,267 on statisy and has 114,499 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) ubr.ua is identical to the domain name ubr.ua. The domain is registered under the domain suffix ua and is named ubr. The ubr.ua Server is hosted by Internet Data Center _ColoCALL_ and is located in Ukraine (Kyyivs'ka Oblast'). ubr.ua is not listed in the dmoz open directory project. After analyzing ubr.ua's demographics we have determined that ubr.ua average users are 25-34 years old, with Graduate School. We also have determined that ubr.ua's average user earns $0 - $30K a year and is most likely Male. Oh wait it seems like we know a little bit more about ubr.ua's average user, they have Children and browse from Work and are Middle Eastern.ubr.ua's statistics has not been updated in , update statisticsubr.ua Statistics Icons
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ubr.ua Backlinks (114,499 total backlinks)
- 32,200
- 57,929
- 239
- 23,900
- 231
ubr.ua Usage Statistics
- Time Range Rank Reach/Mil Views/Mil Views/User Bounce Time On Site Search
- 7 day 31,521 0.0062% 0% 2.1 56.7% 2.91 7.9%
- 1 month 31,076 0.006% 0% 2.34 55.7% 3.58 4.7%
- 3 month 32,272 0.0057% 0% 2.38 56.7% 3.38 3.4%
ubr.ua Traffic by Subdomain
- Subdomain Views % Views Users
- ubr.ua 100% 726,937 305,436
ubr.ua Keywords
- 6.9% ubr
- 3.51% цвк
- 2.12% ubr.ua
- 1.36% новини медицини світу
- 1.3% погода в одессе
- 1.11% ЦВК
- 0.94% надра
- 0.93% надра банк
- 0.74% mozila firefox
- 0.67% иск
- 2.66% ubr.ua
- 1.41% переводчик google
- 1.18% новая линия
- 0.51% жестче
- 0.45% ubr 250 rbtd
- 0.43% курс евро
- 0.39% немог
- 0.34% budjetnyi kodeks
- 0.33% рапс видео
- 0.33% глава apple
- 3.07% цвк
- 2.5% ubr
- 1.2% погода в одессе
- 0.92% ЦВК
- 0.85% надра
- 0.82% надра банк
- 0.69% mozila firefox
- 0.63% иск
- 0.58% арбуз
- 0.49% грипп
ubr.ua DNS Servers
- Domain Total Rank
- ns3.imena.com.ua 1,816 326
- ns1.imena.com.ua 1,816 327
- ns2.imena.com.ua 1,816 328
ubr.ua Server Info
- Server Type: nginx/0.7.61
- Powered By: PHP/5.2.8
- IP Address:
- ISP: Internet Data Center _ColoCALL_
- Country Name: Ukraine
- Region: Kyyivs'ka Oblast'
- City: Kiev
- Latitude: 50.4333
- Longitude: 30.5167
- Postal Code:
50.4333,30.5167ubr.ua IP info
- ISP Name IP Address ASN Registry
- Internet Data Center _ColoCALL_ 15497 ripencc
ubr.ua Demographics
- 18-2414
- 25-3442
- 35-34-23
- 45-54-27
- 55-64-21
- 65+0
- No College-18
- Some College-36
- College-6
- Graduate School39
- $0 - $30K49
- $30 - $60K-18
- $60 - $100K-32
- $100K+-33
- Male35
- Female-22
Has Children
- Yes4
- No-5
Browsing Location
- Home-6
- School0
- Work11
- African-31
- African American-36
- Asian-46
- Caucasian-29
- Hispanic-43
- Middle Eastern49
- Other49
Powered By PHP/5.2.8
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Runs On nginx/0.7.61
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- 18-24